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[Delphi VCLgetlength

Description: 获取字符长度,通过此控制你可以读取得到字符长度,很利于程序设计.-characters in length to obtain, through this control you can read characters in length to be very conducive to the program design.
Platform: | Size: 172275 | Author: xvxvnmnm | Hits:

[WEB CodewaveOCXn

Description: < 波形声音控件函数使用说明>> ****************************************************************************************************************** 函数名 功能 说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetData() 获取评分数据 当调用GetData()时WVGetData事件会自动 触发,参数Data也就是得到的数据 GetLength() 获取文件总长度 函数返回文件的长度 OpenFile(CString filename) 打开声音文件自 动分析波形 RECPFstart(long Max) 长度限制录制 当录制的长度大于Max时自动停止,并返回 RECPFstop事件 RECstart() 开始录音 RECstop() 停止录音 RECpause(bool REC_STATE) 继续/暂停录音 当REC_STATEO为TRUE时暂停有效,相反继续 play() 播放 replay(int dounum) 重复播放 dounum为重复次数 pause() 暂停 stop() 停止播放-lt; Lt; Waveform voice control function for use gt; Gt; *********************************** ************************************************** ********************************* function Description ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- GetData () were When the score data from call GetData () WVGetData incident will automatically trigger, parameters Data is the data GetLength () access to documents total length function returns the length OpenFile (redeem filename) to open the audio files automatically waveform analysis RECPFstart (long Max) was recorded when the recording length restriction the system is greater than the length of Max automatically stop, and return to RECPFstop incident RECstart () began recordi
Platform: | Size: 12461 | Author: 代振生 | Hits:

[File OperateReadFile

Description: 打开一个TXT文件并显示在EDIT控件中 步骤: 1.新建一个基于对话框的工程,名称为ReadFile 2.在界面上添加一个按钮(IDC_BUTTON1)和一个文本编辑(IDC_EDIT1) IDC_EDIT1的属性:多行、可下拉滚动条. 3.编辑按钮触发事件(void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1()) void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString sFileFilter=\"*.hex|*.hex\" CString sFileName CFileDialog fDlg(true,NULL,NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,sFileFilter,NULL) fDlg.DoModal() sFileName=fDlg.GetFileName() if(sFileName!=\"\") { CFile file(sFileName,CFile::modeRead) int nFileLength=file.GetLength() char *buffer HGLOBAL hgl=::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,nFileLength+1) buffer=(char *)::GlobalLock(hgl) file.Read(buffer,nFileLength) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1,buffer) ::GlobalUnlock(hgl) ::GlobalFree(hgl) } UpdateData(false) }
Platform: | Size: 26089 | Author: 这程子 | Hits:

[WEB Codevc21487899244

Description: 主要源码: void CFDlg::OnChangeEdit1() { UpdateData() m_strExt.MakeUpper() m_list.ResetContent() if(m_strExt.GetLength()==0) return CStdioFile sf if(sf.Open(\"FileExt.txt\",Cfile::modeRead)) { CString strTemp,strOut while(sf.ReadString(strTemp)) { if(strTemp.Left(m_strExt.GetLength()) ==m_strExt) { m_list.AddString(strTemp) } } } sf.Close() m_list.SetCurSel(0) this->OnSelchangeList2() } void CFDlg::OnSelchangeList2() { CString strTemp,strExt m_list.GetText(m_list.GetCurSel(),strTemp) strExt=strTemp.Left(strTemp.FindOneOf(\" \")) //MessageBox(strExt) CString strFileName =\"eee.\"+strExt //MessageBox(strFileName) SHFILEINFO shfi memset(&shfi,0,sizeof(shfi)) //或者ZeroMemory(&shfi,sizeof(shfi)) ::SHGetFileInfo(strFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &shfi, sizeof(shfi), SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) m_icon.SetIcon(shfi.hIcon) }
Platform: | Size: 41579 | Author: HUGH RENNY | Hits:

