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This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding in an OpenGL application The source code here includes a simple C++ class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect() and Track(). In the DrawTrackRect() function, the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp(GL_XOR). The rubber-banding rectangle is drawn using glRecti().-This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding system in an OpenGL application The source code here includes a simple C class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect () and Track (). In the DrawTrackRect () function , the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp (GL_XOR). The rubber-banding system rectangle is drawn using glRecti ().
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.78kb Publisher : 吴婷

This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding in an OpenGL application The source code here includes a simple C++ class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect() and Track(). In the DrawTrackRect() function, the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable(GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp(GL_XOR). The rubber-banding rectangle is drawn using glRecti().-This code shows how we can perform rubber-banding system in an OpenGL application The source code here includes a simple C class called jxglTracker. The two main member functions in the class are DrawTrackRect () and Track (). In the DrawTrackRect () function , the logic op is enabled by calling glEnable (GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP) and the XOR mode is set by calling glLogicOp (GL_XOR). The rubber-banding system rectangle is drawn using glRecti ().
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 吴婷

opengl中的混合的例子,使用glEnable(GL_BLEND)和glBlendFunc(source, destination) 来控制混合的模式等 -This tutorial demonstrates blending in OpenGL. Blending in OpenGL is very easy.. You will be able to blend textures, colors, etc.. Into nice looking special effects..
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 107kb Publisher : rongyao

在openGL的glEnable()函数中使用GL_FOG函数来启用雾效果。示例程序绘制了5个红色球体,每个球体和观察点的距离各不相同。-In openGL to glEnable () function to enable the use of GL_FOG function fog effects. The sample program draws five red spheres, each sphere and observation point distance vary.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 124kb Publisher : 王彬

DL : 0
glEnable() glDisable() attribute group (GL_ENABLE_BIT).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14kb Publisher : kiulsfan

这段代码解释了什么是混合.就是将前景色与背景色结合得到新颜色的过程 背景色:又叫目标颜色,是已经进入颜色缓冲区的颜色. 前景色:当前渲染命令的颜色,作为结果进入缓冲区,又叫源颜色. 混合有混合方程式,混合方程式有两个混合因子来计算最终的混合颜色. 打开命令:glEnable(GL_BELNDING);//blend:混合 混合因子的设置需要函数glBlendFunc();来实现,他有两个参数,分别是源混合因子和目标混合因子的值 而这两个混合因子有15个预定义的值.(This code explains what is a mix. Is it a process to combine the foreground color with the background color to get the new color Background color: also called target color, is the color that has entered the color buffer. Foreground color: the color of the render command currently, as a result into the buffer, also called source color. Mixing equations and mixing equations have two mixing factors to calculate the final mixing color. Open command: glEnable(GL_BELNDING);/ / blend: mixed)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18.56mb Publisher : l1994z

DL : 0
这段代码解释了什么是混合.就是将前景色与背景色结合得到新颜色的过程 背景色:又叫目标颜色,是已经进入颜色缓冲区的颜色. 前景色:当前渲染命令的颜色,作为结果进入缓冲区,又叫源颜色. 混合有混合方程式,混合方程式有两个混合因子来计算最终的混合颜色. 打开命令:glEnable(GL_BELNDING);//blend:混合(This code explains what is a mix. Is it a process to combine the foreground color with the background color to get the new color Background color: also called target color, is the color that has entered the color buffer. Foreground color: the color of the render command currently, as a result into the buffer, also called source color. Mixing equations and mixing equations have two mixing factors to calculate the final mixing color. Open command: glEnable(GL_BELNDING);/ / blend: mixed)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18.29mb Publisher : l1994z
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