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利用ffmpeg读取mp4容器文件里面的视频track的内容,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指读那一部分了。-using ffmpeg containers then no time to read the documents inside the video track, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1 / 8, this means that part of the time.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用ffmpeg保存视频到mp4容器文件里面,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指写那一部分了。同时,前面上传过一个读的工程,可以搜搜看。-using ffmpeg then no time to preserve video file container, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1 / 8, this means that part of the writing. Meanwhile, over the previous upload a reading project, Soso can see.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用xvid解码mpeg4视频压缩帧的示例工程,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指解码那一部分了。我前面上传过mp4容器文件读写的内容,有兴趣可以搜一下。-use xvid mpeg4 video compression decoding frames example, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1 / 8, this means that part of the decoder. Upload off in front of me then no time reading paper containers, are interested in what can be found.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 482.56kb Publisher : goggle

利用ffmpeg读取mp4容器文件里面的视频track的内容,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指读那一部分了。-using ffmpeg containers then no time to read the documents inside the video track, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1/8, this means that part of the time.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用ffmpeg保存视频到mp4容器文件里面,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指写那一部分了。同时,前面上传过一个读的工程,可以搜搜看。-using ffmpeg then no time to preserve video file container, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1/8, this means that part of the writing. Meanwhile, over the previous upload a reading project, Soso can see.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : goggle

利用xvid解码mpeg4视频压缩帧的示例工程,是ffmpeg在windows下面的一个挺好的示范(有点自夸),它是我给一个项目(匿名)提供的关于mp4的读写、解码、传输(RTP)、和码流识别的所有api的一部分,大概占1/8,就是指解码那一部分了。我前面上传过mp4容器文件读写的内容,有兴趣可以搜一下。-use xvid mpeg4 video compression decoding frames example, ffmpeg is below the windows of a very good model (somewhat trying) It is a project to the (anonymous) then no time on reading and writing, decoding, transmission (RTP). Recognition and bitstream all part of the api, roughly 1/8, this means that part of the decoder. Upload off in front of me then no time reading paper containers, are interested in what can be found.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 482kb Publisher : goggle

FFMPEG开发手册,该手册比较全面和详细的介绍了ffmpeg的函数功能和调用方法,对于正搞 h264媒体文件解压缩算法的读者有一定的帮助.-FFmpeg development manual, which a more comprehensive and detailed introduction to the ffmpeg function and the function call method, for being engaged in media h264 file compression algorithm will certainly help the reader.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 152kb Publisher : nzd-net

自己写的一个点对点的视频电话程序,使用了RTP协议及ffmpeg库-Himself wrote a point-to-point video telephony procedures, using the RTP protocol and ffmpeg library
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8.27mb Publisher : 阿拉丁

This Code is to Encoding and Streaming H.264. This code is based to FFMPEG open source. This code consists of h.264 encoding library and RTP streaming library.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.1mb Publisher :

新版本(2.1)。feng是一个多媒体的流媒体服务器与互联网多媒体内容实时流IETF的标准兼容。feng实现RTSP协议 - 实时流协议(rfc2326)和RTP / RTCP - 支持实时传输协议/ RTP控制协议(RFC3550)的RTP资料的最小控制(rfc3551)与音频和视频会议。 client 相容列表 libnemesi FFPlay GStreamer RealPlayer HelixPlayer QuickTime General RTSP OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Seek support Yes Partial1 No No Yes Yes Yes Pause support Yes Partial1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes General RTP/RTCP OK OK OK OK OK OK Partial2 MPEG Video 1/2 Yes Yes Yes Yes3 Partial4 No Yes MPEG Audio Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial5 Vorbis Yes No No Yes No No No Theora No No No Yes No No No H.264 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes H.263/H.263+ Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial6 No Partial7 MPEG 4 Visual Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial4 No Yes AAC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 相依套件 glib version 2 ffmpeg version 0.5 netembryo libev-new version(2.1). Feng is a multimedia streaming server compliant with the IETF s standards for real-time streaming of multimedia contents over Internet. Feng implements RTSP – Real-Time Streaming Protocol (rfc2326) and RTP/RTCP – Real-Time Transport Protocol/RTP Control Protocol (rfc3550) supporting the RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control (rfc3551).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 562kb Publisher :

服务器端发送H264码流,客户端接受并解码与存为YUV文件.(H264,ffmpeg,Rtp,YUV等技术都包含在内)希望大家好好学习。我愿传播我的知识,促进社会发展 2012.9.7-Server sends H264 stream client to receive and decode YUV file saved as. (H264, ffmpeg, Rtp, YUV, and other technologies are included) and hope that we learn. I would like to spread my knowledge, promote social development 2012.9.7
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 62.95mb Publisher : jackshen

开源的流媒体服务器源代码,rtsp和rtp点播做的不错,是要ffmpeg作为媒体文件的容器解析库。-Open source streaming media server source code, rtsp and rtp demand to do good, to ffmpeg as a media container file parsing library.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 239kb Publisher : 李强

DL : 0
ffmpeg通过dshow驱动摄像头拍摄视频,并将视频转为h264格式,再添加到rtp流中。运行后生成*.sdp文件,拖入vlc播放器可以查看。运行时请将lib与include文件放到c盘下。本机环境为win8.1(x64) vs2013(x86)-ffmpeg dshow driven by the camera to shoot video, and video into h264 format, add it rtp stream. After running the generated*. Sdp file, drag vlc player can see. Please runtime lib and include file into the c drive. The machine environment for win8.1 (x64) vs2013 (x86)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 25.02mb Publisher : 卢涛

使用live555传输rtp流和ffmpeg解码。(Use live 555 to transmit rtpflow and FFmpeg decoding.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 44.27mb Publisher : 三叔
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