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[Search EngineGoogleLocal

Description: Google本地搜索引擎,调用其开放API函数实现-local search engine Google, calling its open API functions
Platform: | Size: 3195 | Author: | Hits:

[Search EngineGoogleLocal

Description: Google本地搜索引擎,调用其开放API函数实现-local search engine Google, calling its open API functions
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 导出google书签中的所有书签到本地html文件里。-Export google bookmarks all bookmarks to a local html file.
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: zuimeng | Hits:


Description: ajax结合.net(C#) 来开发的地图,有点类似于googleEarth,可以放大缩小局部,动态加载可视范围-ajax combination. net (C#) to develop the map, somewhat similar to googleEarth, can zoom in to narrow the local, dynamic load visual range
Platform: | Size: 3852288 | Author: 许瑜 | Hits:


Description: 实现GOOGLE搜索功能的本地实现 其中各块经调试可直接使用-GOOGLE realize realize the local search function in which the block can be directly used by the debugger
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wanyi | Hits:


Description: 这是我收集的中国各个省市的地理位置的GE的坐标,其语言为KML格式.使用时要保证本机安装有googlearth软件,双击即可.-This is my collection of the various provinces and municipalities in China GE geographical coordinates, KML format for their language. Used to ensure that the local googlearth software installed, you can double-click.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: 朱与心 | Hits:

[Search EngineReceive

Description: 这个类可以实现接收google邮件,并且保存在本地的功能-This class can receive google mail, and stored in the function of local
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: huweixuan | Hits:


Description: Google Maps API IFeatureGE类 视图切换,启动Google Earth后请先打开hubei.kml文件。 本地搜索 动态显示和景点导航,运行前请先将该文件夹下的kml文件和bmp文件放-Google Maps API IFeatureGE Class View to switch, launch Google Earth after the first open hubei.kml file. Local search dynamically displays and attractions navigation, please name the folder before running under the kml file and bmp files released
Platform: | Size: 10065920 | Author: fly | Hits:

[Video CaptureImageCrawl

Description: 本软件自动将 http://images.google.cn 中 Google 图片搜索到的原图片自动下载至本地文件夹,系统使用 VC++ 6.0 开发,完全源码,使用 httpd 协议下载。-The software automatically http://images.google.cn in Google image search to the original image automatically downloaded to a local folder, system development using VC++ 6.0, complete source code, use the httpd protocol to download.
Platform: | Size: 2938880 | Author: limei | Hits:


Description: 。本系统采用了ACCESS数据库,操作便捷并具有高度延续开发的内容与知识的管理系统,适用于中小企业网站使用。 升级编辑器,兼容更多浏览器 去掉了FLASH单独调用 替换了FLASH显视功能 后台产品增加大图展示功能 增加了GOOGLE MAP生成 增加了来仿统计标签 增加留言本脏话过滤 去掉了原来的主机检测,增加了阿江ASP探针 增加了新闻和产品上一篇下一篇 增加了上传文件管理 解决了本地调试总报非法注入BUG-. The system uses the ACCESS database, easy operation and continued development of high content and knowledge management system for small and medium sites. Update editor, compatible with more browsers removed replace FLASH FLASH separate call back products to increase significantly as the function of a larger display features increase GOOGLE MAP increased to generate additional message label imitation statistical filtering the bad language removed the original host detection, an increase of A River ASP probe increased news and products increased by uploading a file under a local debugging total management solution to report illegal injection BUG
Platform: | Size: 3683328 | Author: 松公子 | Hits:


Description: This algorithm is used to process the obtained result from using google local search api-This algorithm is used to process the obtained result from using google local search api
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: setareh | Hits:


Description: this pre-built construct for the local search result coming from apis like google api.-this is pre-built construct for the local search result coming from apis like google api.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: setareh | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGoGo

Description: GoGo搜歌手机下载系统是一款功能非常强大的本地影音文件搜索下载管理软件。清爽的界面和人性化的操作方式,可助您轻松高效的完成各种复杂的手机下载任务。尽可能的帮助下载店做许多推广工作以获得更多生意,是专业手机下载店的首选!-GoGo Search Google mobile download system is a very powerful file search the local video download management software. Cool interface and humane mode of operation, can help you easily and efficient completion of complex task of mobile downloads. Download store as much as possible to help make a lot of promotion to get more business, is a professional mobile download store of choice!
Platform: | Size: 948224 | Author: 甘家劲 | Hits:

[WEB CodePiwik-0.8

Description: Piwik是一个开放源代码的Web统计系统. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等。并且采用了大量的AJAX/Flash技术,使得在操作上更加便易。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让开发人员根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能. Piwik统计系统 v0.8 改进内容: #1524:加入本地搜索引擎:encrypted.google.com #1120:改善生活!插件和访问者日志 #1528:简单的图像跟踪模式不会自动检测网址 #1526:删除禁用的能力现在该网站的网站选择选择规模 #1319:访问者日志总是显示所有数据 #1375:现场直播!部件不显示为 今日访问正确的数字 #1523:修正“的请求头字段的大小超过服务器的限制” #1525 PDF格式:无描述进入 #1530新增世界地图默认部件 #1501无法加载仪表盘或添加到空的仪表板部件 一致性的所有用户界面元素 修正了显示的转换率-Piwik is an open source Web statistics systems. It gives you something useful about your site statistics report the number of such Web browsing, access to most of the pages, search engine keywords and so on. And uses a lot of AJAX/Flash technology, making it more easily in the operation. It also features a plug-in extensions and open API architecture that allows developers to create according to their own actual needs more features. Piwik statistical system to improve the content of v0.8: # 1524: adding local search engine: encrypted.google.com # 1120: improve the living! Plug-ins and visitors log # 1528: simple image tracking mode will automatically detect web site # 1526: Remove the ability to disable the site is now the site selection choice scale # 1319: Visitors log always show all data # 1375: Live! Components are not shown as today to visit the correct figures # 1523: Fixed a "request header field exceeds server limit" # 1525 PDF format: No description ente
Platform: | Size: 4491264 | Author: | Hits:

[3D GraphicVB_Google_Earth

Description: 用VB编写的Google Earth,可浏览地球任和地方的卫星图,地图,地形图。(不相信就下载,不登陆也可下)-Written by VB Google Earth, visit the Earth and the local satellite office, maps, topographic maps. (Do not believe that to download, no landing can also be down)
Platform: | Size: 5980160 | Author: 多面体 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmapclient

Description: 抓取google地图,缓存到本地,并支持进行分割成小图片-Crawl google maps to the local cache, and support to split into small images
Platform: | Size: 3933184 | Author: 宣璐梦 | Hits:

[WEB CodeGoogle-guitar-music

Description: 只要使用iframe 引用 “google-guitar.htm”,就可以把整个电吉他效果加到你的独立博客或网站中去了。 PS: 本地使用会由于Flash安全设置而无法发声,上传到服务器后一切正常,通过IE/FF/Chrome测试。 Google 电吉他 谱子: 网友们提供了好多谱子呢,这里挑几首简单的,先按下键盘图标,然后用键盘弹,记得关闭输入法。 两只老虎 (我的最爱^_*) TYUT TYUT UIO UIO OPOIUT OPOIUT UWT UWT 沧海一声笑 POUYT UYTEW WEWETYUOP PPOUYTY 隐形的翅膀 358787 6568321 11186532122 358787 6568321 1118653211 -As long as using an iframe reference " google-guitar.htm" , can be added to the effect of the electric guitar to your blog or website independently go. PS: for local use due to Flash security settings can not be sound, upload to the server as usual, by the IE/FF/Chrome test. Google guitar music score: music score users to provide a lot of it, pick a few here, the first simple, first press the keyboard icon, and then use the keyboard playing, remember to close the input method. Two tigers (my favorite ^ _*) TYUT TYUT UIO UIO OPOIUT OPOIUT UWT UWT 沧海一声笑 POUYT UYTEW WEWETYUOP PPOUYTY invisible wings 3587876568321 11186532122 3587876568321 1118653211
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: xiaole | Hits:


Description: 一款简单的android阅读器,包含找书(本地,网络)、书签、字体、自动翻页、背景音乐等功能-A simple android readers find books included (local, network), bookmarks, fonts, auto-flip, background music and other functions. . .
Platform: | Size: 11046912 | Author: huruiqi | Hits:


Description: 修改本地hosts表,添加google相关的解析-to modify local hosts file, add google related parse items.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 洪锅 | Hits:


Description: Códigof fonte de uma aplicaç ã o delphi com o google maps, basta você digitar o endereç e, rua, cidade, numero e o sistema traz o mapa do local pesquisado, muito bom para quem deseja visualizar o endereç o do cliente, em sistemas de cadastros
Platform: | Size: 454656 | Author: psp | Hits:
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