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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 237.27kb Publisher : hetengfei

三维图形展示。用opengl和Cshape测试了glulookat的功能。-Three-dimensional graphics display. Use opengl and Cshape tested glulookat function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 237kb Publisher : hetengfei

The Java JOGL OpenGL binding using Netbeans. Lesson 1: In this lesson, the basic components of a JOGL program explained. Window production and camera positioning means gluLookAt () are explained. In addition,we create the basis for our example GL_QUADS scene. Credit goes to
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : Kamran Ali

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : chen

OpenGL渲染出相机的棱锥体,并能够调节gluLookat和gluPerspective的参数-OpenGL rendering of the pyramid out of the camera, and able to adjust the parameters gluLookat and gluPerspective
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.64mb Publisher : LilySong

使用OpenGL描绘圆锥后并用GLulookAt来改变视点,用书学习GluLookAt函数的使用方法-After using the OpenGL paint and use GLulookAt cone to change the point of view and book learning to use GluLookAt function
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhao

ogl演示DEMO,演示了gluPerspective(),和gluLookAt的具体应用-ogl demo DEMO, demonstrates gluPerspective (), and specific applications gluLookAt
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 158kb Publisher : lucy

DL : 0
是实现一个漫游功能,当按下left键后向左转,right向右转,up前进,down后退,page up向上仰。g_Angle,rad_xz的初始值均为0。g_eye[0],g_eye[1],g_eye[2],分别代表眼睛的x,y,z g_look是参考点-Is to implement a roaming, when you press the left button, left turn, right turn to the right, up forward, down back page up up the belief. g_Angle rad_xz the initial value is 0. g_eye [0], g_eye [1], g_eye [2], representing the eye x, y, and z is the reference point g_look 撤消修改 新! 点击上方的字词即可查看其他翻译。 删除 字典
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.7mb Publisher : 韩婷

绘制了一个通过模型变换进行缩放的立方体如图3-3所示。视图变换函数gluLookAt()设置照相机的位置,并使它对准需要绘制立方体的位置。另外,这个例子还指定了投影变换和视口变换。本节的剩余部分将讨论示例程序3-1,并简单地解释它所使用的变换命令。接下来的几节完整而又详细地讨论了所有的OpenGL变换函数。-glutInitWindowSize(500,500)   glutInitWindowPosition(100,100)   glutCreateWindow(argv  [0])  
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 苹果

UC Berkeley计算机图形学技术基础实验源码,实现三维场景的旋转视图和glulookat-UC Berkeley computer graphics technology base source experiment rotate the view to achieve a three-dimensional scene and glulookat
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21.33mb Publisher : 王志元

DL : 0
Torus Display a static picture of a torus and the coordinate system axes. Instead of using a primitive GL function (such as glOrtho or glFrustum) to set the viewing volume, it instead uses gluPerspective. gluPerspective must be done when the matrix mode is GL_PROJECTION. Instead of using translates and rotates to position the objects into the view volume, it instead uses gluLookAt to position and orient the camera so that it is looking at the objects. gluLookAt must be done when the matrix mode is GL_MODELVIEW. Shows that the combination of gluPerspective and gluLookAt is considerably more intuitive than the more primitive mechanism of glFrustum and plain object transformations. Draws the torus using the fancy glutWireTorus function (which internally calls glVertex a zillion times). -Torus Display a static picture of a torus and the coordinate system axes. Instead of using a primitive GL function (such as glOrtho or glFrustum) to set the viewing volume, it instead uses gluPerspective. gluPerspective must be done when the matrix mode is GL_PROJECTION. Instead of using translates and rotates to position the objects into the view volume, it instead uses gluLookAt to position and orient the camera so that it is looking at the objects. gluLookAt must be done when the matrix mode is GL_MODELVIEW. Shows that the combination of gluPerspective and gluLookAt is considerably more intuitive than the more primitive mechanism of glFrustum and plain object transformations. Draws the torus using the fancy glutWireTorus function (which internally calls glVertex a zillion times).
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Prashant

DL : 0
修改示例程序的gluLookAt()函数,把它改为模型变换函数glTranslatef(),并使用参数(0.0,0.0,-5.0)。这个函数的效果应该和使用gluLookAt()函数的效果完全相同。为什么这两个命令的效果会完全相同呢?-Modify the example program gluLookAt () function, changed it to model transformation function glTranslatef (), and use the parameters (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). This function should be used and the effect of gluLookAt () function of exactly the same effect. Why the effect of the two commands will be exactly the same?
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 230kb Publisher :

三维重构的思路很简单,用OpenGL中纹理贴图功能,将平面图像中的三角形逐个贴到计算出的三维坐标上去就可以了。为了便于观察3D效果,我还设计了交互功能:用方向键可以上下左右旋转重构的模型,用鼠标滚轮可以放大或缩小。用gluLookAt函数可以实现视点旋转的功能。三维重构的代码实现在glFuncs.cpp中。(Three-dimensional reconstruction of the idea is very simple, with OpenGL texture mapping function, the plane image of the triangle one by one to the calculated three-dimensional coordinates up on it. In order to facilitate the observation of 3D effects, I also designed the interactive function: the arrow keys can be rotated up and down around the reconstructed model, with the mouse wheel can zoom in or out. Use gluLookAt function to achieve the function of point rotation. The three-dimensional reconstructed code is implemented in glFuncs.cpp.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.81mb Publisher : 0908
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