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[Other resourcega-quxian

Description: 遗传算法驱近函数级点的DOS绘图程序.该程序可以在5步情况下逼近函数最值.-GA flooding near the point function DOS mapping procedures. The procedure can five-step approximation of the value function.
Platform: | Size: 2028 | Author: zhyulily | Hits:


Description: 遗传算法驱近函数级点的DOS绘图程序.该程序可以在5步情况下逼近函数最值.-GA flooding near the point function DOS mapping procedures. The procedure can five-step approximation of the value function.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhyulily | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesfiveplus

Description: 五彩跳棋游戏:因为最少是5个一行可以消失,最多是9个,5再加4个加号,就是Five#。如果你有更符合,更好听的游戏名字,请寄给我。欢迎玩 Five#,一个简单但是很容易上瘾的游戏。你可以离线玩这个游戏,但是也可以通过把你的分数张贴到Five#和网站上和世界各地的玩家竞争。 在玩这个游戏的时候,我们高度建议 你将桌面设置成 高的或者真彩色 。 也可以在256色下运行,只是太难看了,并且还闪烁。 这个游戏的主要目的是得分,这个分数显示在左上角的液晶显示器里。 游戏版面占据了窗口的大部分空间。不通颜色的球显示在游戏版面里 -err
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: liyixue | Hits:


Description: 在java平台上开发的五子棋小游戏,可供作课程设计程序使用,或者供初学者研究使用。程序规划完整、通俗易懂,使初学者的研究的好程序。-In java platform development Gobang game, which can be used for curriculum design procedures for the use of, or research use for beginners. Procedures for planning complete, user-friendly, so good for beginners study procedures.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: yy | Hits:

[Windows Developballgame

Description: 本次实验实现一个Five In A Line的游戏。游戏规则为:游戏有一个9 X 9的棋盘,七种不同颜色的无限数目的棋子。游戏开始时,五个棋子被随机的散布在棋盘中,玩家可以移动一个棋子到另一个可达的位置(两点之间存在一条通路),如果将至少五个相同颜色的棋子连成一线,不论垂直,水平或者对角线,就能将这些棋子消掉,获取相应的分数,并且获得再次移动棋子的机会,否则系统随机产生三个棋子放在棋盘中。当所有的棋子布满整个棋盘,游戏结束,当前的分数就是该次游戏最终的分数。 实验要绘制一个图形界面,包括一个重置按钮,一个9 X 9棋盘,两个标签,分别显示当前分数和下次随机产生的棋子的颜色,程序要实现整个游戏的逻辑。-Experiments to draw a graphical interface, including a reset button, a 9 X 9 board, two labels, respectively, shows the current scores and the next randomly generated color pieces, the program to achieve the entire game logic.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: jkzhao | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsJPEG-LS

Description: 基于改进JPEG-LS算法的遥感图像近无损压缩专利,由航天五院508所申报,很详细的介绍了算法和fpga的实现-Improved JPEG-LS algorithm near lossless compression patent, the space the five branches of 508 reporting, a detailed explanation of the algorithm and implementation fpga
Platform: | Size: 673792 | Author: 小化 | Hits:


Description: 这是个GA的程序包,与dorst编著的《Geometric Algebra for Computer Science》配套使用。-This is the GA Sandbox, which was created as companion software to the book <Geometric Algebra for Computer Science > The GA Sandbox is two things: -a comprehensive set of programming examples . -a library which contains five geometric algebra implementations.
Platform: | Size: 5773312 | Author: zoeyzong | Hits:

[source in ebookPSO-GA-TSP-PID

Description: 压缩包包括5个群智能算法的程序,即PSOGA-PID优化,PSO的多目标perota优化问题,基于TSP-PSO算法,遗传算法求解TSP问题,遗传算法求解TSP问题-Compression package includes five swarm intelligence algorithm procedures, namely PSOGA-PID optimization, PSO perota multi-objective optimization problem, TSP-PSO algorithm based on genetic algorithm for TSP, genetic algorithm for TSP
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: wangjc | Hits:


Description: In this paper, a new kind of swarm-based metaheuristic search method, called Elephant Herding Optimization (EHO), is proposed for solving global optimization tasks. EHO is inspired by the herding behavior of elephant group. These behaviors can be modelled into two following operators: clan updating operator and separating operator. In EHO, the elephants in each clan are updated according to its current position and matriarch through clan updating operator. It is followed by the implementation of the separating operator which can significantly enhance the population diversity at the later run phase of the search. EHO has been benchmarked by fifteen basic test problems, five IEEE CEC 2005 test cases, and two CEC 2011 problems in comparison with BBO, DE and GA. The results show that EHO is able to find the better function values on most benchmark problems than three algorithms.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 王静 | Hits:


Description: 近红外光谱(NIRS)是一种间接分析技术,其应用需建立相应的校正模型。为了提高模型的解释能力、预测准确度和建模效率,需要对NIRS 进行波长选择,优选最小化冗余信息。选用蚁群优化(ACO)、遗传优化(GA)、粒子群优化(PSO)、随机青蛙(RF)和模拟退火(SA)5 种智能优化算法对烟叶总氮和烟碱近红外光谱数据进行特征波长选择,结合偏最小二乘(PLS)算法,构建了多个烟叶总氮和烟碱的校正模型,(Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an indirect analytical technique, and its application needs to establish corresponding correction models. In order to improve the explanatory power of the model Power, prediction accuracy and modeling efficiency require wavelength selection of NIRS to optimize and minimize redundant information. Five intelligent optimization algorithms for smoke control: group optimization (ACO), genetic optimization (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), random frog (RF) and simulated annealing (SA)Leaf total nitrogen and nicotine near infrared spectroscopy data were selected as characteristic wavelengths. Combined with partial least squares (PLS) algorithm, several tobacco leaf total nitrogen and nicotine were constructed.)
Platform: | Size: 12073984 | Author: weidong123 | Hits:

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