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蓝牙中的跳频实现模型,利用matlab中的simulink-Bluetooth s frequency hopping to achieve model simulink in matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : zhangli

DL : 0
高速跳频,调制样式为DPSK(DPSK/FH),包括信号的发射接收模型,自己写的代码,仅供参考。-High-speed frequency hopping, modulation pattern for DPSK (DPSK/FH), including the launch of signal reception model, write your own code, for reference purposes only.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 史英春

This a Bluetooth Model for frequency hopping in simulink matlab. a transmitter and receiver are shown with frequency hopping, 1Mbps, 1600 hops per second-This is a Bluetooth Model for frequency hopping in simulink matlab. a transmitter and receiver are shown with frequency hopping, 1Mbps, 1600 hops per second
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : Omi

这是关于蓝牙跳频通信系统的仿真设计,利用MATLAB的SIMULINK仿真模型,分为跳频系统传输部分、FH-CPM Modulaor子系统、信号接受部分、FH-CPM Demulator子系统、Dis-assemble Packet子系统、频谱分析模块、误码分析模块共七个模块,共有6个MDL文件。-This is about the Bluetooth frequency hopping communication system simulation design, the use of MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation model is divided into frequency-hopping system transmission parts, FH-CPM Modulaor subsystem, signal receiving part, FH-CPM Demulator subsystem, Dis-assemble Packet sub- system, spectral analysis module, the error analysis module of seven modules, a total of six MDL file.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 38kb Publisher : masong

蓝牙协议语音通信matlab仿真程序,包含语音传输, I/O, CVSD speech coding, HEC, FEC, framing, GFSK Modulation, frequency hopping, 和802.11b interferer.-Simulink model of a Bluetooth communication link transmitting HV1, HV2 or HV3 voice packets. Includes wave file I/O, CVSD speech coding, HEC, FEC, framing, GFSK Modulation, frequency hopping, and an 802.11b interferer.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : hao

蓝牙通信模块:包含了输入输出、语音编码、前向纠错、GFSK调制、跳频等-Simulink model of a Bluetooth communication. Includes I/O, speech coding, FEC, GFSK Modulation, frequency hopping, and so on.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : 付艳柳

Simulink® and Stateflow® model of a full duplex Bluetooth communication link transmitting HV1, HV2, HV3, and SCORT [1] voice packets, and DM1 data packets. A system parameters block configures the whole model s packet type, slot pair and channel type. Stateflow is used to implement the acknowledgement scheme for the data packets and the SCORT receiver state machine. NOTE: A version of this model which works with the current release of MATLAB and Simulink is shipped with the Communications Blockset™ . The model includes wave file I/O, CVSD speech coding, HEC, payload CRC for DM1, FEC, framing, GFSK Modulation, frequency hopping, hop sequence generation, an 802.11b interferer, BER meters, throughput meters, plus spectrum, timing and spectrogram plot (which can be turned-off).-Simulink® and Stateflow® model of a full duplex Bluetooth communication link transmitting HV1, HV2, HV3, and SCORT [1] voice packets, and DM1 data packets. A system parameters block configures the whole model s packet type, slot pair and channel type. Stateflow is used to implement the acknowledgement scheme for the data packets and the SCORT receiver state machine. NOTE: A version of this model which works with the current release of MATLAB and Simulink is shipped with the Communications Blockset™ . The model includes wave file I/O, CVSD speech coding, HEC, payload CRC for DM1, FEC, framing, GFSK Modulation, frequency hopping, hop sequence generation, an 802.11b interferer, BER meters, throughput meters, plus spectrum, timing and spectrogram plot (which can be turned-off).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 252kb Publisher : ALDEE

matlab与simulink通信系统建模与仿真实例分析。 本書系統地介紹了通信建模仿真方法和模型驗證技術,並結合作者近年在教學科研中所設計的大量基礎的和較深入的建模仿真實例,詳細討論了Matlab/Simulink作為仿真實現平台在電子與通信工程中應用的基本方法、技巧和難點。本書重點討論了建模仿真原理和相關的數值計算方法、模擬通信系統、模數轉換、調製與編碼、信道模擬、載波與符號同步、信道均衡、跳頻系統和直接擴頻系統、通信模型正確性評估、仿真數據驗證和數據處理技術等內容,並在仿真實例中展示了科學研究論文和報告所必須的數據處理和表現技巧。 本書提供了約150個建模仿真實例,80多道思考題,以及全部實例代碼和一個電子教案。這些實例根據基本數學原理,結合Simulink的S函數編程,也使用了通信工具箱、信號處理工具箱和相關模型庫的模塊和函數,以便於讀者追源求本,深入理解建模和仿真的實質。 本書可作為高等院校通信工程、電子信息類專業的本科生和研究生系統仿真課程的教材或進行相關課題研究的參考書,也可作為相關專業課程設計和畢業設計等綜合性實踐教學的指導材料,還可供通信工程專業技術人員、教師等作為解決通信系統設計、評估和建模仿真領域實際問題的參考資料。-matlab and simulink communications system modeling and simulation case study. This book describes the methods and models of communication modeling and simulation verification technology, combined with the author in recent years in teaching and research in the design of a large number of basic and more in-depth modeling and simulation examples are discussed in detail Matlab/Simulink Simulation as an electronic platform the basic method of communicating with the project application, skills and difficulties. This book focuses on the modeling and simulation, and the related numerical methods, analog communication system, analog to digital conversion, modulation and coding, channel simulation, carrier and symbol synchronization, channel equalization, frequency hopping spread spectrum system and direct system, a communication model is correct content uation, simulation, data validation and data processing technology, and scientific research papers and reports show the necessary data process
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.53mb Publisher : xinyan

在 阐述跳频 通信基 本原 理和实现方法的基础上 , 利用 M atlab 提供 的可 视化工 具 Simulink 建 立了 跳频通 信系 统仿 真模型-Based on the basic principles of frequency hopping communication 理和实现方法的基础上 , 利用 M atlab 提供 的可 视化工 具 Simulink 建 立了 跳频通 信系 统仿 真模型 Based on the theory and implementation method, the simulation model of frequency hopping communication system is established by using the visual tool M atlab Simulink
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 238kb Publisher :
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