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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.43mb Publisher : 杨政

ffmpeg是一个大项目,它包含各种音视频标准的codec,还支持各类file format(.avi, .mp4, .mkv and etc)的parsing。所以,很多开源项目都有直接或间接地采用了ffmpeg,-ffmpeg is a big project, which includes all the standard audio and video codec, also support a variety of file format (. avi,. then no time. . mkv and etc.) parsing. Therefore, the number of open source projects have direct or indirect use of ffmpeg,
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.35mb Publisher : 文杰

利用ffmpeg读取mp4容器文件里面的视频track的内容,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指读那一部分了。-using ffmpeg containers then no time to read the documents inside the video track, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1 / 8, this means that part of the time.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用ffmpeg保存视频到mp4容器文件里面,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指写那一部分了。同时,前面上传过一个读的工程,可以搜搜看。-using ffmpeg then no time to preserve video file container, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1 / 8, this means that part of the writing. Meanwhile, over the previous upload a reading project, Soso can see.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用xvid解码mpeg4视频压缩帧的示例工程,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指解码那一部分了。我前面上传过mp4容器文件读写的内容,有兴趣可以搜一下。-use xvid mpeg4 video compression decoding frames example, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1 / 8, this means that part of the decoder. Upload off in front of me then no time reading paper containers, are interested in what can be found.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 482.56kb Publisher : goggle

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.43mb Publisher : 杨政

ffmpeg是一个大项目,它包含各种音视频标准的codec,还支持各类file format(.avi, .mp4, .mkv and etc)的parsing。所以,很多开源项目都有直接或间接地采用了ffmpeg,-ffmpeg is a big project, which includes all the standard audio and video codec, also support a variety of file format (. avi,. then no time. . mkv and etc.) parsing. Therefore, the number of open source projects have direct or indirect use of ffmpeg,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.35mb Publisher : 文杰

利用ffmpeg读取mp4容器文件里面的视频track的内容,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指读那一部分了。-using ffmpeg containers then no time to read the documents inside the video track, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1/8, this means that part of the time.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用ffmpeg保存视频到mp4容器文件里面,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指写那一部分了。同时,前面上传过一个读的工程,可以搜搜看。-using ffmpeg then no time to preserve video file container, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1/8, this means that part of the writing. Meanwhile, over the previous upload a reading project, Soso can see.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用xvid解码mpeg4视频压缩帧的示例工程,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指解码那一部分了。我前面上传过mp4容器文件读写的内容,有兴趣可以搜一下。-use xvid mpeg4 video compression decoding frames example, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1/8, this means that part of the decoder. Upload off in front of me then no time reading paper containers, are interested in what can be found.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 482kb Publisher : goggle

HKVision 播放器源代码,解码mp4和h264格式。-HKVision player source code, decode mp4 and h264 format
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.91mb Publisher :

ffmpeg_rmvb 解决ffmpeg不能编码rmvb的问题 内有示例 能用于asp,net,php在线编码视频flv,mp4 支持wmv,mov,3gp,mp4,rm,rmvb,mpg,mp3等多各种频频格式-ffmpeg can not encode rmvb ffmpeg_rmvb solve the problem within the sample can be used in asp, net, php-line encoded video flv, mp4 support wmv, mov, 3gp, mp4, rm, rmvb, mpg, mp3 and other formats of various frequently
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.75mb Publisher : kkjjkkjj

这是一个用ffmpeg编写的播放器,可以播放mp4格式的文件.适合ffmpeg的初学者.能够掌握使用ffmpeg开源的步骤-This is a player with ffmpeg written, can play mp4 format. For ffmpeg for beginners. Be able to master the steps using the open source ffmpeg
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.37mb Publisher :

使用SDL,配合ffmpeg,播放多种视频格式文件,已测试MP4和rmvb-Using SDL, with the ffmpeg, play a variety of video formats file, the MP4 and rmvb tested.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : gbs

linux gstreamer 的插件库包括ffmpeg的所有编解码库如h264,wma,mp4,ac3,aac等编解码。-linux gstreamer ffmpeg plugins
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.78mb Publisher : chencaiping

基于FFmpeg开发的流媒体播放器源码,可以播放MP4、H264、AVI等格式-Source FFmpeg development of streaming media player that can play MP4, H264, AVI and other formats
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.44mb Publisher : mwaccount

该资源为C++源码,FFmpeg封装的录屏,编码,以及最后转换成mp4,ts格式视频-The resources for C++ source code, screen recording FFmpeg packages, coding, and finally converted to mp4, ts format video
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.24mb Publisher : 刘岩

基于ffmpeg生成IOS对应静态库,只支持常用的hls和MP4,解码为硬解码的脚本,生成的库大大减小。(Generates IOS corresponding static library based on ffmpeg, only supports the commonly used HLS and MP4, decodes the script for hard decoding, and the generated library is greatly reduced.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 桃籽

1,经过改良的版本,工作少故障 2,完成对视频和音频一起采集,并生成MP4文件 3,在打开audio失败的情况,这个就要用ffmpeg命令行输入ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy这个参数,可以看到本机的audio名称, [dshow @ 00377b60] DirectShow audio devices [dshow @ 00377b60] "FrontMic (Realtek High Definition Audio)",然后替换代码里面的dup_wchar_to_utf8(L"audio=FrontMic (Realtek High Definition Audio)");字符串即可(The improved version has fewer breakdowns)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 32.94mb Publisher : oxchen

FFmpeg读取MP4并且利用SDL进行绘制显示(FFmpeg reads MP4 and uses SDL to draw the display)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : stone564943763
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