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[OpenGL programas2.0amlabfire

Description: as2.0 模拟火焰 import flash.display.* import flash.filters.* import flash.geom.* import de.popforge.bitmap.Shape Shape.setContainer( this.createEmptyMovieClip( shapes , 10000 ) ) //-- get blue circle as a bitmap var blueSpotClip: MovieClip = attachMovie( \"blueSpot\", \"blueSpotClip\", 0 ) var clipBounds: Object = blueSpotClip.getBounds() var blueSpot: BitmapData = new BitmapData( clipBounds.xMax, clipBounds.yMax, true, 0 ) blueSpot.draw( blueSpotClip, new Matrix() ) blueSpotClip.removeMovieClip()
Platform: | Size: 12505 | Author: mabingru | Hits:

[Other resourceExplosion

Description: as3.0 模拟爆炸 package { import flash.display.BitmapData import flash.geom.ColorTransform public class Explosion { /* EXPLOSION PARAMETERS */ //-- START VALUES private const EXPLOSION_RADIUS: int = 24 private const EXPLOSION_MAX_VELOCITY: Number = 2 private const EXPLOSION_MAX_HEAT: int = 2 // causes particles to move up private const PARTICLE_CHAOTIC_MOVE: Number = .1825 private const PARTICLE_DAMP_MOVE: Number = .99 private const PARTICLE_DAMP_ENERGIE: Number = .99 //-- AMOUNT private const P_COUNT: int = 3000 private const PCOUNT_EACH_FRAME: int = 100
Platform: | Size: 230026 | Author: mabingru | Hits:


Description: Chapter 2: Getting Started Hello World Hello World Enhanced A simple "Hello World" application that shows the basics of how to use an ActionScript 3.0 class in an application. The Enhanced version adds a name-checking feature. These examples are meant to be built from scratch, tutorial-style. The example files are provided so you can see how they should look when completed. Chapter 4: Object-Oriented Programming Geometric Shapes Uses the object-oriented concepts of class inheritance and the implementation of interfaces to provide an application that calculates values for simple geometric shapes. Chapter 5: Display Programming Sprite Arranger Adds graphical Sprite objects to a drawing area and let you manipulate their placement in the display list. Builds upon the classes from the geometric Shapes example. Chapter 6: Working with Dates and Times Simple Clock Displays a simple analog clock face using methods of the Date and flash.util.Timer classes. Chapter 7: Working with Strings ASCII Art Loads bitmap images and coverts them into ASCII character equivalents, using a number of the methods in the String class. Chapter 8: Working with Arrays Play List Demonstrates a number of methods of the Array class while building and presenting a play list of music files. Chapter 9: Handling Errors Custom Errors Presents a simple framework containing a set of custom ApplicationError classes and shows how to throw, catch, and handle such errors. Chapter 10: Using Regular Expressions Wiki Editor Uses regular expressions to convert text containing wiki-style codes into formatted HTML text. Also shows how to use regular expressions for other conversions, such as numeric calculations. Chapter 11: Working With XML RSS Viewer Reads an RSS feed and formats the entries as HTML, including hyperlinks to the stories being referenced. This example shows the powerful new E4X statements and operators in action. Chapter 13: Event Handling Alarm Clock Demonstrates how to define, dispatch, and handle custom event classes. Extends the Simple Clock application to create an Alarm Clock with specialized AlarmEvents. Chapter 14: Networking and Communications File I/O Shows how to use the FileReference class to upload files from your local disk to a remote server, and how to download files from a remote server to your local disk. Note: To run this example you will need to set the UPLOAD_URL and DOWNLOAD_URL variables in the code to the address of a web server that will accept uploads and allow downloads. Telnet Socket Connects to a Telnet server and shows how to send and read bytes from the socket connection. Note: To run this example you will need to have access to a running Telnet server. Chapter 15: Working with Geometry Display Object Transformer Uses methods of the flash.geom.Matrix class to apply multiple geometric transformations to a DisplayObject. Chapter 16: Client System Environment Capabilities Info Lists the capabilities of your current browser and operating system, by using the SystemCapabilities class and an ExternalInterface call that uses Javascript to retrieve browser properties. Chapter 19: Using the External API IntrovertIM_CSharp IntrovertIM_HTML A tiny instant messenger application the uses the flash.external.ExternalInterface class to send messages between a Flex/ActionScript application and an external application. Two versions are provided. One uses HTML and Javascript for the external application, and the other uses C#.
Platform: | Size: 458790 | Author: swj_tommy@tom.com | Hits:

[OpenGL programas2.0amlabfire

Description: as2.0 模拟火焰 import flash.display.* import flash.filters.* import flash.geom.* import de.popforge.bitmap.Shape Shape.setContainer( this.createEmptyMovieClip( shapes , 10000 ) ) //-- get blue circle as a bitmap var blueSpotClip: MovieClip = attachMovie( "blueSpot", "blueSpotClip", 0 ) var clipBounds: Object = blueSpotClip.getBounds() var blueSpot: BitmapData = new BitmapData( clipBounds.xMax, clipBounds.yMax, true, 0 ) blueSpot.draw( blueSpotClip, new Matrix() ) blueSpotClip.removeMovieClip() -as2.0 simulated flame import flash.display .* import flash.filters .* import flash.geom .* import de.popforge.bitmap.Shape Shape.setContainer (this.createEmptyMovieClip (shapes, 10000))// get blue circle as a bitmapvar blueSpotClip: MovieClip = attachMovie (blueSpot, blueSpotClip, 0) var clipBounds: Object = blueSpotClip.getBounds () var blueSpot: BitmapData = new BitmapData (clipBounds.xMax, clipBounds.yMax, true, 0) blueSpot.draw (blueSpotClip, new Matrix ()) blueSpotClip.removeMovieClip ()
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: mabingru | Hits:

[2D GraphicExplosion

Description: as3.0 模拟爆炸 package { import flash.display.BitmapData import flash.geom.ColorTransform public class Explosion { /* EXPLOSION PARAMETERS */ //-- START VALUES private const EXPLOSION_RADIUS: int = 24 private const EXPLOSION_MAX_VELOCITY: Number = 2 private const EXPLOSION_MAX_HEAT: int = 2 // causes particles to move up private const PARTICLE_CHAOTIC_MOVE: Number = .1825 private const PARTICLE_DAMP_MOVE: Number = .99 private const PARTICLE_DAMP_ENERGIE: Number = .99 //-- AMOUNT private const P_COUNT: int = 3000 private const PCOUNT_EACH_FRAME: int = 100 -AS3.0 simulated explosive package (import flash.display.BitmapData import flash.geom.ColorTransform public class Explosion (/* EXPLOSION PARAMETERS*///START VALUES private const EXPLOSION_RADIUS: int = 24 private const EXPLOSION_MAX_VELOCITY: Number = 2 private const EXPLOSION_MAX_HEAT : int = 2// causes particles to move up private const PARTICLE_CHAOTIC_MOVE: Number = .1825 private const PARTICLE_DAMP_MOVE: Number = .99 private const PARTICLE_DAMP_ENERGIE: Number = .99// AMOUNT private const P_COUNT: int = 3000 private const PCOUNT_EACH_FRAME: int = 100
Platform: | Size: 230400 | Author: mabingru | Hits:

[Graph DrawingGeoMap3.5

Description: 地质制图系统_GeoMap3.5正式版20080325,是地理信息系统领域和地震地质领域绘等值线等图的有效工具-Geological Mapping System _GeoMap3.5 official version 20080325, is the field of geographic information systems and seismic geological fields, such as contour map drawn an effective tool
Platform: | Size: 43427840 | Author: gulanglhs | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithms2004-10_2004102994048550

Description: import flash.display.Sprite import flash.display.Bitmap import flash.display.BitmapData import flash.filters.BlurFilter import flash.events.Event import flash.geom.Point import flash.events.MouseEvent import flash.display.SimpleButton import flash.display.Shape -import flash.display.Sprite import flash.display.Bitmap import flash.display.BitmapData import flash.filters.BlurFilter import flash.events.Event import flash.geom.Point import flash.events.MouseEvent import flash.display.SimpleButton import flash . display.Shape
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: hnhhzgc | Hits:


Description: Basic AS3 Geom Package
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: hierro | Hits:

[Special EffectsGeom

Description: 有关OpenCV的算法,主要是解释一些opencv中有关一些几何量的计算,还有就是图像数据的处理-method of opencv
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: nn | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGEOM_Plugin

Description: Geom import plugin for 3d max for stalker game
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: knaklezz | Hits:


Description: Creation, transformations, algorithms and visualization of geometrical 3D primitives, such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra, circles and spheres.
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: Judy | Hits:


Description: 本文从ARQ协议出发,建立了基于离散时间的GEOM/G/1排队模型。-This departure from the ARQ protocol, based on a discrete time queuing model GEOM/G/1.
Platform: | Size: 335872 | Author: 秦本军 | Hits:

[Windows Developgeom_buffer

Description: geom_buffer ARCSDE C API 链接SDE库空间运算-geom_buffer
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: quansixiang | Hits:


Description: about geometri problem-about geometri problem
Platform: | Size: 138240 | Author: julian | Hits:

[assembly languagegeom

Description: 三次样条曲线拟合,使用离散点拟合圆滑,适用于分析离散数据-Cubic spline curve fitting, and the use of discrete points fitting sleek, suitable for analysis of discrete data
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: 徐井芒 | Hits:


Description: Opencl实现的几何数学算法,BvhTrimesh-For OpenCL to achieve the geometric mathematical algorithm BvhTrimesh
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 徐胜林 | Hits:


Description: Java拉伸缩放图像,滑动滑块时,图像实时地在相应的方向上拉伸缩放;当单击“Reset”按钮后,则显示原始图像。具体来说是使用java.awt.geom 包中的AffineTransform 类,来实现图像的拉伸缩放。-Java stretch when scaling an image, slide the slider to zoom the image in real time stretching in the corresponding direction When you click the " Reset" button, then display the original image. Specifically, the use of java.awt.geom package AffineTransform class to achieve the image stretched scaling.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 小宝 | Hits:


Description: Java拉伸缩放图像,滑动滑块时,图像实时地在相应的方向上拉伸缩放;当单击“Reset”按钮后,则显示原始图像。具体来说是使用java.awt.geom 包中的AffineTransform 类,来实现图像的拉伸缩放。-Java stretch when scaling an image, slide the slider to zoom the image in real time stretching in the corresponding direction When you click the "Reset" button, then display the original image. Specifically, the use of java.awt.geom package AffineTransform class to achieve the image stretched scaling.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: jpudn65 | Hits:

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