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TNT2简单留言本 v1.2 功能: 1.动态留言回复系统 2.删除、编辑、回复管理方便,并可查看留言者IP 3.后台可自由设置系统名称及页面meta标签-TNT2 simple message of the v1.2 features : 1. Dynamic voice response system 2. To delete, edit, reply to facilitate the management, who can view messages IP 3. Background system will be free to name and page meta tag
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 183.1kb Publisher : 李好

ADSL密码另类看法 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 系统专区 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 997 KB -ADSL passwords alternative view books Language : English books Type : System Precinct license : free software books Size : 997 KB
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 997.64kb Publisher : 任光大

功能: 新闻频道:管理员可以在后台自由添加新闻,推荐新闻、头条新闻、并可定制新闻的显示方式,支持动态图片下载把其他网站的文章中的图片自动下载到本地服务器,支持评论,支持浏览计数,支持广告等常用新闻系统的功能。 下载频道:自由添加软件到服务器,支持防止多线程下载,支持防盗连,支持广告,支持点击计数等常用的下载频道的功能 留言系统:流行的版面设计,支持定制留言的可见级别等一系列常用留言系统的功能。 动态换肤:犹如“动网新闻”一样的动态换肤功能,新颖,大方。 动态语言:支持动态切换网站语言。 其他特点:支持Cookie登录记忆,动态设置整站广告,精心设计的缓存,提供最大限度的快速访问等等。 管理功能:管理功能丰富,方便。 数据库:本系统使用Microsoft Access数据库。 BBS:完成了50%左右,基本上可以体现数据。 使用方法:建立虚拟目录rescn即可正常浏览 管理员:admin/winte 会员用户:winter/winter -functions : news channel : Administrators can add free background information and recommended news headlines, can be customized news displays and supports dynamic download pictures of other websites article pictures automatically downloaded to a local server, support comments in support of View count, sticks holders of common advertising information system functions. Download channels : free software added to the server, to prevent support multithreading download, support security company to support advertising, counting support Click popular download channel functional voice systems : the popular layout design, customized messages of support can be seen as a series of common-level voice mail system. Dynamic Eurocargo : It is a "dynamic network news," the same dynamic house, inno
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.53mb Publisher : shenwuren

这个程序是一个个人考勤软件,它从系统时钟获取时间信息,只要上下班时按时在当日考勤栏内点击相应的栏目标题即可逐日记录下个人每天的工作时间,按月统计汇总,按年形成文件.可以随意查看过去的记录,也可把记录按月打印出来.在年汇总栏内可以选择要查看或打印的月份。-the procedure is a personal appraisal software from the system clock time information access, as long as going to and from work on time on the same day attendance column click on the appropriate column headings can be recorded daily personal daily working hours, monthly statistical summary, by creating a document. Free to View past record , but also can print out monthly record. in summary, the column can choose to view or print the month.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 156.8kb Publisher : 丁韧

只有11K 功能有 起始统计: 本站浏览总人数: 今日浏览总人数: 昨日浏览总人数: 本月浏览总人数: 上月浏览总人数: 开站至今天: 平均一日人数: 免费空间的朋友们用吧:) -only 11K function initial statistics : the total number of site View : View the total number of today : the total number of yesterday's View : View the total number of this month : on the total number of View : open stands today : an average of the 1st : free space friends with it :)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.82kb Publisher : oliver

VC源代码管理软件之 CodeHelp(无源码)作者姓名:祝小斌邮件地址:thinkry@263.net开发环境:VC6.0 Windows 2000测试环境:Windows 2000 功能介绍:========== 概 述========== 程序员可能常有这样的烦恼:编程中经常需要去查阅以前写过的代码片断,而每次打开代码所在的工程既费时又费力。 知识管理越来越被大家所重视,源代码也应该做为一种知识资源,纳入知识管理体系中去。CodeHelp 是为了方便程序员更好的管理自己的源代码而写的一款免费软件。 利用 CodeHelp,可以方便的管理你的各种技术资料和源代码。 CodeHelp 以目录树来管理代码文件,你可以自由定义目录,并能够自由移动修改,支持无限分支延伸。采用分段读入方式,能支持超大的目录树。 CodeHelp 支持“语法突出”方式显示代码(目前仅支持C/C++)。能高亮显示源代码中的“注释”、“关键字”和“字符串”,和在 VC6.0 看起来完全一样。 CodeHelp 采用 TabView 来显示多个源代码文件,查看起来非常方便。-VC source code management software capital CodeHelp (without source) Author Name : Chuxiaobin mail address : development environment : Windows 2000 VC6.0 test environment : Windows 2000 functional overview presented :========== ========== programmers may tend Pains : Programming often need access to previously written code snippet, and each open source project where the time-consuming and laborious. Knowledge management is increasingly paying attention to you, the source code should also serve as a knowledge resources and knowledge management system into China. CodeHelp programmers is to facilitate better management of their source code and write free software. CodeHelp use can facilitate the management of your technical information and source code. CodeHelp directory tree
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 291kb Publisher : ff