[Other resource2003010296_大作业1

Description: a CRect rc(x - 12, y - 12, x + 12, y + 12) pDC->Ellipse(&rc) str1.Format( \"%d\",j ) pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(255,0,0)) pDC->DrawText(str1,&rc,DT_CENTER DT_VCENTER DT_SINGLELINE) PaintArrow(pDC,RGB(255,0,0),G.vexs[prev[j]].x,G.vexs[prev[j]].y,G.vexs[j].x,G.vexs[j].y) str2.Format(\"(%d,%d)\",G.AdjMatrix[i][j],G.Path[i][j]) pDC->TextOut((G.vexs[i].x + G.vexs[j].x) / 2 - 5 * str2.GetLength() / 2,(G.vexs[i].y + G.vexs[j].y) / 2 - 5,str2) j = i } MessageBox(\"找到增流路!\") return true }-a CRect rc (x-12, y-12, 12 x, y 12) pDC - gt; Ellipse (rc) str1.Format ( "% d", j) pDC - gt; SetTextColor (RGB (22, 0)) pDC - gt; DrawText (str1, rc, DT_CENTER DT_VCENTER DT_SINGLELINE) PaintArrow (pDC, RGB (255,0,0), G.vexs [prev [j]]. x, G. vexs [prev [j]]. y, G.vexs [j]. x, G.vexs [j]. y) str2.Format ( "(% d,% d)," G. AdjMatrix [i] [j ], G. Path [i] [j]) pDC - gt; TextOut ((G.vexs [i]. x G.vexs [j]. x) / 2 - 5 * str2.GetLength () / 2, ( G.vexs [i]. y G.vexs [j]. y) / 2 - 5, str2) j = i) MessageBox ( "find increasing flow path!") return true)
Platform: | Size: 514100 | Author: Bob | Hits:

[Windows Develop单链表基于线性表的实现

Description: 1. 基于链表实现线性表的以下基本操作: interface ILinarList<T> { void InsertNode(T a); //在表末尾插入元素 void InsertNode(T a, int i); //在指定的位置i插入元素 void DeleteNode(int i); //删除操作 T SearchNode(int i); //查找表元素 int SearchNode(T value); //定位元素 int GetLength(); //求表长度 void Clear(); //清空操作 bool IsEmpty(); //判断线性表是否为空 void Print(); //按位序打印线性表中的元素 void reverse(); //线性表元素就地逆置 } 2. 基于单链表实现线性表的以下综合应用: a) 利用基本操作编写以下算法 i. 删除第i个开始的k个元素。 ii. 删除递增有序单链表中所有值大于mink且小于maxk的元素。 b) 将x插入到单链表的适当位置上,以保持单链表中元素的有序性。 c) 将两个单链表合并为一个单链表。 d) 若两个元素按值递增有序排列的单链表A和B,且同一表中的元素值各不相同。试构造一个单链表C,其元素为A和B中元素的交集,且表C中的元素也按值递增有序排列。要求利用原有链表中的元素。
Platform: | Size: 237320 | Author: 1115401742@qq.cm | Hits:


Description: < 波形声音控件函数使用说明>> ****************************************************************************************************************** 函数名 功能 说明 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetData() 获取评分数据 当调用GetData()时WVGetData事件会自动 触发,参数Data也就是得到的数据 GetLength() 获取文件总长度 函数返回文件的长度 OpenFile(CString filename) 打开声音文件自 动分析波形 RECPFstart(long Max) 长度限制录制 当录制的长度大于Max时自动停止,并返回 RECPFstop事件 RECstart() 开始录音 RECstop() 停止录音 RECpause(bool REC_STATE) 继续/暂停录音 当REC_STATEO为TRUE时暂停有效,相反继续 play() 播放 replay(int dounum) 重复播放 dounum为重复次数 pause() 暂停 stop() 停止播放-lt; Lt; Waveform voice control function for use gt; Gt;********************************************************************************************************************** function Description------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GetData () were When the score data from call GetData () WVGetData incident will automatically trigger, parameters Data is the data GetLength () access to documents total length function returns the length OpenFile (redeem filename) to open the audio files automatically waveform analysis RECPFstart (long Max) was recorded when the recording length restriction the system is greater than the length of Max automatically stop, and return to RECPFstop incident RECstart () began recordi
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 代振生 | Hits:

