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本程式目标在于侦测火焰。提供了图片针测的实验介面,并展示了使用共生矩阵和Backproperagtion的侦测效果。同时提供另外一个针对影像中火焰的侦测方式。-The program goal is to detect the flame. Provides a picture of the experimental test pin interface, and demonstrate the use of co-occurrence matrix and the detection Backproperagtion effect. At the same time provide a flame for image detection means.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 577kb Publisher : 李威和

人脸检测 可以检测视频火文件中的人脸位置-Face Detection can detect fire video files Face location
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 302kb Publisher : 李明

DL : 0
Usable Automation Shell for Internet Explorer The below code has a few basic objectives: To begin an instance of Internet Explorer automatically. To detect the basic automation dispatch event messages that Internet Explorer sends to windows when it loads and exits. To set up our automation program correctly, so that we can add any or all available Internet Explorer dispatch events using the MFC ClassWizard. To notify us that the top Internet Explorer page has loaded, for multi-frame web pages that fire more than one DocumentComplete event. To accomplish the surprisingly difficult task of being able to exit from Internet Explorer, or from the code, without leaving instances of either one running or crashing windows.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : gaemasher

程序的作用是在桌面生成一个会移动会开炮的icon,当它探测到面前有移动物体时就开炮,炮弹会把桌面炸开。一个简单的小程序,用到了API,钩子,内存映射。-The role of procedures in the Desktop Mobile will generate a fire will be the icon, when it is to detect moving objects before them on fire, artillery explosion will be the desktop. A simple little procedure, use the API, hook, memory-mapped.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 510kb Publisher : lvxinjie

系统主要由单片机和GSM短信模块组成,借助最可靠、最成熟的GSM移动网络,以最直观的中文短消息或电话形式,直接把报警地点的情况反映到您的手机屏幕上。它采用主动式红外传感器进行检测,变有形的传统防盗网防盗窗为无形,给火灾时的逃生提供方便。并配备烟雾传感器和燃气泄漏传感器,实现防火、防燃气泄漏的作用。-System is mainly composed of SCM and GSM SMS modules, with the most reliable, most mature GSM mobile networks in the most intuitive of the Chinese short message or telephone, directly to the alarm location is reflected to your cell phone screen. It uses active infrared sensors to detect physical changes the traditional anti-theft anti-theft window for an invisible net to fire escape with ease. And equipped with smoke sensors and gas leakage sensors, to achieve fire safety, the role of anti-gas leakage.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 171kb Publisher : 囧明

基于GPRS的远程安防监控系统  监控机可以通过传感器采集现场火警等数据; 系统可以通过传感器采集相应得数据,并通过所得的数据判断是否有异常情况的发生。  监控机可以通过摄像头采集现场图像;  监控机可以通过红外传感器探测是否有人进入现场(或家中,可用做防盗);  监控机可以通过GPRS接入INTERNET;  监控机可以在异常情况下给用户发送短信或拨叫用户电话报警;  嵌入式监控主业:  用户可以通过INTERNET登陆监控机的主页;  用户可以在主页上观察到监控机通过火警传感器采集到的现场数据;  用户可以在主页上观察到监控机通过红外传感器采集到现场是否有人进入过;  用户可以在主页上观察到监控机通过摄像头采集到的现场图像;  用户可以在主页上远程控制现场的自动化设备;  用户可以在主页上屏蔽或开启这些监控功能;  监控机可以储存特殊情况下的数据和照片;  监控机本身可扩展本地显示控制功能。通过LCD显示现场数据,通过触摸屏控制现场的自动控制设备(此功能选做)。 -Monitoring machine can capture the scene by a fire sensor data System can provide data for the corresponding collected by sensors, and through the data collected to determine whether there is an exception from happening.  Monitoring machine can capture the scene through the camera image  Monitoring machine can through infrared sensors to detect whether someone entering the scene (or at home, can be used as anti-theft)  machine can monitor the GPRS access INTERNET  Monitoring machine can in exceptional circumstances to the user to send SMS or dial the user s phone alarm  Embedded Monitoring main business:  Users can monitor the machine through the INTERNET landing page  Users can observe on the home page to monitor the machine through the fire sensor to the field data collection  Users can observe on the home page to monitor the machine through the infrared sensor collected if anyone entered the sce
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.8mb Publisher : yequn

效果较好的火焰检测源码,使用了多种条件作为判断依据-Good Fire Detect Program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : 韧臻