数据库封装原代码 1. 该代码可以免费使用, 该代码的名字暂时定为\"哲别\" 2. 如果你需要使用该代码, 请注明该代码的原来作者: Jacky Zhou 3. 如果你发现该代码有bug,可以自己修改或者请给我发email: 4. 该数据库封装代码功能可以对数据库的表,视图和存储过程进行封装,易于系统移植,扩展,使用了interface,factory,xml等方法 5. 核心代码是在\"Sample\\base\\DBGW\"里 6. Sample演示了查询,增加,删除记录和如何使用存贮过程 如果你没有做过,那这些代码可以用来学习诚然,这并不是最好的代码,而且中国高人如云学海无涯 -database Packaging an original code. The code can use free of charge. The code name for the time being \ "Zhebie \" 2. If you need to use the code, Please specify that the author of the original code : Jacky Zhou 3. If you find a bug in the code. they can revise or please give me a email : 4. Packaging code of the database functions can be right database tables, View and storage process Packaging and easy to transplant system, the expansion of the use of the interface, factory, xml etc. 5. core code is the \ "Sample \ \ base \ \ DBGW \" Lane 6. S ample demonstration of inquiry, add, delete records and the use of the storage process if you did not do so. That code can be used to study Admittedly, this is not the best code, but the Chinese Supreme clouds
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 799kb Publisher : 哈哈

免费开源的远程桌面程序,vnc客户端源代码,windows版本-Free open source remote desktop programs, vnc client source code, windows version
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 130kb Publisher : 安臣

统一建模语言参考手册,内容包括静态视图、用例视图、状态机视图、活动视图、交互视图、物理视图、模型管理视图等-Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, including a static view, use-case view, state machine view, the activities of view, interactive view, physical view, such as model management view
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.4mb Publisher :

流媒体 多视点视频编码 会议论文 清华大学课程指定阅读文献 英文-A Framework for Representation and Processing of Multi-view Video Using the Concept of Layered Depth Image.pdf Fast Disparity and Motion Estimation for Multi-view Video Coding.pdf Low-Delay Multiview Video Coding for Free-Viewpoint Video Communication.pdf ……
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.11mb Publisher : 张健

本程序功能与Windows下附件中的画图软件功能相近。本程序是在VC6.0平台上用MFC所编,支持多文档和多视图结构,视图为滚动视图,允许分割窗口。绘制方面的功能主要包括绘制各种图元,包括直线、Bezier曲线、矩形、圆角矩形、椭圆(圆)、多边形,用笔或画刷自由绘图,橡皮擦擦除,颜料桶填充,取色和区域选取移动。绘图时可以选择各种画笔颜色和画刷颜色,各种线型和线宽,以及画封闭图元时是否填充,当然,还能设置背景色、清除图像及画布大小调整等,并且在绘图区单击右键会弹出快捷菜单。程序支持保存和读取位图格式。 程序界面主要由标题栏、菜单栏、工具栏、状态栏、绘图工作区及属性页对话框组成,其中有四个实现不同功能的工具栏,包括MFC自动生成的工具条、自定义的工具箱(ToolBox)、颜色盒(ColorBox)和工具属性栏(ToolStyleBox)。其中MFC自动生成的工具条用于保存文件之类的操作工具箱可以选择绘图或操作方式,颜色盒选取颜色,工具属性栏设置工具属性,状态栏中显示鼠标在绘图区的逻辑坐标,属性页对话框可以改变画布大小及设置背景色和前景色。工具栏和状态栏有停靠和浮动功能。-The program features with Windows under the annex is similar to the drawing software. This procedure is in VC6.0 platforms for use by MFC to support multi-document and multi-view structure, the view for scrolling view, to allow division of the window. Mapping functions including the preparation of a variety of major elements, including a straight line, Bezier curves, rectangle, round rectangle, ellipse (circle), polygon, use a pen or paint brush free drawing, erase eraser, paint bucket to fill, check color and regional select mobile. Can choose a variety of drawing and painting brush brushes color colors, a variety of linear and linewidth, as well as the painting when it closed pixel fill, of course, but also set the background color, clear images and adjustments, such as the size of canvas, and drawing area Right-click shortcut menu will pop up. Procedures to support the preservation and read the bitmap format.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.16mb Publisher : NiP

