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该程序是基于C++环环境的 文件名frames -the program is based on the C ring environment file frames
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.05kb Publisher : 雷永俊

DL : 0
该程序是基于C++环环境的 文件名frames -the program is based on the C ring environment file frames
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 雷永俊

The program purikura.m frames your images into a beautiful frame. Convert your boring looking images into decorated ones using it. Automatically adjusts the bordering i.e. framing according to the image s dimensions. Save the decorated images.-The program purikura.m frames your images into a beautiful frame. Convert your boring loo king images into decorated ones using it. Autom atically adjusts the bordering i.e. framing ac cording to the image's dimensions. Save the deco rated images.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 80kb Publisher : xj

Use your own images to make picture frames The program adpframe.m makes picture frames and then frames an image using that frame. Some patterns are provided in the zipped file, which can be used to make frames and then frame images. Special Feature: You can use your own images of ANY SIZE for making your own picture frames, therefore the name - FRAME MAKER . All this is possible because the bordering image adapts itself to main image and in the last stage the frame formed by the bordering image is again adapted to the main image, therefore the name - ADAPTIVE FRAMING . -Use your own images to make picture frames T he program adpframe.m makes picture frames and then frames an image using that frame. Some patt erns are provided in the zipped file, which can be used to make frames and then frame im ages. Special Feature : You can use your own images of ANY SIZE for making your own picture frames. therefore the name-FRAME MAKER. All this is pos sible because the bordering image adapts itsel f to main image and in the last frame for the stage med by the bordering image is again adapted to th e main image, therefore the name-adaptive FRAMING.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 468kb Publisher : xj

在VisualStudio2008下编写的视频采集程序,能够录像以及按照每秒15帧的速率将图像保存为BMP图像,基于VFW编写-VisualStudio2008 prepared in the video capture process, to video as well as the rate of 15 frames per second image saved as a BMP image, based on the VFW prepared
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 47kb Publisher : xxm.nevaeh

DL : 0
提出视频帧序列中最重要帧,要这些帧频中插入水印。-Video frame sequence to the most important frames, it is necessary to insert a watermark of these frame rates.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 侯发忠

ch2_1_1:查看直方图(§2.1.3) ch2_2_1:显示图像(§2.2.2) ch2_3_1:添加颜色条(§2.3.1) ch2_3_2:图像的单帧显示(§2.3.2) ch2_3_3:图像的多帧显示(§2.3.2) ch2_3_4:图像的动画显示(§2.3.2) ch2_3_5:灰度图像的动画显示(§2.3.2) ch2_3_6:纹理映射(§2.3.3) ch2_3_7:一个图形窗口中同时显示2幅图像(§2.3.4) -ch2_1_1: Show histogram (§ 2.1.3) ch2_2_1: display images (§ 2.2.2) ch2_3_1: Add color section (§ 2.3.1) ch2_3_2: single-frame images show (§ 2.3.2) ch2_3_3: multi-image frames show (§ 2.3.2) ch2_3_4: Image Animation (§ 2.3.2) ch2_3_5: gray-scale image of the animation show (§ 2.3.2) ch2_3_6: Texture Mapping (§ 2.3.3) ch2_3_7: a graphical window At the same time show the two images (§ 2.3.4)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : sherman1944

can be used to split a signal up into frames. It can optionally apply a window to each frame.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : qingpg518

Video capture and working with frames example.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 289kb Publisher : jo

This program takes a video from camera and break it into frames
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : angeline

DL : 0
Using Iframes in Html
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 27kb Publisher : uthayakumar

it decodes the dvix video files into frames and the change in frames are detected
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.63mb Publisher : dalt

DL : 1
Atomizer is a package of Matlab routines for atomic decomposition of 1-d signals in various dictionaries. The atomic decomposition techniques include Basis Pursuit, the Method of Frames, the Best Orthogonal Basis method for wavelet packets/cosine packet dictionaries, and Matching Pursuit.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 317kb Publisher : Galilleo

DL : 0
本次实验中对视频的I帧和P帧进行SNR可伸缩编码,可分级的级数为2。在I帧编码时,首先采用较大的量化矩阵进行量化,完成编码后的图像作为基本层-The experiments on the video frames and the I to P frame SNR scalable coding, can be graded series of 2. In the I-frame coding, the first to quantify the larger matrix to quantify the complete image is encoded as a basic layer
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 郝人

DL : 0
A color image warping program, If color image warping is done for all the frames of a video, it will be very easy to generate transitions present at the end of the video "Black and White by Michael Jackson"
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 68kb Publisher : Chetan J

TFrameViewer, ThtmlViewer, and TFrameBrowser The HTML component set consists of the ThtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components. All three are HTML document display components: ThtmlViewer The basic component. ThtmlViewer displays single (non-frame) documents. It also forms the basis for the other two components. TFrameViewer Displays both Frame and single HTML documents. TFrameViewer is oriented more for local disk file use. TFrameBrowser Also displays Frame and single HTML documents. However, TFrameBrower is oriented toward Internet style protocols and URL usage. Additional code and/or components are generally required to use TFrameBrowser. If you know that your appication will not be using Frames, you can save a fair amount of code overhead by using ThtmlViewer rather than one of the Frame components. Many operations are also simpler using ThtmlViewer. -TFrameViewer, ThtmlViewer, and TFrameBrowser The HTML component set consists of the ThtmlViewer, TFrameViewer, and TFrameBrowser components. All three are HTML document display components: ThtmlViewer The basic component. ThtmlViewer displays single (non-frame) documents. It also forms the basis for the other two components. TFrameViewer Displays both Frame and single HTML documents. TFrameViewer is oriented more for local disk file use. TFrameBrowser Also displays Frame and single HTML documents. However, TFrameBrower is oriented toward Internet style protocols and URL usage. Additional code and/or components are generally required to use TFrameBrowser. If you know that your appication will not be using Frames, you can save a fair amount of code overhead by using ThtmlViewer rather than one of the Frame components. Many operations are also simpler using ThtmlViewer.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 711kb Publisher : hytrex

视频搜索中人脸识别关键技术的研究与实现。本文对人脸检测与识别技术进行了研究,实现了一个用于视频搜 索的自动人脸识别系统。该系统对输入的视频帧进行人脸检测和定 位,经过图像预处理之后,进行重要特征点Gabor一Fisher的特征提取 和分类识别。-Video search, face recognition and implementation of key technologies. In this paper, face detection and recognition technology has been studied to realize an automatic face recognition for video search system. The system of input video frames for face detection and location, after image pre-processing carried out following important features of a Fisher-point Gabor feature extraction and classification and recognition.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.82mb Publisher : 王帅

A matlab program to convert video into corresponding frames
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : Manish

Edge Detection This demo finds the edges of objects in a video stream using the Prewitt method. You can double-click the Edge Detection block and adjust the Threshold parameter while the simulation is running. The higher you make the threshold, the smaller the amount of edges the demo finds in the video. This demo also illustrates how to use the Compositing block to overlay the edges on the original video frames.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : radim.rh

语音的分帧程序,很好用,支持各种窗函数,在语音处理中很有用-This is a matlab programe which can divide voice into several frames
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : pdw
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