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基于USB接口的GPS驱动程序,大家参考一下-USB-based GPS drivers, we take a look
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 72.87kb Publisher : 段鹏伟

超强的GPS信号追踪能力   Venture HC是美国Garmin公司为您提供的最新款GPS手持+车载两用卫星定位导航系统。它既沿袭了车载产品导航方面的优势,又兼备手持类产品的轻巧灵活。采用高感度GPS接收芯片保证您在任何恶劣环境中也能轻松定位,是您在户外值得信赖的向导。 强大的外业数据采集功能 自建航点:可中文命名添加新的地标,并可通过软件自行绘制航点符号; 位置平均:具有测量平均位置功能,从而可以更加准确测得某点的精确坐标(新) 面积测量:能使用航线、航迹两种方式轻松测面积,并在面积单位增加了“亩”(新) 坐标转换:多种预设坐标系和自定义坐标系(已预置北京54坐标和西安80坐标系)(新) 数据传输:USB数据接口,方便、快速的上传下载航点、 航线、航迹等数据; 地图功能:内置全国最新路网图,以及87个城市详图;(根据客户要求安装区域最新无偏差地图) 导航便利:提供直线导航方式,同时具有丰富的导航信息; 中文查找:可智能化查找航点、兴趣点、城镇、十字路口、地址等多种信息; 屏  幕:256色高灵敏度彩屏设计; 语  言:中英双语言显示界面; 页  面:可自定制页面,卫星页面可单色、多色显示;(新) 工  具:包含闹钟、秒表、日出日落时间以及打猎钓鱼等多种生活工具; 外  壳:防水、抗震、耐高温、完全符合野外恶劣的工作环境; 娱  乐:内置多种游戏,新颖的游戏方式将给您的户外活动带来无穷乐趣。
Update : 2011-10-02 Size : 40kb Publisher :

用VC开发的GPS监控跟踪软件,已经调试过,并在实际中使用,现与大家共享-VC development of GPS tracking software monitoring, debugging, as well as in actual use, and share is
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 405kb Publisher : wzl

基于USB接口的GPS应用程序,大家参考一下-USB-based GPS applications, your reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : 段鹏伟

基于USB接口的GPS驱动程序,大家参考一下-USB-based GPS drivers, we take a look
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : 段鹏伟

基于USB接口的GPS驱动程序,大家参考一下-USB-based GPS drivers, we take a look
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 73kb Publisher : 段鹏伟

基于USB接口的GPS驱动程序.gps后段接受以及输出,及usp驱动读写-USB interface based on the GPS driver. After the acceptance of the gps and output, and usp literacy drive
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : yantang

用Driver Works开发GPS手持终端中USB接口的设备驱动程序-Driver Works with the development of GPS handheld terminal USB Device Driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 208kb Publisher : rang

DL : 0
硬件平台:开发板创维特jx2410,gps模块HOLUX GR-87,USB转串口线一条。程序是在嵌入式linux操作系统下读串口实现。-Hardware platform: development board SKYWORTH special jx2410, gps Module HOLUX GR-87, USB to serial line. Procedure is in the embedded linux operating system to achieve time serial.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : huang

用atmega64+ch375(usb控制器)制成的板子用来读取USB中的数据的程序,开发环境使用AVR Stdiuo-With atmega64+ Ch375 (usb controller) made USB board to read the data in the process, development environment using the AVR Stdiuo
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : minsky

使用USB端口进行gps编程, -The use of USB port gps programming,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40kb Publisher : zhaozzj

ARM2410硬件GPS原理图,GPS,SD卡,USB等-ARM2410 schematic GPS hardware, GPS, SD card, USB, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 242kb Publisher : 曾敏

DL : 0
great linker script for your uC LPC 2148 with usb support
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 534kb Publisher : schorsch

imx31 bsp,have camera,iic,usb,gps,power,lcd,touch panel driver.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.66mb Publisher : hf7612

gsm module mempunyai banyak manfaat dalam dunia telekomunikasi.gsm module dapat di hubungkan pada mikrokontroller.cara penggunaannya dapat melalui serial ataupun usb.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 179kb Publisher : sahid achmadi

