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Visual C#案例集锦 第一章C# Windows编程基础 实例1 循环语言的学习-砝码程序验证 实例2 随机数的案例-洗牌程序 实例3 通过实例来剖析C#继承机制 实例4 递归与全局变量的案例1-打靶程序 实例5 递归与全局变量的案例2-二叉树 实例6 引用类型的举例---消去字符串空格 实例7 委托的使用方法实例---加减大小比较 实例8 用C#索引器实现文本文件的倒叙输入 实例9 C#文本文件操作实例---杨辉三角形写入读出 第二章 图形图像处理 实例1 一个简易的绘图程序 实例2 电子石英钟显示 实例3 用C#制作字幕显示屏幕保护 实例4 移动的按钮 实例5 抓图软件的实现 第三章 多媒体应用 实例1 WinForm中播放音频与Flash动画 实例2 模拟贪食蛇游戏 实例3 人民币大写转换案例 实例4 模拟俄罗斯方块游戏 实例5 模拟联五子游戏 第四章 系统文件处理 实例1 文件资源管理器 实例2 模拟IE浏览器 实例3 一个具有查找打印功能的文本编译器-Visual C# case highlights the first chapter C# Windows based programming language example of a cycle learning-weight certification procedure two random examples of cases - shuffling through three examples of procedures to analyze examples of C# is the succession mechanism four cases with the global variable recursive case 1-5 shooting recursive procedure examples of global variables and the case of 2-6 cited examples Binary Tree with the type of strings, for example -- to eliminate seven spaces commissioned by the examples use examples -- examples of relatively small Modified 8 C# Index for the realization of a text file input examples Flashback 9 C# examples text file manipulation -- Yang Hui into triangles read Chapter II graphics processing an example of a simple drawing program tw
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.66mb Publisher : 史进

DL : 0
很简单的射击游戏,可是要想得到很高 的分数也不是一件容易的事情-very simple shooting game, but in order to receive high marks is not an easy thing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 263kb Publisher : 李达斌

flash游戏《射雕英雄》源码。只有FLa文件。用flash打开后可生成flash运行。 -flash game, "Eagle Shooting Heroes" source. Only FLa document. After opening with flash can generate flash operation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.48mb Publisher : 陈志超

自己编写的射击游戏,框架已经全部搭建好,只需要增加元件便可制作出出彩的射击类游戏。请不要随意使用该代码中的元件,转载请联系作者。qq:4872275-prepare their shooting game, the framework has all the structures, and only need to increase the production of components can be up and Choi shooting games. Please do not use the random code components, reproduced please contact the author. Qq : 4872275
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : itchy

是一个射击的游戏,很刺激,好玩,成功就加难度,失败就降低难度.-is a shooting game that are exciting and fun, the success of which will increase the difficulty and the failure to reduce the degree of difficulty.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 446kb Publisher : 周恒

Visual C#案例集锦 第一章C# Windows编程基础 实例1 循环语言的学习-砝码程序验证 实例2 随机数的案例-洗牌程序 实例3 通过实例来剖析C#继承机制 实例4 递归与全局变量的案例1-打靶程序 实例5 递归与全局变量的案例2-二叉树 实例6 引用类型的举例---消去字符串空格 实例7 委托的使用方法实例---加减大小比较 实例8 用C#索引器实现文本文件的倒叙输入 实例9 C#文本文件操作实例---杨辉三角形写入读出 第二章 图形图像处理 实例1 一个简易的绘图程序 实例2 电子石英钟显示 实例3 用C#制作字幕显示屏幕保护 实例4 移动的按钮 实例5 抓图软件的实现 第三章 多媒体应用 实例1 WinForm中播放音频与Flash动画 实例2 模拟贪食蛇游戏 实例3 人民币大写转换案例 实例4 模拟俄罗斯方块游戏 实例5 模拟联五子游戏 第四章 系统文件处理 实例1 文件资源管理器 实例2 模拟IE浏览器 实例3 一个具有查找打印功能的文本编译器-Visual C# case highlights the first chapter C# Windows based programming language example of a cycle learning-weight certification procedure two random examples of cases- shuffling through three examples of procedures to analyze examples of C# is the succession mechanism four cases with the global variable recursive case 1-5 shooting recursive procedure examples of global variables and the case of 2-6 cited examples Binary Tree with the type of strings, for example-- to eliminate seven spaces commissioned by the examples use examples-- examples of relatively small Modified 8 C# Index for the realization of a text file input examples Flashback 9 C# examples text file manipulation-- Yang Hui into triangles read Chapter II graphics processing an example of a simple drawing program tw
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.15mb Publisher : 史进

DL : 0
仿3D射击游戏,做出了简单的碰撞检测,有声音.虽然还不完善,但效果不错,也可以在此框架上扩展自己的效果和功能.-imitation 3D shooting game, made a simple collision detection, voice. Although not perfect, but it worked quite well. also on this framework to expand their effectiveness and functionality.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : ztl

DL : 0
这是个射击类小游戏,共有四关,每关又有四个小关,想要通关,那还看你的水平了。用FLASH做的。-This is a shooting game category, a total of four customs, each have four small customs clearance, customs clearance want, then look at your level. Using FLASH do.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : 陆明

这是一个flash射击游戏,其中涉及了而鼠标跟随,事件触发,随机算等等知识。-This is a flash shooting game, which involves a mouse and follow the event trigger, random operator knowledge and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 24kb Publisher : jsw

DL : 0
这是一个用FLASH写的射击类游戏,非常简单,对于想学FLASH 2D游戏开发的人来说是一个很好的入门的实例.-This is a written with FLASH Shooting games, is very simple, for I wanted to learn FLASH 2D game development for entry is a good example.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 220kb Publisher : lzxiong

一个flashMX as2 实现的射击游戏,语法简单但功能强大。关卡由简单到难,是学习flash游戏的一个很好的例子。-FlashMX as2 realization of a shooting game, simple but powerful syntax. Points from the simple to the difficult flash game is to learn a good example.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 119kb Publisher : programsalon

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shooting flash game with script
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 143kb Publisher : leo

flash开发的射击游戏,简单但是好玩。大家可以根据源代码进行二次开发。-the development of shooting flash games, simple but fun. We can according to the source code for the secondary development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : games

transformer shooting game, flash mx
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 311kb Publisher : casper

几十个flash小游戏,包含棋牌游戏,益智游戏,飞行射击等游戏-Dozens of flash games, including chess and card games, puzzle games, shooting games flying
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 51.89mb Publisher : irontalent

flash编程射击游戏经典源码classic shooting game flash source code programming-classic shooting game flash source code programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : ien

DL : 0
flash 打鸭子游戏原码, 学习flash网页游戏开发可以借鉴-Shooting Ducks games original code, Learning flash web game developers can learn from
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 84kb Publisher : 望月

FLASH AS3源码 飞机射击游戏 主要给学习AS3的同学使用-FLASH AS3 main source aircraft shooting game with the students to learn AS3
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 447kb Publisher : asa

雷电射击游戏flash移植版,精确打击,投影效果。-Lightning flash shooting game transplanted version, precision strike, projection.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.5mb Publisher :

flash射击游戏,有分数、子弹数的参数显示,鼠标控制角色射击-flash shooting games, there are scores, the number of bullets parameter display, mouse control characters shooting
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 76kb Publisher : GQQ
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