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Description: java 调用 Graphviz,支持中文和SVG格式的输出-java call Graphviz, and Chinese support SVG output format
Platform: | Size: 2680 | Author: 罗汉果 | Hits:


Description: Graphviz - Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs See doc/build.html for prerequisites and detailed build notes.
Platform: | Size: 3706367 | Author: 毕胜 | Hits:

[Other resourceAbstractFactory

Description: C++的一种设计模式,创建对象的工厂方法的抽象基类,压缩包里还有采用doxygen和Graphviz得到的类开发文档
Platform: | Size: 178390 | Author: 的各个 | Hits:

[Program doccodeviz+graphviz安装使用文档

Description: 用 Graphviz + CodeViz可视化函数调用
Platform: | Size: 284348 | Author: zoomba | Hits:


Description: java 调用 Graphviz,支持中文和SVG格式的输出-java call Graphviz, and Chinese support SVG output format
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 罗汉果 | Hits:


Description: Graphviz - Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs See doc/build.html for prerequisites and detailed build notes. -Graphviz- Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs See doc/build.html for prerequisites and detailed build notes.
Platform: | Size: 3705856 | Author: 毕胜 | Hits:


Description: tinyos 仿真中要用到的一个工具graphviz, 它是用dot写的,GV在linnux下面是个很好的画图工具。-TinyOS simulation as a tool to use to graphviz, it is dot wrote, GV in linnux The following is a good drawing tool.
Platform: | Size: 253952 | Author: lifei | Hits:


Description: 利用 Graphviz 畫出關係圖,讓使用者可以簡單的看出人與人之間的關係-Diagram drawn using Graphviz
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 康哲蒙 | Hits:

[Graph programgraphviz-bin-2.25.20090710.1351

Description: 图形处理的开源类库,由AT&T实验室编写,具有很强的图像显示功能-Open-source graphics library, from the preparation of AT & T Labs, has a strong functions of image display
Platform: | Size: 10572800 | Author: forhappy | Hits:

[Graph programgraphviz-working.tar

Description: Graphviz的主页在http://www.graphviz.org/ , 他是AT&T Labs-Research开发的图形绘制工具, 他可以很方便的用来绘制结构化的图形网络,支持多种格式输出, 生成图片的质量和速度都不错 Graphviz本身是开源的产品,下载可以到 这里 ,以及他的演示界面 Graphviz在windows上和Linux上都可以顺利运行-Graphviz home page in http://www.graphviz.org/, he is the AT & T Labs-Research to develop a graphical mapping tool, he can easily be used to map the structure of the graphical networks, support multiple format output, to generate images good quality and speed of Graphviz is open source products, can be downloaded here, as well as his demonstration of the interface in Graphviz on windows and Linux can run smoothly
Platform: | Size: 16746496 | Author: forhappy | Hits:


Description: The documentation is automatically extracted from the source code using Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org). The suggested version is the latest one versions as back as 1.2.14 should still work. The basic requirement to produce html documentation are: 1) Doxygen 2) Graphviz (http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/) 3) Aladdin Ghostscript (http://www.ghostscript.com/) If you want to produce PDF and/or PS documentation you will need also: 4) TeX/LaTeX 5) epstopdf. It s available as Perl script (you will also need Perl, of course), C source to be compiled or Windows executable. The above, and any additional packages your LaTeX installation might need, are available through the CTAN (http://www.ctan.org/) -The documentation is automatically extracted from the source code using Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org). The suggested version is the latest one versions as back as 1.2.14 should still work. The basic requirement to produce html documentation are: 1) Doxygen 2) Graphviz (http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/) 3) Aladdin Ghostscript (http://www.ghostscript.com/) If you want to produce PDF and/or PS documentation you will need also: 4) TeX/LaTeX 5) epstopdf. It s available as Perl script (you will also need Perl, of course), C source to be compiled or Windows executable. The above, and any additional packages your LaTeX installation might need, are available through the CTAN (http://www.ctan.org/)
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: kevin L | Hits:


Description: graphviz一定要按照安装路径安装,不能换路径。不然就不好用-it is very important to install it according to its own path
Platform: | Size: 7866368 | Author: 刘惠 | Hits:


Description: c实现的可视化工具包,实现了很多布局算法-c to achieve visualization toolkit to achieve a lot of layout algorithm
Platform: | Size: 16947200 | Author: cuihongcai | Hits:


Description: 这个软件是关于函数调用关系分析工具,希望大家满意哦~!-The software is on the relationship between function call analysis tools
Platform: | Size: 13334528 | Author: 静儿 | Hits:


Description: graphviz 画图,java 很好用的java绘图程序-graphviz drawing, java a good drawing program using java
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王振 | Hits:


Description: 内涵收藏Java图论图形库 Prefuse 一个相当强大的Java图形库 jgrapht 和 jgraphx 通用Java图论图形库 JheatChart 热图小程序 Graphviz 贝尔实验室的图库-Content of the three major Java graphics library Prefuse form a very powerful and jgraphx Java graphics library jgrapht Java Graph Theory General graphics library JheatChart heat map applet library of Bell Labs Graphviz
Platform: | Size: 10064896 | Author: Edwin Lee | Hits:


Description: 该工具是为protege工具中显示本体的类的关系图的功能提供的一个插件。-The tool is a tool for the protege to display the body of the class diagram provides a plug-in.
Platform: | Size: 59309056 | Author: 张平 | Hits:


Description: java可以直接调用这个类实现画图功能,但是使用这个类的前提是你的电脑已经装了GraphViz软件,你可以在http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery.php下载windows版本,装完后,找到dot.exe所在的路径,-java can call this class implements the drawing functions, but only if the use of this class is that your computer has installed GraphViz software, you can download the windows version http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery.php, after Bahrain, dot.exe find the path where,
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: zheng | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGraphViz

Description: java中为了调用GraphViz而写的一段小程序希望对大家有用(Java in order to call GraphViz and write a small program, in the hope that useful to everyone)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 薛同学 | Hits:


Description: python 用的 graphviz 库,版本2.38. 安装后添加 安装路径 graphviz\bin到系统path环境变量,并重启python,否则可能报错。(Graphviz library for Python, version 2.38. Install the installation path graphviz\bin to the system path environment variable, and restart python, otherwise it may be wrong.)
Platform: | Size: 33202176 | Author: rhlee2k | Hits:
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