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GPS MOUSE 连接PDA使用教程。-connected PDA GPS MOUSE directory.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 178.76kb Publisher : 王生

从GPS接收机里提取数据,在C++builder中配合地图实现轨迹重现,并显示鼠标所在位置的经纬度-Lane from the GPS receiver to extract data, in which C builder with the locus maps recreated, and display the location of the mouse coordinates
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 918.16kb Publisher : lili

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 98.71kb Publisher : tom

GPS/Bluetooth  Mouse Demo Design
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : youwei

GPS MOUSE 连接PDA使用教程。-connected PDA GPS MOUSE directory.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 178kb Publisher : 王生

DL : 0
从GPS接收机里提取数据,在C++builder中配合地图实现轨迹重现,并显示鼠标所在位置的经纬度-Lane from the GPS receiver to extract data, in which C builder with the locus maps recreated, and display the location of the mouse coordinates
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 918kb Publisher : lili

DL : 0
嵌入式系统设计与实例开发实验教材二源码 多线程应用程序设计 串行端口程序设计 AD接口实验 CAN总线通信实验 GPS通信实验 Linux内核移植与编译实验 IC卡读写实验 SD驱动使用实验 GPRS通信实验 音频驱动及应用实验 嵌入式Web服务器实验 IDE—CF卡模块读写实验 PS2键盘鼠标驱动实验 -Examples of embedded systems design and development of experimental teaching materials Second source multi-threaded application design program design AD serial port CAN bus communication interface experiment experiment experiment GPS communications Linux kernel compiled Experimental Transplantation and Experimental IC card reader SD driver to use experimental GPRS communication experiment audio driver and application experiments embedded Web server experiment IDE-CF card module to read and write experimental PS2 keyboard and mouse-driven experiment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18.08mb Publisher : lisuwei

名厂车载GPS通信终端,内置GSM/GPRS模块,通过RS-232口可以接不同厂商的G-Mouse产品,带有内置蓝牙通信、RFID接口(蓝牙通信模块和RFID模块设计成独立的配件,以根据不同客户的需求实现选配),产品主要面向私家车领域。对产品有兴趣请和本人联系。-GPS Car Factory of communication terminals, embedded GSM/GPRS module, through the RS-232 I can return the different manufacturers of G-Mouse product, with built-in Bluetooth communications, RFID interface (Bluetooth communication modules and RFID modules designed as an independent accessories, in accordance with the needs of different customers to achieve matching), and products are mainly for the field of private cars. Of products and I am interested please contact.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 98kb Publisher : tom

GPS/Bluetooth  Mouse Demo Design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : youwei

地图浏览器,在linex下运行,能显示坐标,鼠标所在经纬度-Map Viewer, at linex run, can display coordinates of the mouse where the latitude and longitude
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 147kb Publisher : xuying

DL : 0
读取MIF数据,并可以转换成GPS格式的文件。可以查询鼠标当前点的坐标。-Read MIF data, and can be converted into GPS format. Can query the current mouse coordinates of points.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17.36mb Publisher : 杨泽瑞

DL : 0
通过串口模拟GPS的程序,用鼠标相对于屏幕中心位置的偏移来模拟移动速度。-GPS through the serial port simulation program, with the mouse position relative to the center of the screen to simulate the speed of the offset.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 231kb Publisher : shenlong

Connect (reconnect) and enable bluetooth mouse, headset, gps receiver o ther device This script removes the remote bluetooth device from your system (if present), than adds and configures it again. This script requires Bluetooth Command Line Tools or higher. It may be necessary to switch the remote bluetooth device into discoverable mode before running the script. (Consult the documentation of your bluetooth device). Usage: 1. Copy the following script into your text editor (e.g. notepad). 2. Change device address and service GUID to match your device. (To obtain these values, run btdiscovery -s ). Optionally set the PIN code. 3. Save the file with .bat extension.-Connect (reconnect) and enable bluetooth mouse, headset, gps receiver or other device This script removes the remote bluetooth device from your system (if present), than adds and configures it again. This script requires Bluetooth Command Line Tools or higher. It may be necessary to switch the remote bluetooth device into discoverable mode before running the script. (Consult the documentation of your bluetooth device). Usage: 1. Copy the following script into your text editor (e.g. notepad). 2. Change device address and service GUID to match your device. (To obtain these values, run btdiscovery -s ). Optionally set the PIN code. 3. Save the file with .bat extension.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 293kb Publisher : msarmout
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