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Generate 100 samples of a zero-mean white noise sequence with variance , by using a uniform random number generator. a Compute the autocorrelation of for . b Compute the periodogram estimate and plot it. c Generate 10 different realizations of , and compute the corresponding sample autocorrelation sequences , and . Compute the average autocorrelation sequence as and the corresponding periodogram for . d Compute and plot the average periodogram using the Bartlett method. e Comment on the results in parts (a) through (d). -Generate 100 samples of a zero-mean white noise sequence with variance, by using a uniform random number generator.a Compute the autocorrelation of for. B Compute the periodogram estimate and plot it. C Generate 10 different realizations of, and compute the corresponding sample autocorrelation sequences, and. Compute the average autocorrelation sequence as and the corresponding periodogram for. d Compute and plot the average periodogram using the Bartlett method. e Comment on the results in parts (a) through (d).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 冀晗

数字调制器的墓本构建模块是函数random-binary,它产生电平值为+1或一1的二进制波形,产生的比特数以及每比 特的采样数是该函数的参数。函数random-binary可以仿真多个数字调制器,例如,可用如下MATLAB语句仿真一个QPSK调制器: 下列MATLAB程序产生一个长10比特的QPSK信号,采样频率为每比特8个采样点: -Digital modulator building blocks of the tomb is a function of the random-binary, it produces a value of+1 level or a 1 binary waveform, resulting in the number of bits and a sampling of each number of bits is the function parameters. Function of random-binary can simulate the multiple digital modulator, for example, can be used as MATLAB simulation of a QPSK modulator statement: The following MATLAB program to generate a long 10-bit QPSK signal, the sampling frequency for each 8-bit sampling points:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 238kb Publisher : defang

随机过程中产生随机数的matlab实现,里面是产生正态、泊松、伯努利的代码和文档,还有对各种随机数的分析-Generate random numbers in the random process matlab to achieve, which is to produce normality, Poisson, Bernoulli code and documentation, as well as analysis of various random number
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 65kb Publisher :

在matlab下运行,产生标准均匀分布,正态分布和指数分布的随机数发生器程序。-In matlab running, generate standard uniform, normal and exponential distribution random number generator program.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : lichuanjiang

八数码问题(类似于华容道),是一个有益智力的小游戏,通过空白滑块的移动来将混乱的图案恢复到有序的状态 本代码的核心算法通过fortran编写,经过matlab的制图功能进行可视化,解决了任意初始条件下的八数码问题的自动求解过程 1、matlab的exe文件在matlab文件夹中,点击打开之后出现gui图形化界面。 2、点击start按钮,程序会随机生成一个初始状态,并判断是否可解(solvable按钮显示YES即可解,NO即不可解)。 3、可解的话点击go按钮,程序开始自动运行,每0.5s运行一步,演示解的过程,完成之后会显示操作步数。 4、不可解的话重新点击start按钮,生成新的初始状态(如果此时强行点击go按钮的话会显示程序错误)。 5、如果需要再次演示,可以点击redo按钮。6、除此之外,点击timecost按钮,会显示fortran程序的运行时间。 7、fortran文件夹中包括的是大赛之前第一次提交的fortran文件,程序的注释都在其中,可以参照。 8、matlab文件夹中的sourcecode文件夹中包括的是matlab所调用的fortran程序exe文件的源代码,由于各种原因,其中没有注释,还请见谅。 9、具体的移动情况(测试算例)保存在matlab文件夹的object.txt文件中-Eight digital (similar Huarong), is a useful intellectual game by moving the slider to the blank will restore order to the chaotic state of the pattern of the core algorithm code written by fortran, after mapping function matlab visualization, eight digital solve any initial conditions automatically solving process 1, matlab matlab exe file in the folder, gui graphical interface appears after clicking Open. 2. Click on the start button, the program will generate a random initial state, and determine whether the solvability (solvable solution button to display YES, NO that is unsolvable). 3, then click on the go button solvable, the program starts running automatically run every step of 0.5s, the operation step number will be displayed during the demonstration solution, is completed. 4, unsolvable, then re-click the start button to generate a new initial state (if at this time if forced to click on the go button will display program error). 5. If you need to demonstrate again, you can c
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.49mb Publisher : 曾克成

生成高斯分布的随机数,在加性高斯信道中使用,增加高斯噪声(Generate the random number of gaussian distribution and use it in additive gaussian channel to increase gaussian noise)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 120kb Publisher : uuu就是

改进DV-Hop定位算法 首先设置初始量,布置了一个范围为100×100m2的区域,其上随机分布100个传感器节点,其中有10个信标节点,节点的通信半径为30m。 第二步在正方形区域内产生均匀分布的随机拓扑,随机产生节点坐标并将其中十个选定为信标节点,其余九十个设为未知节点,然后画出节点分布图。 第三步通过最短路径法计算未知节点与每个信标节点的最小跳数。 第四步根据前面记录的其他信标节点的位置信息和相距跳数估算平均每跳的实际距离,用跳数估计距离的方法得出未知节点到信标节点的距离。 第五步用极大似然估计法求未知节点坐标 (Improved DV-Hop localization algorithm first set the initial amount, layout 100100m2 the area of ​ ​ a range of 100 sensor nodes randomly distributed on the 10 beacon node, the node communication radius of 30m. The second step in the square area to generate uniformly distributed random topology, random coordinates of the nodes and ten of the selected beacon node, the remaining 90 is set to unknown node, and then draw the node distribution diagram. The third step is to calculate the minimum number of hops of the unknown node and each beacon node through the shortest path method. The fourth step according to the location information of the other beacon nodes in the previous record and away from hops to estimate the average hop distance and hop count to estimate the distance to come to the distance of the unknown node to beacon nodes. The fifth step maximum likelihood estimation method and the unknown coordinates of the nodes)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : robinkk4
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