DL : 0
pdf文件,说明3维自由立体显示软件双视点的设置问题-pdf document on the free 3-D dual-view three-dimensional display software settings problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 247kb Publisher : 杨一

DL : 0
可用于实现键盘记录。端口操作不需要编写驱动,在Win95/98下直接可以使用汇编的In/Out指令。VC中也提供了_inp/_outp这样的函数(QA001059 outportb、inportb对应的函数)。不过在NT下,不能使用In/Out指令,参考QA001296 如何在WindowsNT/2000下用VB6写硬件IO控制。 如果使用硬件中断就必须编写驱动,标准的办法是采用微软的DDK。Win98和WinNT 4.0/5.0的DDK可以从免费下载。从你的电子邮件来看,你是教育网的用户,那么你可以从教育网的一些FTP站点(如北大图书馆)下载到Win95/98/NT的DDK,我们下面提到的一些软件也可以找到。Win95 DDK主要是采用汇编的。如果你对汇编不熟悉,当然是使用VToolsD(更好些,这个软件包允许你使用C/C++编写驱动,但软件包比较贵(约四、五百美金)。另外,你可以在或找到与硬件有关的软件,这些软件允许你不编写驱动,直接在VC中调用驱动,如果你的编程不复杂,也可以使用。 -Port operations do not need to write drivers in Win95/98 can be used directly to compile the In/Out commands. VC also provides _inp/_outp such a function (QA001059 outportb, inportb the corresponding function). However, under NT, can not use the In/Out commands, reference QA001296 how to use VB6 to write WindowsNT/2000 hardware under the control of IO. If you use a hardware interrupt on the need to write drivers, the standard approach is the use of Microsoft DDK. Win98 and WinNT 4.0/5.0 the DDK can be downloaded free of charge from the E-mail from your point of view, you are a user of the Education Network, you can network some education FTP site (such as the Beijing University Library) Win95/98/NT download the DDK, below some of our software can also be found . Win95 DDK compiled mainly used. If you are not familiar with the compilation, of course, is the use of VToolsD ( better, this package allows you to use C/C+
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 198kb Publisher :

适用于多视点视频编码的实验测试代码模型。为国际公认的通用标准测试程序。-Multi-view Video Coding for experimental test code model. For the internationally recognized universal standards for testing procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : maxwell

An overview of 3D and free viewpoint video is given in this paper with special focus on related standardization activities in MPEG. Free viewpoint video allows the user to freely navigate within real world visual scenes, as known from virtual worlds in computer graphics. Examples are shown, highlighting standards conform realization using MPEG-4. Then the principles of 3D video are introduced providing the user with a 3D depth impression of the observed scene. Example systems are described again focusing on their realization based on MPEG-4. Finally multi-view video coding is described as a key component for 3D and free viewpoint video
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 325kb Publisher : ali

Crossplatform SCADA written in Free Pascal language (Lazarus IDE 0.9.29 svn). GNU General Public License (GPL)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 409kb Publisher : cluei2

后台目录/admin/ 帐号:admin 密码:admin 只要支持ASP环境,不需任何修改即可运行 报名表单,支持多达8种自由设置的组合方式 1.单选框 radio 2.复选框(多选) checkbox 3.带文字输入框的单选框 radio+text 4.带文字输入框的复选框(多选) checkbox+text 5.下拉框选择框 select 6.文本框 text 7.文本区域 textarea 8.日期选择题 text_date 具体设置效果 可以到嵩嵩系统官网查看最新演示 -Background catalog/admin/accounts: admin Password: admin support ASP environment, without any modifications to run the registration form, support up to 8 free set combinations radio button radio. Checkbox (multi- selected) checkbox of a single box with a text input box radio+text 4. checkbox (multiple choice) checkbox+text 5 drop-down box selection box the select 6. text box with a text input box text 7. the text area textarea 8. date the effect of multiple-choice questions text_date specific set to Song Song System official website to view the latest demo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 862kb Publisher : fsdgsagoiw

在Delphi环境下,基于GL_Scene控件编写而成的3D四轴飞行器模型,3D自由视图,支持3D旋转和鼠标缩放功能。-In the Delphi environment, the 3D four axis vehicle model and GL_Scene control based on the preparation, 3D free view, support 3D rotation and zoom function of mouse.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 421kb Publisher : 张清奈

charts4php used for view chart in php
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.87mb Publisher : mashuri

DL : 0
一个全能的免费的观看全网视频的一个软件,里面包含小游戏,小工具(An omnipotent free view of the whole network video, which contains a small game, a small tool.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.18mb Publisher : 小明123cd
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