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[Multimedia program小学语文课件(Authorware)



Platform: | Size: 11040928 | Author: dqw828 | Hits:

[Game Program网络版坦克大战






Platform: | Size: 502964 | Author: ainilaha | Hits:

[Graph program一种二值图象无损压缩算法


【摘  要】利用稀疏矩阵和差分编码对二色图像进行压缩保存,在通过图像的0,1矩阵建立,矩阵一维化,差分量化编码,写文件来压缩。在电子档案存储,CAD制图信息化存储有极高的应用价值。

【关键字】计算机     二值图像   稀疏矩阵   无损压缩   编码


Platform: | Size: 19837493 | Author: homeir | Hits:

[Program doc面向服务的分布式操作系统



Platform: | Size: 4641280 | Author: feiyajie@126.com | Hits:



    程序执行的顺序即按界面按钮的顺序自上而下执行:打开mxd文档->初始化->构建拓扑网络->Plan->选择目的点->获取路径->显示路径->刷新,如需要重复查询,需要 刷新 ->选择目的点->获取路径->获取路径->显示路径,以此类推。

Platform: | Size: 101508 | Author: jkz0613 | Hits:

[OtherVector CCP Driver2.0


 Vector CCP Driver2.0

Platform: | Size: 91333 | Author: saien600 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developc51读写MT8888源程序






Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: xuhongchun111 | Hits:

[source in ebookRTOS_SALVO





Platform: | Size: 724503 | Author: solaris | Hits:

[CSharpDockPanel Suite 2.5.0

Description: DockPanel Suite 2.5.0 Release Notes 1. Fix Bug [2149926]: Can't resize document marked as HideOnClose when one of a set of side by side documents is closed (patch 3118287 from Agiel). 2. Fix Bug [2792816]: Changing the DockBackColor at design time does not refresh immediately. Set a couple public properties to [Browsable(false)] so that they are not displayed in the Designer. 3. Fix Bug [2956415]: The Window List button is hidden underneath the close button on a Document when a Floating form is opened and a new Document form opened afterwards. 4. Fix Bug [2945519]: CloseContent suspended layout but it was possible to not resume layout because of early exits. try/finally added and suspend layout moved below the early exits since the suspend is not needed that early. 5. Fix Bug [2782283]: DockPanelSkin tool window inactive caption gradient end color should have been SystemColors.InactiveCaption and TextColor should have been SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText instead of ControlText so that it will show up in all windows color schemes. 6. Fix Bug [2737792]: For AutoHideTabs that are right or left the icon should be rotated 90 degrees to be consistent with Visual Studio (original code from lind60 and re-posted by jhorigan). 7. Patch 2810961: Add a text font to the DockPanelSkin to allow different fonts to be used for tab text. From Branko Drvensek.
Platform: | Size: 303999 | Author: sunlight222 | Hits:

[Othermulti Lang 点阵字库制作软件

Description: 多国语言点阵字库制作软件完美破解版windows版可执行程序-Dot-matrix multi-language font software version of the perfect break
Platform: | Size: 907483 | Author: Simonz | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 8895 | Author: niyang2005@126.comni | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeOCR-B10BT

Description: 二代身份证号码字体文件,由Mac字体文件转换得来-Second-generation ID card number of font files, font files from Mac to convert a
Platform: | Size: 14633 | Author: testsb | Hits:

[GUI Developextended_tooltip

Description: 可以修改背景、字体颜色、延迟时间的tooltip控件,还可以多行显示,可以跟随鼠标小范围移动-The tooltip that can change background , font color and the delay time, it also can display multiple lines and move by mouse
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Static controllabel_static

Description: 背景和字体属性可改变的静态控件-The static control which can change its own background and font
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 扩充了RichEdit的一些字体属性-The richedit which expands some font of it
Platform: | Size: 21504 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 字体为RTF格式的ToolTips控件-The tooltip control whichs font is RTF style
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[OS programgetfontinfo

Description: 获得系统中所有字体信息 -Getting the information of all system fonts
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 基于wtl的字体选择框,列表框里显示所有字体的样式。-Font Selecting DialogBox based on wtl. and It can list all fonts style
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Shell apishell_namespace

Description: 大量windows shell编程例子
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Hook apiHookAPI

Description: 本站推出截获和替换Win32 API的开发包HookAPI源码1.62版本-Site launch intercepted and replacement of Win32 API development kit HookAPI source version 1.62
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 站长 | Hits:
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