火灾视觉特征的提取是视觉火灾探测中的关键问题. 我们主要研究色彩、纹理以及轮廓脉动 等特征的提取,并提出一种度量轮廓脉动信息的距离模型,该模型在规格化的傅立叶描述子空间能 够准确地度量这种时空闪烁特征. 实验结果表明,该方法具有比较好的鲁棒性,有助于提高视觉火 灾探测的准确率、降低误报漏报率.-Based on investigating color , text ure and temporal feat ures for vision based fire detection , a distance model of contour fluct uation between two successive f rames in t he normalized Fourier descriptor s domain was presented to measure t his time varying contour fluct uation feat ure of flame. The model of contour fluct uation is effective and robust for fire recognition. To f urt her reduce fal se alarms , several features ext racted according to color , text ure and the distance model were toget her regarded as a joint feature vector for artificial neural network to detect fire. Experiment s show t hat the algorithm is effective and robust , and t hat it is significant for improving accuracy and reducing fal se alarms.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 800kb Publisher : 陈卿

This programs detect fire in image
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : Imraan

DL : 0
fis for detect fire using fuzzy
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : le na

A network of Sensor Nodes can be installed in a forest to detect when a fire has started. The nodes can be equipped with sensors to measure temperature, humidity and gases which are produced by fire in the trees or vegetation. The early detection is crucial for a successful action of the firefighters
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : aa

推荐火灾检测的参考文献,有火焰多个特征提取的算法。-the article is about how to detect fire,using many algorithms to get the features of fire.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.71mb Publisher : 戴丽萍

用于视频烟火检测,这是第二个程序,用训练好的模型检测火焰-Fireworks for video detection, which is the second program, the trained model to detect the flame
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.8mb Publisher : 朱洁尔

火灾作为一种发生频率高、破坏性强的灾害,已受到了人们的大力重视。本文依据传感器检测技术和单片机技术的发展,从人们日趋严重的安全问题出发,设计了适用于居民住房的基于单片机的智能火灾报警系统。该系统采用了感温和感烟探测器相结合的探测方法,能更加准确的报警,从而降低误报率。以AT89S52单片机为控制器,通过温度传感器、烟雾传感器采集现场火灾信号,经信号处理、A/D转换送入单片机,单片机经过数据处理、与设定值比较、判断是否超过报警上限,若未超过,则由数码管显示器显示烟雾浓度和温度;若超过,则由数码管显示的同时实现声光报警,使人们能够及时发现火灾,并采取有效措施,扑灭初期火灾。智能火灾报警系统具有实时监控和报警的功能,是一种结构简单、性能稳定、使用方便、价格低廉、智能化的报警器,具有较好的实用性。-Fire is a kind of high frequency, destructive disasters, which was given a strong attention. In this paper, based on the development of sensor technology and computer technology, starting the security problem that people increasingly serious, smart fire alarm was designed based on single chip microcomputer system.The designed system is suitable for the residents of housing. The system employs a temperature detector and smoke detector to detect fire together they can give a more accurate alarm and reduce the false alarm rate. Using AT89S52 as controller, the temperature sensor and smoke sensor are employed to acquired the fire signal. After the signal was processed and A/D conversion it was in put the SCM. Then the data was processed by the SCM, Comparing with the preset value and determining whether it exceeds the alarm limit or not. In normal condition four 7-segment LEDs shows the smoke concentration and temperature. When it fire, the designed system gives light and sound to alarm p
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 635kb Publisher : 舒糖

能将视频中每帧图像中的火焰检测出来,然后以灰度图输出-fire detect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.61mb Publisher : 蒋涛

检测图像中的火焰,然后以灰度图的形式输出-fire detect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.93mb Publisher : 蒋涛

用颜色提取出火焰区域,并用面积变化判断是否为火焰-Use color to extract the flame area, combined with motion feature extraction, narrowing the scope of testing, and determine whether to flame area change
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : chenchuixiong

opencv 火焰检测 可以通过火焰颜色模型检测不同颜色的火焰-opencv fire detect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.27mb Publisher : tanlean

文章对比分析了火焰不同的形状结构特征,及其特征组合对火焰检测有效性的影响,提出了一种融合圆形度、矩形度和重心高度系数的火焰检测算法,然后将融合后的火焰特征输入支持向量机(SVM)中进行分类- Based on fusion of these flame features,the support vector machine (SVM) is used for classi- fication. Experimental results on the fire videos at Bilkent University show that the proposed algorithm is efficient and fast for fire detection,and it could detect fire real-time under a variety of circumstances.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 256kb Publisher : wangN

fire detection based on the moving detection and fire s features.
Update : 2018-01-05 Size : 153.25kb Publisher : tiemptit
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