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最快的yuv to rgb的转换程序,效率比较高,值得一看-fastest yuv to rgb conversion process more efficient, an eye-catcher
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.35kb Publisher : willian

PIC16F628 Serial 8 RGB LED Controller]This code is for a simple RGB LED controller for 8 LEDs using a PIC16F628. It is controlled by sending 3 bytes to the internal USART for the red, green, and blue color channels. The operation is very simple and so is the wiring. The PIC selects each LED then turns on/off the respective colors then goes to the next LED. Because of persistence of vision, the eye sees the LEDs as all being on at the same time.-PIC16F628 Serial 8 RGB LED Controller]This code is for a simple RGB LED controller for 8 LEDs using a PIC16F628. It is controlled by sending 3 bytes to the internal USART for the red, green, and blue color channels. The operation is very simple and so is the wiring. The PIC selects each LED then turns on/off the respective colors then goes to the next LED. Because of persistence of vision, the eye sees the LEDs as all being on at the same time.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 93kb Publisher : Yak

DL : 0
eye detection in rgb image
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : morteza

几个去除红眼的Matlab程序,需要自行编写RGB与HSI色彩空间的转换函数,网上有很多-Several Matlab program to remove red-eye, you need to write your own RGB and HSI color space conversion functions, there are many online
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Chen Rui

将RGB彩色空间转换到HSI彩色空间,HSI彩色空间更接近人眼对彩色的认知。-The RGB color space conversion to the HSI color space, HSI color space is closer to the human eye color perception.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 秦丰

最快的yuv to rgb的转换程序,效率比较高,值得一看-fastest yuv to rgb conversion process more efficient, an eye-catcher
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : GPS设备

人眼對於強度變化不夠敏銳,因此透過虛擬色彩可使影像較易分辨,將輸入的灰階影像進行三個獨立的顏色對應(RGB)轉換,再形成複合影像。 此次作業請同學實作步驟如下: 1. 請下載附件image.tif 2. 根據課本figure 6.25的兩種轉換函數,將image.tif 實作出如同課本Figure 6.24(b)(c)的虛擬色彩增強效果。-A keen eye for intensity change is not enough, so the image can be more easily resolved through a virtual color, grayscale images will be entered three separate colors correspond (RGB) conversion, and then form a composite image. The job asking the students to implement the following steps: (1) Please download the attachment image.tif 2 two conversion functions based on the textbook figure 6.25 will be made as image.tif real textbook Figure 6.24 (b) (c) of the virtual color enhancement. effect.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 406kb Publisher : luxiao

针对光照变化对人脸检测及人眼定位的影响 , 提出一种基于肤色模型的人脸检测与人 眼定位方法 . 先对图像进行预处理 , 减少图像中的噪声 ; 再将 RGB 颜色空间转化到具有良好 肤色聚类特性的 YCbCr 色彩空间 , 利用 Gauss 模型进行肤色建模 ; 最后检测出人脸区域并确 定人眼位置 . -The influence of illumination changes on human face detection and eye location , A face detection based on skin color model is proposed. Eye location method . First image preprocessing , Reduce noise in images Then RGB The color space is transformed to a good Color clustering property YCbCr Color space , using Gauss Model for skin color modeling Finally, the face region is detected. Fixed eye position .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 王文智

The influence of illumination changes on human face detection and eye location , A face detection based on skin color model is proposed. Eye location method . First image preprocessing , Reduce noise in images Then RGB The color space is transformed to a good Color clustering property YCbCr Color space , using Gauss Model for skin color modeling Finally, the face region is detected. Fixed eye position .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.09mb Publisher : 王文智
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