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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : 金鼎奖大

在n×n 格的棋盘上放置彼此不受攻击的车。按照国际象棋的规则,车可以攻击与之处 在同一行或同一列上的棋子。在棋盘上的若干个格中设置了堡垒,战车无法穿越堡垒攻击别 的战车。对于给定的设置了堡垒的n×n格棋盘,设法放置尽可能多彼此不受攻击的车。用概率算法实现的!-n n grid placed on the chessboard of each other against attack vehicles. According to the rules of chess, with cars can attack at the same firms listed on the same or a pawn. On the chessboard of several grid is set fortress and tank attacks can not be fortress through other vehicles. For a given set of a bastion of n n Lattice chessboard, trying to put as much as possible not to attack each other's cars. Using probabilistic algorithm!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.29kb Publisher : 王乐

DL : 0 中1002的第一个输入的答案 城堡中放堡垒的问题 1002 were the first to import the answer to a castle fortress of release
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 851byte Publisher : 李娜

在n×n 格的棋盘上放置彼此不受攻击的车。按照国际象棋的规则,车可以攻击与之处 在同一行或同一列上的棋子。在棋盘上的若干个格中设置了堡垒,战车无法穿越堡垒攻击别 的战车。对于给定的设置了堡垒的n×n格棋盘,设法放置尽可能多彼此不受攻击的车。用概率算法实现的!-n n grid placed on the chessboard of each other against attack vehicles. According to the rules of chess, with cars can attack at the same firms listed on the same or a pawn. On the chessboard of several grid is set fortress and tank attacks can not be fortress through other vehicles. For a given set of a bastion of n n Lattice chessboard, trying to put as much as possible not to attack each other's cars. Using probabilistic algorithm!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王乐

DL : 0 中1002的第一个输入的答案 城堡中放堡垒的问题 1002 were the first to import the answer to a castle fortress of release
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李娜
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.05mb Publisher : 金鼎奖大

赤色要塞 源代码+PPT,J2SE知识范畴的,包含文档,有兴趣的可以下来-Red Fortress source code+ PPT, J2SE knowledge areas, including documents, are interested in can be down
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.37mb Publisher : juice

该堡垒游戏是基于J2ME开发的手机RPG游戏,采用midp2.0技术实现了菜单、地图、主角动作及怪物动作和AI等,主要通过精灵间的碰撞检测来触动事件发生。游戏的主流程是玩家利用手机键盘操作主角在堡垒中拾取道具破解迷宫,并且随着关数的增加,游戏的难度也逐渐增加。另外,游戏中还包括了排行榜,声音设置,帮助等各种附加功能。其中充满了趣味性和刺激性,是适合各年龄段的益智冒险类游戏。-The bastion of the game is based on the development of J2ME mobile RPG games, using technology to achieve a midp2.0 menu, map, the protagonist moves and monster AI movements and so on, mainly through inter-collision detection wizard to trigger incidents. The game s main process is the use of mobile phone keyboard-player characters in the fortress in the maze to pick up props break, and with the increase in customs, games, gradually increasing the difficulty. In addition, the game also includes charts, sound settings, to help a variety of additional features. Which is full of interesting and provocative, is suitable for all ages Adventure puzzle game.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 瑞力克

FC模拟器的源代码,目前可正常运行超级玛丽、魂斗罗、赤车要塞、沙罗曼蛇、绿色兵团等游戏,暂不支持声音-FC simulator source code, the normal operation of currently available super-Mary, Contra, Pellionia fortress, Salamander, Green Corps and other games, not to support the voice
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 111kb Publisher : cml

如图城堡是一个4×4的方格,为了保卫城堡,现需要在某些格子里修建一些堡垒。城堡中的某些格子是墙,其余格子都是空格,堡垒只能建在空格里,每个堡垒都可以向上下左右四个方向射击,如果两个堡垒在同一行或同一列,且中间没有墙相隔,则两个堡垒都会把对方打掉。问对于给定的一种状态,最多能够修建几个堡垒。-As the castle is a 4 × 4 grid, in order to defend the castle, it is necessary to build in some cells of some fortress yard. Castle are some of the lattice wall, and the rest are space lattice, the castle will be built in space, each a fortress can be to the up and down around the four directions, if both a fortress at the same column or row, and there is no wall between separated, then put the other two will be destroyed fortress. Asked for a status given up to be able to build some fortress.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 214kb Publisher : 松柏长青

一个自己输入的n*n的正方形格子,其中有的地方有堡垒(不能通过),求从一点到另外一点至少需要多少步?-Input their own n* n square lattice, which in some places there is a fortress (can not), and from one point to another point at least the number of step-by-step?
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : gaozi1012

这款游戏的故事相当有趣,为了报复偷走鸟蛋的肥猪们,鸟儿以自己的身体为武器,仿佛炮弹一样去攻击肥猪们的堡垒。游戏是十分卡通的2D画面,看着愤怒的红色小鸟,奋不顾身的往绿色的肥猪的堡垒砸去,那种奇妙的感觉还真是令人感到很欢乐-The stories are very interesting game, in retaliation for the pig who stole the eggs, the birds of their own bodies as weapons, like artillery to attack the pig as their fortress. 2D games are very cartoon picture, watching the angry red bird, green pig desperate to drop to the fortress, that really is a wonderful feeling we feel very happy
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33.76mb Publisher : 王昭蕾

用VC++编写的一个山寨版的冰刃,功能很强大,对于想开发系统编程方面的很值得参考~!-Written by vc++ a fortress version of ice blade, function are very strong, want to develop systems for the programming is worth reference ~!!!!!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 272kb Publisher : 张骐

Fortress Tank Game This source is mfc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : Mooha

DL : 0
山寨-The qq realize a fortress, for more chat, and realize the connect to the database
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 492kb Publisher : 小强

基于java 的山寨QQ聊天项目,实现一对一,一对多,多对多聊天。-Based on Java fortress QQ chat
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 811kb Publisher : zhi

Fortrees Game client source file However, this plays network Fortress and differs I could have done with people by way such as Fortre-Fortrees Game client source file However, this plays network Fortress and differs I could have done with people by way such as Fortress
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 213kb Publisher : Aria

Make by way such as Fortress This is a file for server. Down if do with people
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 66kb Publisher : Aria

Hack base for Team Fortress 2 (based on DarkStorm 2.6.1)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 332kb Publisher : killabee

西工大得算法的考试的题目 堡垒问题 这个问题的答案已经经过考证 是正确的答案-NPU answer examination questions have algorithms fortress problem with this issue has been research is the right answer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher :
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