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c fortran mixed prog
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 181.49kb Publisher : 刘亿

该文档较为详细的讲述了如何实现fortran语言与matlab接口的问题-the document in detail about how to achieve the FORTRAN language and Matlab interface issues
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 447kb Publisher : fsc03

常用算法程序集,FORTRAN语言 编写,PDF格式,是工程计算的好东东.-algorithm commonly used procedures set FORTRAN language, in PDF format, is a good engineering calculation Wanton.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.65mb Publisher : 孙志敏

DISLIN数据可视化VC++/C库。 DISLIN是一个著名的图形函数/数据可视化库,他支持多种编程语言,包括fortran,c/c++, java, perl, python等,有针对多种平台的版本。 DISLIN成功的原因在于其简单易学。他的图形函数只需要几个参数就可以调用。 dislin的默认坐标系是屏幕左上角为0,0,又下角为2969,2099,是A4纸的尺寸。 通常dislin绘图的基本过程如下: 1) 设置页面格式,图形文件格式,文件名 图形文件格式支持几乎所有流行格式, tiff, bmp, pdf, wmf等,也可以屏幕输出,格式为vga, xwindow等。 setpag, page, metafl, setfil 2) 初始化.disini() 3) 设置绘图参数 4) 绘制坐标轴(graf, polar, grafmp, graf3, graf3d 5) 绘制图标题(title) 6) 绘制数据点(curve, curve3, curv3d, bars, piegrf, surfce, contur) 7) 结束(disfin) 一般调用这几个函数和相应的绘图函数也就足够了。我觉得值得关注的功能就是他支持perl和python脚本绘图,这个对于b/s模式的数据浏览非常有好处。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.03mb Publisher : donotspam

DL : 0
标准程序设计语言丛书__Fortran_90.pdf 例子很丰富。-Standard programming language is very rich series __Fortran_90.pdf example.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14.98mb Publisher : 刘晓卫

500个常用软件(FORTRAN,VB,快照,录屏等)的下载地址,还有一些教程(如VB,TECPLOT等),所有的都在一个PDF中,有链接,有密码.-500 commonly used software (FORTRAN, VB, snapshot, recorded screen, etc.) to download the address, there are some tutorials (such as VB, TECPLOT, etc.), all in a PDF, there are links, there is a password.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : 朱与心

a program for calculating photonic band structures and transmission coefficients of complex structures.pdf 光子晶体的经典程序,内涵参考文献,由前辈Pendry编写,不可错过向高人学习的机会-a program for calculating photonic band structures and transmission coefficients of complex structures.pdf 光子晶体的经典程序,内涵参考文献,由前辈Pendry编写,不可错过向高人学习的机会
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 892kb Publisher : xig

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FM12864M-12L液晶屏PDF资料免费下载。来顶我吧。我上传的资料绝对免费。-FM12864M-12L LCD free download PDF information. To top me. From my information absolutely free.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 319kb Publisher : 泳衡

DL : 1
先进PID控制及其仿真,PDF书。可以看看。-Advanced PID Control and Simulation, PDF book. Can look at.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.36mb Publisher : xwq

Visual Fortran编程指南.pdf 本书首先介绍了目前先进的FORTRAN 90语言标准的主要内容,然后详细讲解了使用Visual FORTRAN开发科学计算程序的方法和技术。-Visual Fortran Programming Guide. Pdf of this book begins with the current advanced standards for FORTRAN 90 the main elements of the language, and then explain in detail the use of Visual FORTRAN program to develop scientific methods and techniques.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.81mb Publisher : 杨威

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单向 双向晶闸管的选型,做电源控制很有用-Triac Selection
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 57kb Publisher : 藏名

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fortran 77教程,pdf文件。-fortran 77 teaching materials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.63mb Publisher : 董维武

visual fortran 教程,pdf文件-visual fortran teaching materials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13mb Publisher : dww

PcModWin的内核是MODTRAN,这个PDF是PcModWin的技术手册,里面详细介绍了每个参数的设置,以及仿真输出的分析,非常值得阅读。-PcModWin© is the world standard Windows interface for MODTRAN5® (*). The latest version, PcModWin5, works with MODTRAN5® PcModWin is a commercial Windows version of the United States Air Force Research Laboratory s MODTRAN model. MODTRAN is the recognized standard for computing atmospheric transmission and radiance at medium to high spectral resolution (0.1 cm-1). PcModWin wraps around MODTRAN and makes it easy to use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : 罗飞

一本介绍计算电磁学各种主流算法的书,并给出利用FORTRAN编写的算例程序-1 describes a variety of mainstream algorithms computational electromagnetics book, and gives examples using programs written in FORTRAN
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 艾夏

an introduction to multigrid,一篇介绍多重网格方法的短文,简明扼要-an introduction to multigrid
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 403kb Publisher : dm

徐士良老师编著的常用算法程序集,都是用fortran编写的。一般网上可以找到pdf文档,找源程序比较难。这里一起奉上。-XU Shi-liang teacher edited the common set of numerical procedures are written using fortran. Pdf documents online can be found in general, more difficult to find the source. Served together here.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.76mb Publisher : 啄木鸟

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该上传资料为FORTRAN95编程pdf,可作为学习Fortran语言的参考书(The upload material is a Fortran 95 programming PDF, which can be used as a reference for learning Fortran language.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.42mb Publisher : zzli

收集的一些Fortran资料书,有能力的话希望支持正版,PDF版本用起来更方便一些(The collection of some Fortran data books, the ability to want to support the positive version, the PDF version is more convenient to use a little more convenient)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.88mb Publisher : 流玥

CUDA Fortran 高效编程实践_科学家和工程师特供 2007 年以来,以 nVidia GPU 为代表的加速器并行计算风起云涌,带有加速器的超级计 算机在 TOP500 中的份额逐年增加,支持加速器的主流应用软件也呈爆炸式增长,研究加速 器计算的技术人员数以百万计,世界范围内的大学、研究机构竞相开设相关课程。 目前流行的 GPU 通用编程语言是 CUDA C 和 OpenCL. 它们均是 C/C++语言的扩展,因 此可以方便地将 C/C++代码移植到 GPU 上。但对于科学与工程计算中的重要编程语言 Fortran,无法直接地改写为 CUDA C 或 OpenCL。很多久经考验的应用程序都是用 Fortran 开发,如果完全改写,工作量巨大,而且有不可估量的稳定性风险。 为使 Fortran 应用能够使用 GPU 加速,The Portland Group 设计了 CUDA Fortran 语言, 并在自家的 PGI 编译器中支持。气象、理论物理等领域的应用经过简单的改造,就能够利 用 GPU 的强大计算能力。(CUDA FORTRAN efficient programming practice Since 2007, with NVIDIA GPU as the representative of accelerator parallel computing, the share of supercomputers with accelerators in top 500 has increased year by year, and the mainstream application software supporting accelerators has also grown explosively. There are millions of technicians studying accelerator computing, and universities and research institutions around the world are competing to offer relevant courses. To enable FORTRAN applications to use GPU acceleration, the Portland group designed CUDA FORTRAN language, which is supported in its own PGI compiler. The application of meteorology, theoretical physics and other fields can make use of the powerful computing power of GPU after simple transformation.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : zzfthu
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