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[Windows Developiphone

Description: 此图书为特价商品,可能会出现部分因出版社库存过久或保存不当造成的如页面轻微折损、纸张稍显陈旧等细小瑕疵,不会影响您的正常阅读。 -iPhone: The Missing Manual Sneak Preview: David Pogue s Favorite iPhone Tricks The iPhone s finger-driven interface seems natural and obvious. But when you really think about it, making it seem that way was no easy task. There are no menus in the iPhone software, for example, and no checkboxes or radio buttons. Everything on the screen has to be big enough for a fleshy fingertip. On the other hand, the finger makes an outstanding pointing device heck, you ve been pointing with it all your life. It s much faster to scroll diagonally with a fingertip, for example, than with fussy adjustments on two different scroll bars. Here, then, are some of the iPhone s unadvertised taps, double-taps, and other shortcuts, all culled from iPhone: The Missing Manual. Double-Tapping Double-tapping is actually pretty rare on the iPhone. It s not like the Mac or Windows, where double-clicking the mouse means "open." On the iPhone, you open something with one tap. A double tap, therefore,
Platform: | Size: 5932032 | Author: Alvin Wong | Hits:


Description: HandyAR 这是一篇SigGRAPH的论文。全名为《Handy AR:Markerless Inspection of Augmented Reality Objects Using Fingertip Tracking》-HandyAR This is a SigGRAPH papers. Full name is " Handy AR: Markerless Inspection of Augmented Reality Objects Using Fingertip Tracking"
Platform: | Size: 2977792 | Author: 艳艳 | Hits:

[Special Effectsfingertip-detection

Description: 简单的指端识别程序,自己上课时的大作业。对初学者有点用。-Simple fingertip identification procedures, their great work in class. Little use for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 536576 | Author: 孙超 | Hits:


Description: 使用opencv,在一定环境下检测指尖的算法-Using opencv, in certain circumstances fingertip detection algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 龚皓 | Hits:


Description: Moving the mouse using the web cam captured fingertip
Platform: | Size: 2924544 | Author: Narayanan | Hits:


Description: point pattern matching algorithm for hand guesture
Platform: | Size: 543744 | Author: computer | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMCU

Description: 这是一部很好的,学习单片机的资料集,有兴趣的同学,可以下载下,谢谢!-only want to pull your fingertip, circles Earth last
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 刘星 | Hits:


Description: 自己结合网络上有的资源 写的基于轮廓的手势检测 还有指尖检测-Own combination of some resources on the network to write the outline-based gesture detection fingertip detection
Platform: | Size: 9667584 | Author: 邵华杰 | Hits:


Description: 指尖识别源码,包括测试程序和测试图片。识别精度相当高。-this a src code of fingertip detection,including test procedure and test image.pricese of detectin is very high.
Platform: | Size: 9673728 | Author: Killer | Hits:


Description: 股票应用Android手机客户端相关源代码文件,有编译环境的自己编译下,虽然是一个股票的客户端软件,但编写实现其它的客户端软件也是可以借鉴的。大致的实现思路:随着我指尖在屏幕上的游走不断地输出onScroll 的信息,最后onScroll() 和 onFling() 我都用上了, Scroll 的时候随手指的移动切换,当手指松开之后用Fling实现惯性的切换,这样就显得相当的自然了,最终实现摘录了部分代码-Stock Android mobile client application source code files associated with the build environment to compile, although the stock is a client software, but writing implement other client software also can learn from. Approximate realization of ideas: As I walk fingertip on the screen continuously output onScroll information last onScroll () and onFling () I have to spend, Scroll with finger movement when the switch when you release your finger after switching inertia with Fling achieve, so it becomes quite natural, and eventually achieve some code excerpts
Platform: | Size: 125952 | Author: 胡志冰 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopHandyAR-ver0.2

Description: 手指识别判定 源代码和论文 这个是基于Opencv 详细算法流程,请看论文说明 -Handy AR: Markerless Inspection of Augmented Reality Objects Using Fingertip Tracking          
Platform: | Size: 5806080 | Author: sjc | Hits:

[Program docdocument_for_fingertip_detection

Description: 关于指尖识别的一些文献,都是从学校图书馆下下来的,外面下的话都是要缴费的,仅供大家学习参考。-Identification of some of the literature on the fingertip, are down from the school library next, then the next is to pay out, only for them to learn information.
Platform: | Size: 11318272 | Author: lichen | Hits:


Description: Project: Measuring heart rate through fingertip Copyright @ Rajendra Bhatt January 18, 2011 PIC16F628A at 4.0 MHz external clock, MCLR enabled sbit IR_Tx at RA3_bit sbit DD0_Set at RA2_bit sbit DD1_Set at RA1_bit sbit DD2_Set at RA0_bit sbit start at RB7_bit unsigned short j, DD0, DD1, DD2, DD3 unsigned short pulserate, pulsecount unsigned int i // Function to Return mask for common anode 7-seg. display unsigned short mask(unsigned short num) {- Project: Measuring heart rate through fingertip Copyright @ Rajendra Bhatt January 18, 2011 PIC16F628A at 4.0 MHz external clock, MCLR enabled sbit IR_Tx at RA3_bit sbit DD0_Set at RA2_bit sbit DD1_Set at RA1_bit sbit DD2_Set at RA0_bit sbit start at RB7_bit unsigned short j, DD0, DD1, DD2, DD3 unsigned short pulserate, pulsecount unsigned int i // Function to Return mask for common anode 7-seg. display unsigned short mask(unsigned short num) {
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: www | Hits:


Description: 使用kinect读取视频,利用分离前景,对图像进行前景连通检测,寻找每个指尖 寻找每个手指的凸包点和凹陷点,求取掌心-Use kinect reads the video, using a separation prospects, prospects for image communication is detected, searching each fingertip search of each finger convex hull points and depressed points, palm strike
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: 冰与火之歌 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringj

Description: This paper proposes a low cost method for the esti-mation of blood parameters using photo-plethysmography (PPG) technique. Data is obtained non-invasively the fingertip, which is processed to estimate the heart rate and the hemoglobin concentration. The signal received fingertip is first processed via analog filters and the output is sent to a computer through a microcontroller interface to be processed using MATLAB in order to estimate the parameters. The proposed method can be used for health monitoring purposes in rural areas. Furthermore, this solution could be ported to work on a standalone device, thus eliminating the need for a computer.-This paper proposes a low cost method for the esti-mation of blood parameters using photo-plethysmography (PPG) technique. Data is obtained non-invasively the fingertip, which is processed to estimate the heart rate and the hemoglobin concentration. The signal received fingertip is first processed via analog filters and the output is sent to a computer through a microcontroller interface to be processed using MATLAB in order to estimate the parameters. The proposed method can be used for health monitoring purposes in rural areas. Furthermore, this solution could be ported to work on a standalone device, thus eliminating the need for a computer.
Platform: | Size: 282624 | Author: yuvaraj L | Hits:


Description: 指尖识别程序,linux上运行,需要libX11的支持。识别效率特别高。适合在复杂环境下的检测。-Fingertip recognition program that runs on linux, the need to support libX11. Recognition efficiency is particularly high. Suitable for detection in complex environments.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 查理 | Hits:


Description: 通过指尖按住摄像头,图像变化获取帧数据来检测心跳-Fingertip holding down the camera, the image acquisition frame data to detect changes in heartbeat
Platform: | Size: 1766400 | Author: 陈继 | Hits:


Description: 本项目是一个很奇特的项目源码,就是通过摄像头来获得心率,搜了一下这个技术真不是噱头,据说在iPhone早有实现,主要原理是:当打开软件时,手机的闪光灯也会被自动打开,用户将手指放在摄像头上时,指尖皮下血管由于有血液被压入,被光源照射的手指亮度(红色的深度)会有轻微的变化。这个过程可以凭借感光元件捕捉到。这样毛细血管的搏动就能通过画面明度的周期性变化反映出来。-This project is a very strange project source code, is through the camera to get the heart rate, found this technology really is not a gimmick, is said to the iPhone early implementation of, main principle is: when open software, flash your phone will be opened automatically, the user will be his finger at the camera, fingertip blood vessels in the skin due to blood is pressed into, is illuminated by a light source fingers brightness depth (red) there will be minor changes. This process can be captured by a light sensitive element. This can be reflected through capillary beating periodic changes in brightness of the screen.
Platform: | Size: 780288 | Author: 吴世星 | Hits:


Description: opencv指尖检测,指尖检测根据应用可以分为单指尖检测和多指尖检测。(Opencv fingertip detection)
Platform: | Size: 8998912 | Author: Kas_Zhao | Hits:


Description: sherock的安装及其安装中的一些问题解决办法(Online help: Fingertip help is available on every screen (panel) of the iNspect Express User Interface)
Platform: | Size: 489472 | Author: leadee | Hits:
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