通讯/手机编程 语音压缩 3G开发 android开发 Symbian Windows Mobile BREW编程 J2ME TAPI编程 串口编程 并口编程 USB编程 Modem编程 传真(Fax)编程 GPS编程 手机短信编程 手机彩信(MMS)编程 手机WAP编程 RFID编程 MTK 游戏 外挂编程 射击游戏 模拟服务器 棋牌游戏 游戏引擎 其他智力游戏 其他游戏 多媒体 Audio midi mpeg/mp3 IP电话/视频会议 DVD 流媒体/Mpeg4/MP4 视频捕捉/采集 嵌入式/单片机编程-Communications/mobile phone development programming 3G voice compression android development of Symbian Windows Mobile BREW programming J2ME TAPI programming USB serial port programming parallel programming programming programming Modem Fax (Fax) Programming GPS Programming Programming SMS phone color letter (MMS) mobile phone WAP Programming programming programming RFID plug-in programming MTK shooter game servers board games simulation game engine games other games other intellectual Multimedia Audio midi mpeg/mp3 IP phone/video conferencing DVD streaming media/Mpeg4/MP4 Video Capture/Acquisition Embedded/Microcontroller Programmer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : 王龙

ZylGPSReceiver is a Delphi / C++Builder component collection that communicates with a serial GPS receiver. It works with any NMEA compatible receiver connected to one of the serial ports. You can use it also with USB and Bluetooth devices, because these devices have a driver that redirects the input from the USB or Bluetooth port to a virtual serial port (you can check it in System/Device Manager/Ports). If your device is not provided with such a driver, then use a USB controller whose vendor provides a virtual serial port driver, such as FTDI or use a USB/RS-232 adapter. With this component you will be able to develop robust GPS Delphi or C++Builder applications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : b0x

下面是目录介绍 ADC---------ADC模数转换实验 ASM---------汇编程序实验 ASM_c-------汇编和C语言混合实验 CF----------CF读写实验 DcMotor-----直流电机实验 DMA——-----DMA数据传输实验 GPRS--------GPRS/GSM通讯实验 GPS---------GPS全球定位实验 IDE---------IDE测试实验 IIC---------IIC读写实验 IIS---------IIS音频实验 KeyScan-----行列式键盘扫描实验 Lcd---------TFT lcd显示实验 LED8X8------8x8 LED点阵实验 NandFlash---NandFlash读写实验 NorFlash----NorFlash读写实验 Pwm---------Pwm脉宽调制实验 RS485-------RS485通讯实验 Rtc---------Rtc实时时钟实验 StepMotor---步进电机控制实验 TFTP--------TFTP网络通讯实验 Timer_Interrupt---定时器中断实验 TouchPanel----触摸屏实验 UART--------串口通讯实验 uCOSII------uCOSII移植实验 USB_Device----USB deivce通讯实验 WatchDog-----看门狗实验-The following is a directory description ADC--------- ADC ADC test ASM--------- assembler experiment ASM_c------- assembly and C language mixing experiment CF---------- CF literacy test DcMotor----- DC motor experiment DMA------- DMA data transfer experiment GPRS--------GPRS/GSM communication experiment GPS--------- GPS Global Positioning Experiment IDE--------- IDE Testing Laboratory IIC--------- IIC literacy test IIS--------- IIS audio test KeyScan----- determinant keyboard scan experiment Lcd--------- TFT lcd display experiments LED8X8------ 8x8 LED dot matrix experiment NandFlash--- NandFlash literacy test NorFlash---- NorFlash literacy test Pwm--------- Pwm PWM test RS485------- RS485 communication experiment Rtc--------- Rtc Real Time Clock Experiment StepMotor--- stepper motor control experiment TFTP-------- TFTP network communication experiment Timer_Interrupt--- timer interrupt test TouchPanel---- touch screen test UART--------
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : asdfasdf

The program records the data from a GPS receiver (serial, USB or Bluetooth) converting the NMEA coordinates Latitude / Longitude to KML format used in Google Maps. The data relating to the serial port to be used are stored in the file params.ini edit this file (with notepad) to adjust the parameters for your GPS receiver.-The program records the data from a GPS receiver (serial, USB or Bluetooth) converting the NMEA coordinates Latitude / Longitude to KML format used in Google Maps. The data relating to the serial port to be used are stored in the file params.ini edit this file (with notepad) to adjust the parameters for your GPS receiver.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : Daniel

DL : 0
An app that dynamically calculates sun position in the sky dome from a GPS data. GPS is a ordinary USB GPS receiver connected to PC. It is seen from like serial port connection. Received data decode and calculated according specific algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 395kb Publisher : saulius0317
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