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Description: 这是关于应用飞思卡尔专用单片机制作智能车摄像头组的资料,内含多种算法,会有很大启发-This is made on the application of Freescale' s microcontroller dedicated group of intelligent vehicle information on the camera, containing a variety of algorithms, there will be a great inspiration
Platform: | Size: 9795584 | Author: lizhengwei | Hits:


Description: 第六届飞思卡尔智能车竞赛近十个学校的比赛程序,希望对参加比赛的同学有所帮助-The sixth freescale intelligent car race nearly ten school game program, and I hope to participate in the competition of students help
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 王东杰 | Hits:

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