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[Other resourceGA-wangxp

Description: 王小平《遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》随书光盘,内容有: \\GA 本书中所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序 \\Sources 遗传算法相关自由软件及代码 -Wang Xiaoping "genetic algorithm -- Theory, Application and Software" CD with the book, the contents are : \\ GA book accompanying C or C source code files and executable files Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm-source Order, the importation of data files cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt. pfile.txt, rfile.txt. tfile.txt Sga.c basic genetic algorithm source files, input data files input, output file output A_life.c based on genetic algorithm simulation source Artificial Life, import data files GA_nn.c world based on genetic algorithm optimization neural network structure source, import data files Patmat.c sample extraction based on genetic algorithm-based graphics yuan source \\ Sour ces genetic algorithms and the associated free software code
Platform: | Size: 4516410 | Author: zhuli | Hits:

[Other resourceGA-BP

Description: 《遗传算法--理论、应用与软件实现》配套源程序 遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》,王小平、曹立明编着 西安交通大学出版社 2002年第一版本书全面系统地介绍了遗传算法的基本理论,重点介绍了遗传算法的经典应用和国内外的新发展。全书共分11章。第1章概述了遗传算法的产生与发展、基本思想、基本操作以及应用情况;第2章介绍了基本遗传算法;第3章论述了遗传算法的数学基础;第4章分析了遗传算法的多种改进方法;第5章初步介绍了进货计算理论体系;第6章介绍了遗传算法应用于数值优化问题;第7章介绍了遗传算法应用于组合优化问题;第8章介绍了遗传算法应用于机器学习;第9章讨论了遗传算法在智能控制中的应用;第10章讨论了遗传算法与人工生命研究的相关问题;第11章介绍了遗传算法在图像处理、模式识别中的应用。-"genetic algorithm -- the theory, application and software" complementary source of genetic algorithms -- theory, Application and software, "Wang Xiaoping, Li-Ming Cao compile Xi'an Jiaotong University Press in 2002 the first book version of the comprehensive and systematic introduction of the genetic algorithm's basic On focuses on the classical genetic algorithm use and the new development. The book is divided into 11 chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the genetic algorithm for the selection and development of basic ideas, basic operation and the application; Chapter 2 introduces the basic genetic algorithms; Chapter 3 of the genetic basis of a mathematical algorithm; Chapter 4 Analysis of the genetic algorithm approach to improve the variety; Chapter 5 on
Platform: | Size: 693772 | Author: zhoulu | Hits:


Description: 本书基于MATLAB 5.2版,提供了使用MATLAB的实践性指导。 MATLAB已成为适合多学科、多种工作平台的功能强大、界面友好 、语言自然并且开放性强的大型优秀应用软件,同时也已成为 国内外高等院校高等数学、数值分析、数字信号处理、自动控制 理论以及工程应用等课程的基本教学工具。本书按逻辑编排, 自始至终用实例描述;内容完整且每章相对独立; 是一本简明的MATLAB参考书,既适用于初学者,也适用于高级 MATLAB用户。对MATLAB与FORTRAN、C等语言结合的描述更是所 有MATLAB书籍中少有的一大特色。 本书适合作为理工科高等院 校研究生、本科生教学用书,也可作为广大科研工程技术人员的 自学用书。-book based on MATLAB version 5.2, providing for the use of MATLAB practical guidance. MATLAB has become suitable for multidisciplinary, multi-platform work of the powerful and friendly interface, natural language and the open-large outstanding software application, but also domestic and foreign institutions of higher learning has become a Higher Mathematics, Numerical analysis, digital signal processing, automatic control theory and engineering applications of the basic curriculum teaching tool. By the logic of the book presentation, from beginning to end, with examples description; As complete and relatively independent of each chapter; is a concise reference book MATLAB, applies to both beginners, and it also applies to senior MATLAB users. On MATLAB and FORTRAN. languages such as C with
Platform: | Size: 489472 | Author: zhouyinye | Hits:


Description: 王小平《遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》随书光盘,内容有: \GA 本书中所附源程序C或C++代码文件及其可执行文件 Scs.cpp 基本分类算法源程序,输入数据文件cfile.txt,efile.txt,gfile.txt,pfile.txt,rfile.txt,tfile.txt Sga.c 基本遗传算法源程序, 输入数据文件input,输出文件output A_life.c 基于遗传算法的人工生命模拟源程序, 输入数据文件world GA_nn.c 基于遗传算法优化神经网络结构源程序,输入数据文件sample Patmat.c 基于遗传算法提取基元图形源程序 \Sources 遗传算法相关自由软件及代码 -Wang Xiaoping "genetic algorithm-- Theory, Application and Software" CD with the book, the contents are : \ GA book accompanying C or C source code files and executable files Scs.cpp basic classification algorithm-source Order, the importation of data files cfile.txt, efile.txt, gfile.txt. pfile.txt, rfile.txt. tfile.txt Sga.c basic genetic algorithm source files, input data files input, output file output A_life.c based on genetic algorithm simulation source Artificial Life, import data files GA_nn.c world based on genetic algorithm optimization neural network structure source, import data files Patmat.c sample extraction based on genetic algorithm-based graphics yuan source \ Sour ces genetic algorithms and the associated free software code
Platform: | Size: 4515840 | Author: zhuli | Hits:


Description: 《遗传算法--理论、应用与软件实现》配套源程序 遗传算法——理论、应用与软件实现》,王小平、曹立明编着 西安交通大学出版社 2002年第一版本书全面系统地介绍了遗传算法的基本理论,重点介绍了遗传算法的经典应用和国内外的新发展。全书共分11章。第1章概述了遗传算法的产生与发展、基本思想、基本操作以及应用情况;第2章介绍了基本遗传算法;第3章论述了遗传算法的数学基础;第4章分析了遗传算法的多种改进方法;第5章初步介绍了进货计算理论体系;第6章介绍了遗传算法应用于数值优化问题;第7章介绍了遗传算法应用于组合优化问题;第8章介绍了遗传算法应用于机器学习;第9章讨论了遗传算法在智能控制中的应用;第10章讨论了遗传算法与人工生命研究的相关问题;第11章介绍了遗传算法在图像处理、模式识别中的应用。-"genetic algorithm-- the theory, application and software" complementary source of genetic algorithms-- theory, Application and software, "Wang Xiaoping, Li-Ming Cao compile Xi'an Jiaotong University Press in 2002 the first book version of the comprehensive and systematic introduction of the genetic algorithm's basic On focuses on the classical genetic algorithm use and the new development. The book is divided into 11 chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the genetic algorithm for the selection and development of basic ideas, basic operation and the application; Chapter 2 introduces the basic genetic algorithms; Chapter 3 of the genetic basis of a mathematical algorithm; Chapter 4 Analysis of the genetic algorithm approach to improve the variety; Chapter 5 on
Platform: | Size: 693248 | Author: zhoulu | Hits:


Description: 上传一些遗传算法改进神经网络的caj资料,希望对大家有用!-From a number of genetic algorithm to improve the neural network CAJ information, in the hope that useful to everybody!
Platform: | Size: 1070080 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: 修改自wiley的书中的各种遗传算法(GA)matlab代码,还包括其他一些算法如粒子群优化,蚁群优化等,均已修改好用!-Modified since the book wiley various genetic algorithms (GA) matlab code, also includes a number of other algorithms such as PSO, ant colony optimization and so on, have been modified handy!
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: Gil Chang | Hits:


Description: 遗传算法书籍:遗传算法与工程设计,本书较好的提供了GA应用-Genetic Algorithm Books: genetic algorithm and engineering design, this book provides a better application of GA
Platform: | Size: 9870336 | Author: 毛毛雨 | Hits:

[Special Effectsga

Description: 遗传算法( genetic algorithms, 简称GA )是根据自然界的“物竞天择, 适者生存”现象而提出来的一种随机搜索算法, 是霍兰德( Holland) 于1975 年在他的著作《Adaption in Natural and artificial Systems》中首次提出来的。此算法将优化问题看作是自然界中生物的进化过程, 通过模拟大自然中生物进化过程中的遗传规律, 来达到寻优的目的。-Genetic algorithms (genetic algorithms, referred to as GA) is based on nature s natural selection, survival of the fittest phenomenon and proposed a random search algorithm, is a Holland (Holland) in 1975 in his book Adaption in Natural and artificial Systems was first put forward. This algorithm will be viewed as optimization problems is a natural biological process of evolution, through the analog nature of biological evolution in the process of inheritance, to achieve the purpose of optimization.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xi | Hits:


Description: VC技术内幕第五版,学习VC经典书籍 The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++. -VC technology fifth edition of the Insider, learning VC classic book The 6.0 release of Visual C++ Shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
Platform: | Size: 7805952 | Author: ChenJinxiang | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsConstrained_Optimization_and_Lagrange_Multiplier_M

Description: 一本介绍约束优化方面的经典书籍。对于从事约束优化算法的研究很有帮助。-A book introducing constrained programming. It is beneficial for the algorithm research of constrained programming
Platform: | Size: 11524096 | Author: fd | Hits:


Description: 一本关于matlab遗传算法的书, 相信对大家一定有用的。-this book is very useful for ga of matlab.
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: 宋地雷 | Hits:


Description: 描述遗传算法的由来及基本原理,并阐述了其具体实现的步骤的例子。对于新学GA算法的人来说是一本不错的书籍!-Description of the origin of genetic algorithms and the basic principles, and described the steps to achieve their specific example. GA learning algorithm for the new person is a good book!
Platform: | Size: 3486720 | Author: 王列 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGA

Description: genetic algorithms applied for multi agent systems. interesting document and easy to understand. comprehensive e book for combination of multi agents and genetic algorithms
Platform: | Size: 389120 | Author: panos | Hits:


Description: a good book about GA
Platform: | Size: 9704448 | Author: climsi | Hits:


Description: the code of a very good book about GA
Platform: | Size: 751616 | Author: climsi | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsga

Description: 这是不确定规划及应用这本书的三个遗传算法的源程序-This is the planning and application of uncertainty this book the three genetic algorithm source code
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: wangjinfeng | Hits:


Description: 向量化的遗传快速遗传算法,是M.Mutchell 的遗传算法书中 10,11 业的经典快速算法-SpeedyGA is a vectorized implementation of a genetic algorithm in the Matlab programming language. Without bells and whistles, it faithfully implements the specification for a Simple GA given on pgs 10, 11 of M. Mitchell s GA book. See comments in code for details.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 李继 | Hits:


Description: 这是一本关于遗传算法的经典书籍《遗传算法原理及应用》,内容通俗易懂,适合初学者,后用附有GA的源代码。-This is a classic book on genetic algorithms, " Genetic Algorithms and Applications" , the content easy to understand for beginners, post the source code to use with GA.
Platform: | Size: 3486720 | Author: Nancy | Hits:


Description: 遗传算法研究者必读教材,此书对研究遗传算法和遗传程序设计有很基础的作用-GA researchers required reading materials, book study genetic algorithms and genetic programming has a fundamental role
Platform: | Size: 3486720 | Author: 王超 | Hits:
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