[Graph Drawing2003010296_大作业1

Description: a CRect rc(x - 12, y - 12, x + 12, y + 12) pDC->Ellipse(&rc) str1.Format( "%d",j ) pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(255,0,0)) pDC->DrawText(str1,&rc,DT_CENTER DT_VCENTER DT_SINGLELINE) PaintArrow(pDC,RGB(255,0,0),G.vexs[prev[j]].x,G.vexs[prev[j]].y,G.vexs[j].x,G.vexs[j].y) str2.Format("(%d,%d)",G.AdjMatrix[i][j],G.Path[i][j]) pDC->TextOut((G.vexs[i].x + G.vexs[j].x) / 2 - 5 * str2.GetLength() / 2,(G.vexs[i].y + G.vexs[j].y) / 2 - 5,str2) j = i } MessageBox("找到增流路!") return true }-a CRect rc (x-12, y-12, 12 x, y 12) pDC- gt; Ellipse (rc) str1.Format ( "% d", j) pDC- gt; SetTextColor (RGB (22, 0)) pDC- gt; DrawText (str1, rc, DT_CENTER DT_VCENTER DT_SINGLELINE) PaintArrow (pDC, RGB (255,0,0), G.vexs [prev [j]]. x, G. vexs [prev [j]]. y, G.vexs [j]. x, G.vexs [j]. y) str2.Format ( "(% d,% d)," G. AdjMatrix [i] [j ], G. Path [i] [j]) pDC- gt; TextOut ((G.vexs [i]. x G.vexs [j]. x)/2- 5* str2.GetLength ()/2, ( G.vexs [i]. y G.vexs [j]. y)/2- 5, str2) j = i) MessageBox ( "find increasing flow path!") return true)
Platform: | Size: 514048 | Author: Bob | Hits:

[Delphi VCLgetlength

Description: 获取字符长度,通过此控制你可以读取得到字符长度,很利于程序设计.-characters in length to obtain, through this control you can read characters in length to be very conducive to the program design.
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: xvxvnmnm | Hits:

[File OperateReadFile

Description: 打开一个TXT文件并显示在EDIT控件中 步骤: 1.新建一个基于对话框的工程,名称为ReadFile 2.在界面上添加一个按钮(IDC_BUTTON1)和一个文本编辑(IDC_EDIT1) IDC_EDIT1的属性:多行、可下拉滚动条. 3.编辑按钮触发事件(void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1()) void CReadFileDlg::OnButton1() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString sFileFilter="*.hex|*.hex" CString sFileName CFileDialog fDlg(true,NULL,NULL,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,sFileFilter,NULL) fDlg.DoModal() sFileName=fDlg.GetFileName() if(sFileName!="") { CFile file(sFileName,CFile::modeRead) int nFileLength=file.GetLength() char *buffer HGLOBAL hgl=::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,nFileLength+1) buffer=(char *)::GlobalLock(hgl) file.Read(buffer,nFileLength) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1,buffer) ::GlobalUnlock(hgl) ::GlobalFree(hgl) } UpdateData(false) } -Open a TXT file and displayed in the EDIT control steps: 1. Create a new dialog-based project, known as the ReadFile2. In the interface to add a button (IDC_BUTTON1) and a text editor (IDC_EDIT1) IDC_EDIT1 properties: multi-line, can be drop-down scroll bar .3. Edit button trigger events (void CReadFileDlg:: OnButton1 ()) void CReadFileDlg:: OnButton1 () (//TODO: Add your control notification handler code here CString sFileFilter =*. hex |*. hex CString sFileName CFileDialog fDlg (true, NULL, NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, sFileFilter, NULL) fDlg.DoModal () sFileName = fDlg.GetFileName () if (sFileName! =) (CFile file (sFileName, CFile:: modeRead) int nFileLength = file.GetLength () char* buffer HGLOBAL hgl =:: GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, nFileLength+ 1) buffer = (char*):: GlobalLock (hgl) file.Read (buffer, nFileLength) SetDlgItemText (IDC_EDIT1, buffer):: GlobalUnlock (hgl):: GlobalFree (hgl)) UpdateData (false))
Platform: | Size: 1888256 | Author: 这程子 | Hits:


Description: 主要源码: void CFDlg::OnChangeEdit1() { UpdateData() m_strExt.MakeUpper() m_list.ResetContent() if(m_strExt.GetLength()==0) return CStdioFile sf if(sf.Open("FileExt.txt",Cfile::modeRead)) { CString strTemp,strOut while(sf.ReadString(strTemp)) { if(strTemp.Left(m_strExt.GetLength()) ==m_strExt) { m_list.AddString(strTemp) } } } sf.Close() m_list.SetCurSel(0) this->OnSelchangeList2() } void CFDlg::OnSelchangeList2() { CString strTemp,strExt m_list.GetText(m_list.GetCurSel(),strTemp) strExt=strTemp.Left(strTemp.FindOneOf(" ")) //MessageBox(strExt) CString strFileName ="eee."+strExt //MessageBox(strFileName) SHFILEINFO shfi memset(&shfi,0,sizeof(shfi)) //或者ZeroMemory(&shfi,sizeof(shfi)) ::SHGetFileInfo(strFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &shfi, sizeof(shfi), SHGFI_ICON|SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) m_icon.SetIcon(shfi.hIcon) }-Main source: void CFDlg:: OnChangeEdit1 () (UpdateData () m_strExt.MakeUpper () m_list.ResetContent () if (m_strExt.GetLength () == 0) return CStdioFile sf if (sf.Open (FileExt.txt, Cfile :: modeRead)) (CString strTemp, strOut while (sf.ReadString (strTemp)) (if (strTemp.Left (m_strExt.GetLength ()) == m_strExt) (m_list.AddString (strTemp)))) sf.Close ( ) m_list.SetCurSel (0) this-
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: HUGH RENNY | Hits:


Description: CString aa,bb if(theApp.m_strzeren.GetLength()>256 ) { int len=0 aa=InterceptString(len,theApp.m_strzeren) len=aa.GetLength() bb=theApp.m_strzeren.Mid(len) } else aa=theApp.m_strzeren 以上为调用部分 以下为函数部分 CString CPage1::InterceptString(int qlen, CString strSource) { int len,i,y CString sTemp,sreturn,ceshi strSource.TrimLeft() strSource.TrimRight() len=strSource.GetLength() y=0 sTemp=strSource.Right(len-qlen) for(i=0 i<len i++) { if(sTemp[y]<0 || sTemp[y]>255) y=y+2 else y=y+1 if(y>=250) break } sreturn=sTemp.Left(y) return sreturn }- CString aa,bb if(theApp.m_strzeren.GetLength()>256 ) { int len=0 aa=InterceptString(len,theApp.m_strzeren) len=aa.GetLength() bb=theApp.m_strzeren.Mid(len) } else aa=theApp.m_strzeren 以上为调用部分 以下为函数部分 CString CPage1::InterceptString(int qlen, CString strSource) { int len,i,y CString sTemp,sreturn,ceshi strSource.TrimLeft() strSource.TrimRight() len=strSource.GetLength() y=0 sTemp=strSource.Right(len-qlen) for(i=0 i<len i++) { if(sTemp[y]<0 || sTemp[y]>255) y=y+2 else y=y+1 if(y>=250) break } sreturn=sTemp.Left(y) return sreturn }
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yulin | Hits:


Description: 定义一个类MyRectangle代表矩形,为矩形定义getwidth方法(获得矩形的宽度)。getLength方法(获得矩形的长度)SetWidth(设置宽度)getArea方法(求矩形面积)和toString方法(显示矩形格式)。为矩形派生出一个子类,MySquare代表正方形,并对getArea和toString进行重写。-Representatives to define a class MyRectangle rectangle, the rectangle defined getwidth method (to obtain the width of the rectangle). getLength method (to obtain the length of the rectangle) SetWidth (set width) getArea method (seeking rectangular area), and toString methods (the rectangle format). To derive a subclass of the rectangle, MySquare on behalf of the square, and getArea and toString rewritten.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 史建卿 | Hits:


Description: 自定义 获取 字符串的长度,getlength()的重定义-Re- defined for the length of the string , custom getlength ()
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘先锐 | Hits:


Description: array 的length属性和getlength方法的区别,有助于初学者学习。-the difference between array.Length and array.GetLength()
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jack | Hits:


Description: 编写Java应用程序,创建一个Rectangle类,提供属性了length,width,要求定义为private,int型,默认值都为均为1,该类提供以下方法: public boolean setLength(int length) //设置长度,确保不会有负值 public boolean setWidth(int width) //设置宽度,确保不会有负值 public int getLength()//得到长度 public int getWidth()//得到长度 public int perimeter() //计算周长 public int area() //计算面积 public boolean isSuqare() //判断是否是正方形 再编写一个测试类,由用户输入长度和宽度,打印出相关信息。 -Write a Java application, create a Rectangle class attributes of length, width, defined as private, int type, default value are a class provides the following method: public boolean setLength (int length)// set length to ensure that no negative public boolean setWidth (int width)// set width, to ensure that there will be no negative public int getLength ()// get length public int getWidth ()// length public int word perimeter ()// calculate the perimeter public int area ()// to calculate the area public boolean isSuqare ()// determine whether the square and then write a test class, length and width of the input by the user to print out the relevant information.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Mankind | Hits:


Description: 1. 创建一个用于发送和接收的MulticastSocket组播套接字对象 2. 创建一个指定缓冲区大小及组播地址和端口的DatagramPacket组播数据包对象 3. 使用组播套接字joinGroup(),将其加入到一个组播 4. 使用组播套接字的send()方法,将组播数据包对象放入其中,发送组播数据包. 或者 使用组播套接字的receive()方法,将组播数据包对象放入其中,接收组播数据包 5. 解码组播数据包提取信息,并依据得到的信息作出响应String s = new String(dp.getData(), 0, dp.getLength()) 6. 重复过程4和5,即在while循环中实现。 7. 使用组播套接字的leaveGroup()方法,离开组播组;关闭组播套接字 -java udp multicast java udp multicast java udp multicast java udp multicast
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: sure | Hits:


Description: (1)创建一个三角形类Triangle,包含的属性有三条边的长sideA,sideB,sideC,包含的方法有构造方法(两个,一个没有参数,一个给定三条边的长度),求面积方法area(),求周长方法getLength(); 提示:设三角形的三边长为a,b,c,则它的面积为 ,其中S=(a+b+c)/2,开平方的方法为Math.sqrt()。 (2)创建一个圆柱体类YZT,包含的属性有底面半径radius和圆柱体的高heigth,包含的方法有构造方法(两个,一个没有参数,一个给定半径radius和圆柱体的高heigth),设置底面半径setRadius(),获取底面半径getRadius(),设置高setHeigth, 获取高getHeigth,求体积calTJ(),求表面积calBMJ(); (3)用上面的两个类分别定义对象,求三条边为分别为25,20,37.5和3.0,4.0,5.0的三角形的面积和周长,分别求底面半径为12.5,高为11的圆柱体和底面半径为20.5,高为30.5的圆柱体的体积和表面积。 -(1) create a Triangle kind of Triangle, including attribute has three side of the long sideA, sideB, sideC, including methods of structure method (two, a no parameters, a given three side length), quadrature method area (), and circumference method getLength () Tip: a triangle three side length for a, b, c, it is the area of, including S = (a+ b+ c)/2, square root method for Math. SQRT (). (2) create a cylinder class YZT, including properties have bottom radius radius and the height of cylinder heigth, including methods of structure method (two, a no parameters, a given radius radius and the height of cylinder heigth), set up base radius setRadius (), get bottom radius getRadius (), set high setHeigth, get high getHeigth, cubage calTJ (), and surface area calBMJ () (3) using the above two classes were defined object, and three sides respectively,20,37.5 25 and 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 of the triangle area and perimeter, respectively for bottom radius is 12.5, height is 11 cylinder and unders
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李泽华 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopBox

Description: 一个立方体Box可以视为在一个矩形Rectangle的相互正交的长length和宽width的基础上增加一维与length和width相互正交的高height而生成的。 定义具有继承关系的矩形类Rectangle和立方体类Box。两个类中除了具有共同的属性length和width,还具有相同的接口(公有成员函数)Area(计算矩形面积立方体面积),Perimeter(计算矩形周长或立方体周长),Diagmonal(计算矩形对角线或立方体对角线的长度),GetLength(获取长度属性),GetWidth(获取宽度属性),SetLength(设置长度属性)和SetWidth(设置宽度属性)。除此之外,立方体类Box还需要增加height属性和接口函数Volume(计算立方体的体积),GetHeight(获取高度属性)和SetHeight(设置高度属性)。(不需要考虑构造函数)-Box can be viewed as a cube in a mutually orthogonal rectangle Rectangle long length and width width based on the increase with the length and width one-dimensional orthogonal generated high height. Define a rectangle with the Rectangle class inheritance and cube class Box. Two classes in addition to having common attributes length and width, but also has the same interface (public member function) Area (calculated area of ​ ​ a rectangle cube area), Perimeter (calculate rectangular perimeter or circumference cube), Diagmonal (calculated rectangle diagonally lines or cube diagonal length), GetLength (for length attribute), GetWidth (for width attribute), SetLength (set the length attribute) and SetWidth (set the width property). In addition, the cube class Box also need to increase the height property and interface functions Volume (calculated volume of a cube), GetHeight (for height attributes) and SetHeight (set the height property). (No need to consider the constructor)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 郑秋凯 | Hits:


Description: The "getLength()" method returns the number of nodes in the list.(Test for EMPTY list).
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: ceibexiu | Hits:
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