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电磁场二维有限元分析软件FEMM的开发源代码。FEMM软件是一款简单、快捷、计算准确的工程电磁场的有限元分析工具。通过对软件架构的了解,可以帮助大家更好的了解有限元分析软件的工作流程,为完成自己的有限元开发源代码提供不可多得的参考。此代码的应用并不局限于电磁场领域。-Finite Element Method Magnetics (FEMM) is a software package for solving electromagnetic problems using FEM. The program addresses 2D planar and 3D axisymmetric linear and nonlinear harmonic low frequency magnetic and magnetostatic problems and linear electrostatic problems. It is a simple, accurate, and low computational cost open source product, popular in science, engineering, and education. In this paper the main characteristics and functions of the package are presented. In order to demonstrate its use and exhibit the aid it offers in the study of electromagnetics a series of illustrative examples are given. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the capability of FEMM to meet as a complementary tool the needs of science and technology especially when factors like the economic cost or the software complexity do not allow the use of commercial products.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.92mb Publisher : 张华
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