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Description: 一个jquery日历插件,可绑定时间,有点类似于google日历,功能非常强大
Platform: | Size: 138039 | Author: 303710438@qq.com | Hits:


Description: jquery 实现的类似谷歌的日历功能的js实现 是个不错的东西-jquery implementation similar to Google' s calendar function in js is a good thing to achieve
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: zsj | Hits:


Description: 仿谷歌日程安排的JS代码,可以拖动事件,双击编辑事件,用拖动改变事件的时间-Imitation Google schedule of JS code, you can drag event, double-click the Edit Event, drag the time of the change event
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: jaswhen | Hits:


Description: FullCalendar是很出名的jQuery日历插件,它支持拖拽等功能,整合了Google Calendar,而且可以通过JSON来绑定事件,设计师可以轻松地自定义日历样式,工程师则利用它提供的接口来处理用户触发事件。 -FullCalendar is a very famous jQuery calendar plugin, it supports drag and other functions, the integration of the Google Calendar, but also through JSON binding events, the designer can easily customize the calendar styles, engineers use it provides the interface to handle user trigger events.
Platform: | Size: 130048 | Author: 李海军 | Hits:


Description: 开源大日历,用户程序员的开发的插件,,可以做备忘录的开发等fullcalendar-1.5.3-Open source large calendar, user programmer, plug-in, can do the development of fullcalendar-1.5.3 memorandum
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: happysnowcity | Hits:


Description: oracle_SQL中rowid与rownum的使用.zip-oracle_SQL in a rowid and rownum use. zip
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: limin | Hits:


Description: 用javascript 实现的日历控制,如google 日历一样。-javascrpt calendar
Platform: | Size: 237568 | Author: gooddeng | Hits:

[Other Web Codefullcalendar-1.5.4

Description: jquery的fullCalendar插件-the jquery' s fullCalendar plug-ins
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: song | Hits:

[Browser Clientfullcalendar

Description: 基于框架语言的网页界面,用于显示和设置日历等-Dynamic webpage calendar effect
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: yzliu | Hits:

[Software Engineeringfullcalendar-1.5.4

Description: 本实例主要是实例日历的基本功能,简单易懂,非常实用!-this demo is mainly about calendar basic function,it s easy to learn and useful.
Platform: | Size: 151552 | Author: 米粉 | Hits:

[assembly languagefullcalendar-1.6.1

Description: The schedule control,Similar to Google -The source code,Similar to Google
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 黄昌坤 | Hits:

[File Formatfullcalendar-1.6.0

Description: 很好用的日历插件,有月,周,日三种模式,可实现新增,删除,随意推动,随意改变大小。-Good use of the calendar plugin
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 小夏 | Hits:


Description: jquery.fullCalendar官方文档翻译(一款小巧好用的议事日程管理日历, 可集成Google Calendar)-A compact schedule management, there are examples!
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 罗成功 | Hits:


Description: fullcalendar 控件实例,里面有具体的事例,你可以简单的开发出来很炫的效果。-fullcalendar dome
Platform: | Size: 297984 | Author: 马智超 | Hits:


Description: You can install FullCalendar through Bower, a package manager for web components. Once you have the bower command line tool installed, you can type:-Includes a basic stylesheet, the Google Calendar extension, and the necessary Moment and jQuery files.
Platform: | Size: 297984 | Author: tang | Hits:


Description: HTML FOR fullcalendar
Platform: | Size: 268288 | Author: wawsafd | Hits:


Description: fullcalendar日程管理 样式之类的比较单调 但是很实用 -this is a schedual calendar manager soft ,fullcalendar you can find it in csdn
Platform: | Size: 2467840 | Author: 钟源 | Hits:


Description: fullcalendar,日期,排班,日期绑定数据-fullcalendar When introducing internal API incompatibilities (where fullcalendar plugins would break)
Platform: | Size: 428032 | Author: 贾渊 | Hits:


Description: fullcalendar日历,用于排班、考勤等需要日历设置环境(Fullcalendar calendar, used for scheduling, attendance, etc., need calendar setting environment)
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: SYaphets | Hits:


Description: FullCalendar提供了丰富的属性设置和方法调用,开发者可以根据FullCalendar提供的API快速完成一个日历日程的开发,本文将FullCalendar的常用属性和方法、回调函数等整理成中文文档(FullCalendar provides call property settings and abundant methods, developers can quickly complete a calendar schedule according to FullCalendar API, the common properties and methods of FullCalendar, the callback function organized into Chinese documents etc.)
Platform: | Size: 482304 | Author: 小王1号 | Hits:
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