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FIR 低通滤波器程序,matlab 实现-FIR filter using matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 星空心晴之夏

Designs a linear phase FIR lowpass filter such that it: - minimizes the filter order - has a constraint on the maximum passband ripple - has a constraint on the maximum stopband attenuation -This is a quasiconvex problem and can be solved using a bisection. minimize filter order n s.t. 1/delta <= H(w) <= delta for w in the passband |H(w)| <= atten_level for w in the stopband where H is the frequency response function and variable is the filter impulse response h (and its order/length). Data is delta (max passband ripple) and atten_level (max stopband attenuation level).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : wwcj

Filter can be FIR or IIR. - Filter type can be lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop. - Direct methods or optimization ones can be used during the design procedure. In order to learn how you can use this toolbox, please copy all the codes included in the "Dig_Filter" folder into the current directory of your Matlab and type "help Dig_Filter". Note 1: At the moment, because of copyright issues, I removed bfgs , dfp , and inex_lsearch optimization algorithms. So, in the case of designing IIR filters using optimization algorithm, Optimization_Method in the toolbox just can work via fminunc which is a Matlab function. IMPORTANT NOTE: In the case of designing IIR filters using optimization methods, Dig_Filter uses MATLAB functions bfgs, dfp, and inex_lsearch. These functions are part of the MATLAB support materials of the following textbook: A. Antoniou and W.-S. Lu, "Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Applications", Springer, 2007-Filter can be FIR or IIR. - Filter type can be lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop. - Direct methods or optimization ones can be used during the design procedure. In order to learn how you can use this toolbox, please copy all the codes included in the "Dig_Filter" folder into the current directory of your Matlab and type "help Dig_Filter". Note 1: At the moment, because of copyright issues, I removed bfgs , dfp , and inex_lsearch optimization algorithms. So, in the case of designing IIR filters using optimization algorithm, Optimization_Method in the toolbox just can work via fminunc which is a Matlab function. IMPORTANT NOTE: In the case of designing IIR filters using optimization methods, Dig_Filter uses MATLAB functions bfgs, dfp, and inex_lsearch. These functions are part of the MATLAB support materials of the following textbook: A. Antoniou and W.-S. Lu, "Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Applications", Springer, 2007
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : anish
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