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Partial volume correction method using reverse diffusion interpolation This function implements a reverse diffusion scheme to interpolate images to correct for partial volume effect. Under the assumption that the pdf is about the size of the pixel (e.g. MRI), edges between two structures can be recovered. There is a script (go1.m) that asks to select multiple dicom files and then runs the main function. Any file formats could be read upon a small modification (imread instead of dicomread).-Partial volume correction method using're This verse diffusion interpolation function i mplements a reverse diffusion scheme to interp olate images to correct for partial volume effe ct. Under the assumption that the pdf is about th e size of the pixel (e.g. MRI), edges between two structures can be recovered. There is a script (go1.m) that asks to select intercommunication handset dicom files and then runs the main functio n. Any file formats could be read upon a small mod ification (imread instead of dicomread).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : xj

matlab实现huffman编码 1. norm2huff.m (encoder function) 2. huff2norm.m (decoder function) 3. frequency.m (private function) 4. huffcodes2bin.m (binary rapresentation of huffman codes) 5. huffman_bench1.m (benchmark) 6. huffman_demo1.m (demo file) 7. huffman_demo2.m (demo file) 8. huffman_test1.m (test file) 9. huffman_test2.m (test file) 10. (documentation) 11. Disclamer.txt (this is the disclamer)-huffman coding matlab realize 1. norm2huff.m (encoder function) 2. huff2norm.m (decoder function) 3. frequency.m (private function) 4. huffcodes2bin.m (binary rapresentation of huffman codes) 5. huffman_bench1.m (benchmark ) 6. huffman_demo1.m (demo file) 7. huffman_demo2.m (demo file) 8. huffman_test1.m (test file) 9. huffman_test2.m (test file) 10. (documentation) 11. Disclamer.txt (this is the disclamer)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : lindajillduan

DL : 0
Matlab中没有现成的Lagrange插值函数,必须编写一个M文件实现Lagrange插值。 设n个节点数据以数组x0,y0 输入(注意Matlat的数组下标从1开始),m 个插值点以数组 x输入,输出数组y 为 m个插值。 编写一个名为lagrange.m的M文件。-Matlab is not off-the-shelf Lagrange interpolation function, we must realize the preparation of an M file Lagrange interpolation. N nodes based data to an array of x0, y0 input (Note Matlat subscript of the array starting at 1), m a x interpolation points to the array input and output array y for m months interpolation. Lagrange.m the preparation of a M-file.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 贺鼎宏

实现正弦编解码(Sinusoidal coding)的matlab程序 sinusoidal_analysis.m文件定义了函数[A, F, P, fs] = sinusoidal_analysis(filename, framelen, frameshiftlen),将*.wav音频文件提取出A, F, P这3个参数矩阵。 sinusoidal_synthesis.m文件定义了函数syspeech = sinusoidal_synthesis(A, F, P, fs, framelen, frameshiftlen, orispeech, filename),通过A, F, P这3个参数矩阵合成*.wav音频文件-Achieve sinusoidal codec (Sinusoidal coding) the matlab procedure sinusoidal_analysis.m document defines a function [A, F, P, fs] = sinusoidal_analysis (filename, framelen, frameshiftlen), will be*. wav audio file to extract A, F, P This three parameter matrix. sinusoidal_synthesis.m document defines a function syspeech = sinusoidal_synthesis (A, F, P, fs, framelen, frameshiftlen, orispeech, filename), through A, F, P This 3 parameter matrix synthesis*. wav audio files
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 凝空子

里面有8PSK,GMSK的matlab源程序,贡献出来了-I was interested in the theory for 8PSK and came across this m-file written in 1999. It requires 2 function calls (graymapPSK and grayunmapPSK) which I have included and must be uncommented(single comments only) and loaded into your workspace. Remove the function calls from this m-file after you load into your workspace. It seems to work well and give valid results for BPSK and QPSK but I have a question about the setup for 8PSK and the solution for Pseint where Pse=Pseint. Also, the Gray coding seems different than what I m used to. Some of you more theoretical minded may have some insight into the theory behind how Pseint was determined and comment. I don t have the communications toolbox-blockset and was wondering how it compared with Matlab s example simulation of 8PSK with Gray coding (in Simulink?) Each run takes about a minute and the loop iterations are shown in the command window. A numerical example of a satellite link is shown using uncoded QPSK
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 杨阳

DL : 0
function [ret,x0,str,ts,xts]=smg(t,x,u,flag) smg is the M-file description of the SIMULINK system named smg. The block-diagram can be displayed by typing: smg. SYS=smg(T,X,U,FLAG) returns depending on FLAG certain system values given time point, T, current state vector, X, and input vector, U. FLAG is used to indicate the type of output to be returned in SYS.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : hacen

DL : 0
Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions - in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab. -Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions- in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : rizq

MATLAB函数调用教程m文件MATLAB m file function call tutorial-MATLAB m file tutorial function call MATLAB m file function call tutorial
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 295kb Publisher : henke

DL : 0
The MATLAB M-file plots the level crossing rate for an input signal using the lcr function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Xsago

Reads TDMS files into Matlab. See TDMS_exampleFunctionCalls.m to get started. Advantages: - supports reading v2 files - doesn t require the NI DLL, thus it doesn t require 32bit windows - supports interleaved data - allows only reading names & properties to get a quick feel for what is in the file - Since streaming files can get large (many GB), allows only retrieving subsets of data via keep or ignore flags Doesn t yet support: - big endian files Doesn t support: - files with DAQmx data - files with unsupported Matlab data types (extended float, etc) I haven t written very many wrappers to change the output data into more traditional formats. I d appreciate any submissions of wrappers that people make (like my TDMS_dataToGroupChanStruct_v1 & v2). Thanks! If the function doesn t work for you please let me know.-Reads TDMS files into Matlab. See TDMS_exampleFunctionCalls.m to get started. Advantages: - supports reading v2 files - doesn t require the NI DLL, thus it doesn t require 32bit windows - supports interleaved data - allows only reading names & properties to get a quick feel for what is in the file - Since streaming files can get large (many GB), allows only retrieving subsets of data via keep or ignore flags Doesn t yet support: - big endian files Doesn t support: - files with DAQmx data - files with unsupported Matlab data types (extended float, etc) I haven t written very many wrappers to change the output data into more traditional formats. I d appreciate any submissions of wrappers that people make (like my TDMS_dataToGroupChanStruct_v1 & v2). Thanks! If the function doesn t work for you please let me know.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 42kb Publisher : Hamlin DSouza
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