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这个是用Matlab写成的说话人识别演示程序。-Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library, including commonly used feature extraction algorithms and modeling techniques for speech recognition and speaker verification.-Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library. including commonly used feature extraction al gorithms and modeling techniques for re speech cognition and speaker verification.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : liximin

Matlab中可运行的GMM工具箱,其中包含了GMM建模的各种函数,适用于语音处理。-A GMM toolbox which can be run in Matlab contains various functions of GMM modeling especially for speech processing.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 139kb Publisher : ZCJ

The number of states in GMM as the generative model of the frames is obtained using k-means algorithm. This also helps to initialize the mean vector and the covariance matrix of the individual state of the GMM. The training LPC frames collected from three speech segments are subjected to PCA for dimensionality reduction and are subjected to k-means algorithm. The total number of frames is equal to the total number of vectors that are subjected to k-means clustering.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 711kb Publisher : Khan17
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