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[Embeded LinuxGPRS-SIM300

Description: 在嵌入式系统上进行GPRS连接的代码,可以用键盘控制-In the embedded system code for GPRS connection, you can use the keyboard to control
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: wfm | Hits:


Description: 查询方式扫描键盘.每按一个键,发光管对应亮灭 44binit.s----中断初始化,存储器,堆栈,系统初始化,建立C程序运行环境。 mencfg.s-----定义存储器延时等参数 option.s-----定义系统时钟频率等-Keyboard scan query. Every press of a button, the corresponding LED light out 44binit.s---- interrupt initialization, memory, stack, system initialization, the establishment of C runtime environment procedures. mencfg.s----- definition of parameters such as memory latency option.s----- such as the definition of the system clock frequency
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: bill | Hits:

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