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The windowed sinc filter uses the inverse fourier transform of ideal low - pass filter frequency response. The Inverse transform of the ideal low - pass response is the sinc function (sinx/x). The inverse fourier transform of the required frequency response is taken and used as kernel a normal filter-The windowed sinc filter uses the inverse fourier transform of ideal low- pass filter frequency response. The Inverse transform of the ideal low- pass response is the sinc function (sinx/x). The inverse fourier transform of the required frequency response is taken and used as kernel a normal filter
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : ibraheem Ali

MATLAB医学影像处理实验(内含14个原代码及教学的说明) (1)Plot a sine function using MATLAB, and write the data into a file (2)Read data from a file, plot a SINC function, and append the result back to the same file (3)Plot a Gaussian distribution using MATLAB (4)Fourier transform of a square function is a SINC function (5)1-D low-pass filters and their point-spread functions (6)2-D low-pass filters and their point-spread functions (7)Fourier Transform of circles and an ellipse (8)Image rotation and magnification (9)MR k-space data reconstruction and low-pass filter (10)Display an image in gray level (11)Display an image in color (12)Region of interest selection and display (13)Cross correlation between temperature and humidity (14)Independent component analysis of mixed music files -MATLAB Medical Image Process Experiments (including 14 source code and course documents) (1)Plot a sine function using MATLAB, and write the data into a file (2)Read data from a file, plot a SINC function, and append the result back to the same file (3)Plot a Gaussian distribution using MATLAB (4)Fourier transform of a square function is a SINC function (5)1-D low-pass filters and their point-spread functions (6)2-D low-pass filters and their point-spread functions (7)Fourier Transform of circles and an ellipse (8)Image rotation and magnification (9)MR k-space data reconstruction and low-pass filter (10)Display an image in gray level (11)Display an image in color (12)Region of interest selection and display (13)Cross correlation between temperature and humidity (14)Independent component analysis of mixed music files
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.17mb Publisher : 江儜昶

图像线性插值,包括nearest neighbor(pixel duplication),bilinear,bicubic,lanczos,B-spline, cubic,Fourier zero-padding (sinc)-Image linear interpolation, including nearest neighbor (pixel duplication), bilinear, bicubic, lanczos, B-spline, cubic, Fourier zero-padding (sinc)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 75kb Publisher : richard

DL : 0
famous fourier signal transform of sinc
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : ehab

DL : 0
重点分析信号在时域中为矩形脉冲具有sinc函数的特点,以此为基础,探讨小波和傅里叶之间的变换关系,既是小波与傅里叶分析基础,也是图像处理方面的资料-Key analytical signal in the time domain characteristic of a rectangular pulse having a sinc function as a basis to explore the relationship between wavelet and Fourier transform between both Wavelet and Fourier analysis is fundamental to the image processing information
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 482kb Publisher : 胡强解

DL : 0
matlab程序,对多种信号的傅里叶(Fourier)变换,包括sin,sinc,AM,2fsk,2psk,方波,以及带汉明窗的FFT-Matlab program, for a variety of signals of Fourier Fourier transform, including sin, sinc, AM, 2 FSK, 2 PSK, square wave, and FFT with hamming window
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 翟晓

DL : 0
简单函数的傅里叶变换,包括sinc、高斯函数和带有二次相位的高斯函数的傅里叶变换(Fourier transform of simple function)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 204kb Publisher : 瑾一酱
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