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基于遗传算法优化的RBF网络逼近程序,可以参考!希望能对大家有所帮助 -based on genetic algorithm optimization RBF network approximation procedures, they can refer to. The hope is to help everyone
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : luchen

DL : 0
上传一些遗传算法改进神经网络的caj资料,希望对大家有用!-From a number of genetic algorithm to improve the neural network CAJ information, in the hope that useful to everybody!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : chen

DL : 0
利用遗传算法优化RBF神经网络的结构,包括优化权值、高斯基的中心和宽度-The use of genetic algorithm to optimize the structure of RBF neural network, including the right to optimize the value of the Gaussian center and width
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : shui

两本神经网络方面的经典电子书 人工神经网络导论.pdf 人工神经网络实用教程.pdf 神经网络是智能控制技术的主要分支之一。本书的主要内容有:神经网络的概念,神经网络的分类与学习方法,前向神经网络模型及其算法,改进的BP网络及其控制、辨识建模,基于遗传算法的神经网络,基于模糊理论的神经网络,RBF网络及其在混沌背景下对微弱信号的测量与控制,反馈网络,Hopfield网络及其在字符识别中的应用,支持向量机及其故障诊断,小波神经网络及其在控制与辨识中的应用。-Two neural networks classic book Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks. Pdf Practical Guide artificial neural network. Pdf neural network is the intelligent control technology, one of the main branch. The main contents of this book are: the concept of neural networks, neural network classification and learning methods, the former to the neural network model and its algorithm, the improved BP network and its control, recognition modeling, based on genetic algorithm neural network, based on fuzzy the theory of neural network, RBF network and its application in the context of chaotic signals of weak measurement and control, feedback network, Hopfield Network and Its Application in character recognition, support vector machine and its fault diagnosis, wavelet neural network and its application in control and identification applications.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.43mb Publisher : 梁健

DL : 0
用遗传算法优化RBF网络参数,减小RBF网络在函数逼近中的误差-Using genetic algorithm to optimize parameters of RBF network, reducing the RBF Network in Function Approximation Error
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 史峰

DL : 0
基于遗传算法对rbf神经网络的径向基宽度进行优化的matlab程序-Based on genetic algorithm rbf radial basis neural network to optimize the width of the matlab program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 王建

DL : 0
在函数逼近应用中,使用粒子群、遗传算法优化的rbf神经网络进行比较-In the applications of function approximation, using particle swarm optimization genetic algorithm of RBF neural network is used in the comparison
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : hxj

基于遗传算法的RBF神经网络在GPS高程拟合中的应用-Genetic Algorithm and RBF Neural Network in GPS Height Fitting Based
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 215kb Publisher : 算法

DL : 0
Design a feedforward network is u dehaze algorithms review path planning using GA and ACO... The neural network adaboost stron TS neural network m files, fast c bp neural network, written with C Bayes net and memory based learni Design a fuzzy control system to This is a book about fuzzy system Cloud adaptive genetic algorithm BP neural network and RBF neural use a three-layers BP network to Professor Lin in Taiwan support v neural network theory Practical matlab time series ar m efficient robot path planning-pub A population-based artificial imm A description of the neural netwo Clustering AHC, K-means, SOM--Design a feedforward network is u dehaze algorithms review path planning using GA and ACO... The neural network adaboost stron TS neural network m files, fast c bp neural network, written with C Bayes net and memory based learni Design a fuzzy control system to This is a book about fuzzy system Cloud adaptive genetic algorithm BP neural network and RBF neural use a three-layers BP network to Professor Lin in Taiwan support v neural network theory Practical matlab time series ar m efficient robot path planning-pub A population-based artificial imm A description of the neural netwo Clustering AHC, K-means, SOM-NN
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 89kb Publisher : mohsen

Design a feedforward network is u dehaze algorithms review path planning using GA and ACO... The neural network adaboost stron TS neural network m files, fast c bp neural network, written with C Bayes net and memory based learni Design a fuzzy control system to This is a book about fuzzy system Cloud adaptive genetic algorithm BP neural network and RBF neural use a three-layers BP network to Professor Lin in Taiwan support v neural network theory Practical matlab time series ar m efficient robot path planning-pub A population-based artificial imm A description of the neural netwo Clustering AHC, K-means, SOM--Design a feedforward network is u dehaze algorithms review path planning using GA and ACO... The neural network adaboost stron TS neural network m files, fast c bp neural network, written with C Bayes net and memory based learni Design a fuzzy control system to This is a book about fuzzy system Cloud adaptive genetic algorithm BP neural network and RBF neural use a three-layers BP network to Professor Lin in Taiwan support v neural network theory Practical matlab time series ar m efficient robot path planning-pub A population-based artificial imm A description of the neural netwo Clustering AHC, K-means, SOM-NN
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : mohsen

该PDF共有30个MATLAB神经网络的案例,包括BP、RBF、SVM、SOM、Hopfield、LVQ、Elman、小波等神经网络;还包含PSO(粒子群)、灰色神经网络、模糊网络、概率神经网络、遗传算法优化等内容。本PDF作为本科毕业设计、研究生项日设计、博士低年级课题设计参考书籍,同时对广大科研人员也有很高的参考价值。(The PDF has a total of 30 MATLAB in the case of neural networks, including BP, RBF, SVM, SOM, Hopfield, LVQ, Elman and wavelet neural network; also contains PSO (Li Ziqun), grey neural network, fuzzy neural network, probabilistic neural network, genetic algorithm etc.. The PDF as a graduate design, graduate design and doctoral low grade project design reference books, but also for the vast number of scientific research personnel also have a high reference value.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44.86mb Publisher : 那又怎样

本书共有43章,内容涵盖常见的神经网络(BP、RBF、SOM、Hopfield、Elman、LVQ、Kohonen、GRNN、NARX等)以及相关智能算法(SVM、决策树、随机森林、极限学习机等)。同时,部分章节也涉及了常见的优化算法(遗传算法、蚁群算法等)与神经网络的结合问题。此外,本书还介绍了MATLAB R2012b中神经网络工具箱的新增功能与特性,如神经网络并行计算、定制神经网络、神经网络高效编程等(This book consists of 43 chapters, covering common neural networks (BP, RBF, SOM, Hopfield, Elman, LVQ, Kohonen, GRNN, NARX, etc.) and related intelligent algorithms (SVM, decision tree, random forest, extreme learning machine, etc.). At the same time, some chapters also involve the combination of common optimization algorithms (genetic algorithm, ant colony algorithm, etc.) and neural networks. In addition, the book also introduces the new functions and characteristics of the neural network toolbox in MATLAB R2012b, such as parallel computing of neural networks, customized neural networks, efficient programming of neural networks, etc)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 51.62mb Publisher : caravan
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