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[Windows Developfedex

Description: Fedex calculator class.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: muks | Hits:

[WEB CodeProfessional_Web_APIs_with_PHP

Description: With details on how to integrate different APIs and web feeds in PHP so websites can leverage content from eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, and FedEx, this hands-on guide takes you step by step through each stage of the API process.-With details on how how to integrate different APIs and web feeds in PHP so websites can leverage content from eBay, Google, PayPal, Amazon, and FedEx, this hands-on guide takes you step by step through each stage of the API process.
Platform: | Size: 3815424 | Author: powgo | Hits:


Description: 做了一个服务关于FDEEX运单自动调用信息并储存到数据库中,-Made a service call on FDEEX waybill information and automatically saved to the database,
Platform: | Size: 206848 | Author: 孔超 | Hits:

[File Formatzw_0911020104

Description: 在表格里提供了某快递公司联邦快递的资费标准和服务项范围。本题要求我们通过输入包裹的重量和邮寄地点,我们可以查出输出它的邮费,并且对不在服务范围内的邮件进行提示。其中不接收21KG以下和不在表格所在地的物品。 Fedex联邦快递价格 國家 / 地區 21-44KG 45-70KG 71-99KG 100-300KG 301KG以上 日本 Japan 44.6 38.2 35.3 33.7 29.5 马来西亚 Malaysia 37.4 31.2 27.9 26.3 24.8 菲律宾 Philippines 36.2 29.9 26.1 24.7 23.2 南韩 S. Korea 38.0 33.6 31.0 28.2 26.5 新加坡 Singapore 36.8 31.8 29.2 27.5 25.9 台湾 Taiwan 36.2 29.9 27.3 25.7 24.1 泰国 Thailand 35.0 32.4 29.8 28.2 26.5 西欧 Europe 71.3 64.4 61.2 58.4 54.9 美国       53.7 51.6 备注:本公司暂时只服务以上区域,目前不接收21KG以下的物品 -A express company fedex s due standard and service item scope. Subject requires us through the input of the weight of the package and mailing site, we can find out the output of its postage, and is not in service to within the scope of the E-mail reminder. Among them not receiving 21 KG and not in the form of seat of items.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 吴郡 | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsAmazon-calculator

Description: 亚马逊物流计算,主要针对EMS FBA+fedex的运费计算-Amazon
Platform: | Size: 1229824 | Author: qy | Hits:


Description: 快递查询集成源码是一款在应用市场已经发布的物流查询app源码,物流信息查询右kuaidi100驱动,可以联网查询顺风快递、邮政EMS、申通快递、圆通快递、韵达快运、中通速递、宅急送、德邦物流、联邦快递、Fedex、如风达、华宇物流、天天快递、优速物流、龙邦物流、中铁物流、汇通快运、UPS、信丰物流、运通快递、佳怡物流、新邦物流、圣安物流、华夏龙、盛丰物流、京广速递、快捷速递等27家快递/物流的单号信息。UI简洁精美,可以自动记录运单的查询记录点击记录里面运单可以直接查看跟踪信息方便查看。嵌入了多盟的广告sdk。-Express query source integration is a application in the market has released the logistics query app source, logistics information query driven right kuaidi100 and can be connected to the Internet to query the wind express, EMS, Shen Tong express, Yuantong express, rhyme Tatsu Express, in the pass courier, ZJS, Debon logistics, FedEx, FedEx, wind up, Huayu logistics, daily express, excellent speed logistics, long state of logistics, China Railway Logistics, Huitong express, UPS, Xinfeng logistics, express delivery, Jiayi logistics, Xinbang logistics, Saint logistics, the Chinese dragon, Sheng Feng Logistics, Beijing Guangzhou express, fast express courier 27 express/logistics Dan Hao information. UI is concise and elegant, and can automatically record the waybill query logs and click record inside waybill can directly view the tracking information for easy viewing. Embedded in the multi League advertising sdk.
Platform: | Size: 8089600 | Author: wuming | Hits:


Description: fedex ship manager for windows x64
Platform: | Size: 10637312 | Author: quietplease | Hits:


Description: EasyPost is the simple shipping API for the UPS API, USPS API, Fedex API, DHL API, and more. Compare rates, buy postage, track packages, verify addresses, and more.
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: opencl | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net