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we introduce the Color-based Catchment Basin Merging Algorithm, an area-based segmentation approach that is specifically designed to segment low-altitude aerial images, as a preprocessing step to 3D reconstruction. This approach extends the watershed-based Catchment Basin Merging Algorithm, which is purely geometric, by introducing color similarity as an additional criterion to decide on the merging of evolving regions. Experiments performed with real aerial images of varied nature demonstrate that this modification eliminates over-segmentation problems of the existing algorithm, allowing large-scale urban scenes to be segmented in an accurate, reliable and fully automatic way.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 759kb Publisher : bassem

中文自动分词技术是中文 Web信息处理的基础。文中以最大匹配法(MM)为基础 ,充分 考虑上下文(MMC) ,在内存中采用二分法进行分词匹配 ,有效地提高了分词的准确率和时效。-Chinese automatic segmentation technology is Chinese Web information processing foundation. The maximal matching method (MM) as the foundation, fully Consider context (skillfully), with dichotomy in the memory on participles matching, effectively improve the accuracy of the segmentation and limitation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 221kb Publisher : yuna

改进fcm分割算法,它是一种无监督分割方法,无需人的干预,分割过程完全是自动完成 它可以很好地处理噪声,部分体积影响和图像模糊。-Improve FCM segmentation algorithm, it is a kind of unsupervised segmentation method, without human intervention, process fully automatic segmentation complete It can be a very good deal with noise, part of the volume effect and image fuzzy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : tang

In this work, a new approach to fully automatic color image segmentation, called JSEG, is presented. First, colors in the image are quantized to several representing classes that can be used to differentiate regions in the image. Then, image pixel colors are replaced by their corresponding color class labels, thus forming a class-map of the image. A criterion for “good” segmentation using this class-map is proposed. Applying the criterion to local windows in the class-map results in the “J-image”, in which high and low values correspond to possible region boundaries and region centers, respectively. A region growing method is then used to segment the image based on the multi-scale J-images. Experiments show that JSEG provides good segmentation results on a variety of images.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.91mb Publisher : artjuna

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1.采用独有的分词引擎,完全匹配baidu和google的习惯。 2.内容经过打乱和伪原创处理,收录更多。 3.标题随机自动增加特殊符号,对搜索引擎更友好。 4.内容页全面静态化(伪静态),支持windows下的httpd.ini和linux下的.htaccess,如空间不支持,也可以选择动态模式,但对搜索不是很友好。 5.内容页面经过seo专家处理,对搜索友好,内容页description自动捉取文章内容。 6.自带伪原创同近义词约8000个,自动对文章相关字伪原创处理。 7.后台再更新程序,不定期增加伪原创字库和功能(准备增加文章内轮链的功能) 后台登陆地址:/admin/index.php 默认管理员:admin 密码:admin -1 using a unique word segmentation engine, fully match the Baidu and Google habits. 2 content after disrupted and pseudo original processing, included more. 3 random automatic increase of special symbols, the search engine is more friendly. 4 content page full static (pseudo static), support for httpd.ini under the Linux and.Htaccess windows, such as space is not supported, also can choose the dynamic model, but the search is not very friendly. 5 content page after SEO experts to deal with the search for a friendly, content page description automatically capture the article content. 6 own pseudo original synonym of about 8000, automatic pseudo original articles related to word processing. 7 background and update the program, do not regularly add pseudo original font and function (to increase the inner wheel chain function) Background landing address: /admin/index.php Default administrator: admin Password: admin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 394kb Publisher : yanschen

问答吧(自带伪原创引擎的问问小偷)功能简介: 1.采用独有的分词引擎,完全匹配baidu和google的习惯。 2.内容经过打乱和伪原创处理,收录更多。 3.标题随机自动增加特殊符号,对搜索引擎更友好。-Question and answer it (with false original engine to ask the thief) function introduction: 1 using a unique word segmentation engine, fully match the Baidu and Google habits. 2 content after disrupted and pseudo original processing, included more. 3 random automatic increase of special symbols, the search engine is more friendly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 374kb Publisher : 杨先森
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