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用虚拟现实语言VRML编写的一个导弹模型以及飞行的虚拟场景!-using VRML preparation of a missile flight model and the virtual scene!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 57.03kb Publisher : 周晓尧

DL : 0
用虚拟现实语言VRML编写的一个导弹模型以及飞行的虚拟场景!-using VRML preparation of a missile flight model and the virtual scene!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : 周晓尧

在某初教机的线性模型基础上,建立了飞机的纵向和横向传递函数,分析了模型参数的不确定性,通过使用MATLAB中的NCD模块对飞行控制系统及PID控制器等参数进行优化,设计出了飞机的自动驾驶仪高度保持和航向保持模式。这种方法既避免了复杂的计算和编程,又使系统具有较好的稳定,陛、动态性能和鲁棒性,克服了飞机模型参数随着高度和速度的变化(即模型参数存在不确定性)而需要按照多个不同高度和速度的飞行区域设计一系列控制器的缺点-early in a plane of the linear model, based on the aircraft's vertical and horizontal transfer function, Analysis of the model parameters of uncertainty, MATLAB through the use of the NCD Blocks flight control system and PID controller parameters for optimization, design of the aircraft's automatic pilot systems, and maintain a high degree course-keeping mode. This method not only avoids the complex calculation and programming, the system has good stability, Her Majesty, dynamic performance and robustness. overcome the aircraft model parameters with the height and speed of change (that model parameters uncertainty exists) and the need to not more than with the height and speed of regional flight controller design a series of shortcomings
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 271kb Publisher : jake

航空定票系统:户端功能模块:用户登录模块,用户注册模块,航班查询模块,客户订票模块,服务器端功能模块:添加航班计划模块,删除航班计划模块,添加飞机机型模块,删除飞机机型模块, 统计在线用户信息模块,统计注册用户信息模块 统计订票信息模块 加载机型信息模块 系统维护模-Airline tickets system: households client functional modules: User Login Module, the user registration module, flight query module, customers booking module, server-side functional modules: Module to add flight plans, flight plan to delete module, add the aircraft models module, delete the aircraft model module, statistics module online user
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 86kb Publisher : lwhsyit

ASP机票查询预定系统系统特点: 1.不是传统的小偷查询。是真正访问中航信数据库。保证数据实时准确 2.机票预订功能。查询完成。可以直接预订。管理员后台查看管理 3.后台管理强大。可定制航空公司.航空城市.运价管理.常规航位.机型管理.星期表.会员管理.燃油附加等等。 -ASP query ticket system reservation system features: 1. Rather than traditional query thieves. CNAC is the real letter of database access. To ensure accurate data in real-time 2. Airfare booking function. Query to complete. Reservations directly. Administrators manage the background check 3. A strong management background. Airlines can be customized. Aviation city. Freight Management. Conventional Air-bit. Model management. Weeks table. Member management. Fuel surcharges and so on.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.24mb Publisher :

是一个基于OpenGL的飞机飞行实时模拟,其中有大规模的地形的生成.应用了雾化,光照模型,融合等技术.-Is an OpenGL-based real-time simulation of aircraft flight, including the generation of large-scale terrain. Application of the atomization, illumination model, such as technology integration.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.11mb Publisher : songyunan

简单飞行射击模型,6位Boss,9种敌机,玩家有3种主要武器(粒子炮,激光,质子束)与3种辅助武器(直射弹,漂雷,爆炸弹),没有卷动背景,代码由以前学习时JAVA写的一个MIDLET程序修改而来,所以看着有点别扭,刚学DirectDraw,希望各位大侠交流指教。 按键: 方向键-移动 Z-开火 X-切换主要武器 C-切换辅助武器-Flight shooting simple model 6 Boss, 9 species enemy, players have three kinds of major weapons (particle gun, laser, proton beam) and three kinds of auxiliary weapons (direct bombs, floating mines, bombs), there is no scroll background, code from the previous study to write a JAVA MIDlet from changes in procedures, so looked a bit uncomfortable, just learn DirectDraw, hope that the exchange of advice heroes. Keys: arrow keys- Move Z-fire X-Switch main arms C-switch auxiliary weapons
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 357kb Publisher : 卢帅

DL : 1
This model shows NASA s HL-20 lifting body modeled in Simulink, and Aerospace Blockset. This model simulates approach and landing flight phases using an auto-landing controller.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : wanghuixia

This demonstration models a flight control for the longitudinal motion of a Grumman Aerospace F-14 Tomcat. First order linear approximations of the aircraft and actuator behavior are connected to an analog flight control design that uses the pilot s stick pitch command as the set point for the aircraft s pitch attitude and uses aircraft pitch angle and pitch rate to determine commands. A simplified Dryden wind gust model is incorporated to perturb the system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : wanghuixia

F16战斗机的仿真程序,可以仿真F16战斗机飞行中的姿态.-F16 fighter simulation program, you can F16 fighter jets in flight simulation gesture.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 598kb Publisher : 李雷

大气层内航天器飞行动力学matlab仿真模型-The atmosphere inside the spacecraft flight dynamics matlab simulation model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : 冯祥

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有关无人机编队飞行的,里面还给出了无人机的线性模型,对研究编队飞行的同行应该有所帮助。-On the formation flight of unmanned aerial vehicles, which also gives the UAV the linear model, the study of formation flying counterparts should be helpful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.73mb Publisher : liuqiang

在VC下用Direct3D和3dMax模型写的模拟飞行程序,虚拟现实作业。-In the VC using Direct3D and 3dmax model Flight Simulator written procedures, virtual reality operations.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26.93mb Publisher : 阳敬

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一个不错J2ME飞行类射击模型有说明还不很完善,对于新手很有价值-J2ME a good flight model has that type of shooting is not very perfect, very valuable for the novice
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : 杨可恩

用matlab仿真,得到较为真实的飞行航迹,包括了转弯,机动等轨迹运动模型的描述-Matlab simulation used by more real flight track, including a turn and the track motor sports, such as a description of the model
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : emily

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通过opengl实现f16三维模型,键盘控制飞机的仿真飞行-F16 through the realization of three-dimensional model of opengl, keyboard control of the aircraft and flight simulation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 881kb Publisher : caize

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flight sim model for a boeing 747 using matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : backslash

关于航班排表的一个简单模式安排,有异常处理的方法-Row of the table about the flight model of a simple arrangement, there is exception handling approach. . .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 尹凡渝

模型跟随的神经网络PID飞行控制律设计PID neural network model following flight control law design-PID neural network model following flight control law design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 570kb Publisher : big163

无人机编队飞行的相对导航算法模型,得到相对位置和速度-UAV formation flight model of the relative navigation algorithm to obtain the relative position and velocity
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : zhihua
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