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实现GPS+IMU扩展卡尔曼滤波组合导航,重力场和磁场推算姿态-Achieve the GPS+ IMU extended Kalman filter integrated navigation, gravity field and magnetic field profile projection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 268kb Publisher : 张坤

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一、数据说明: 1:惯导系统为指北方位的捷连系统。初始经度为116.344695283度、纬度为39.975172度,高度h为30米。 初速度为v0=[0.000048637 0.000206947 0.007106781],飞行高度不变。 2:jlfw中为600秒的数据,陀螺仪和加速度计采样周期分别为为1/80秒和1/80秒。 3:初始姿态角为[0.120992605 0.010445947 91.637207](俯仰,横滚,航向,单位为度), jlfw中保存的为比力信息f_INSc(单位m/s^2)、陀螺仪角速率信息wib_INSc(单位rad/s),排列顺序为 一~三行分别为东、北、天向信息. 4: 航向角以逆时针为正。 5:地球椭球长半径re=6378245 地球自转角速度wie=7.292115147e-5 重力加速度g=g0*(1+gk1*c33^2)*(1-2*h/re)/sqrt(1-gk2*c33^2); g0=9.7803267714 gk1=0.00193185138639 gk2=0.00669437999013 c33=sin(lat纬度) -First, data on: 1: inertial navigation system that links the north bit of the Czech system. Initial longitude 116.344695283 degrees latitude 39.975172, height h is 30 meters. Initial speed of v0 = [0.000048637 0.000206947 0.007106781], the same altitude. 2: jlfw for 600 seconds of data, gyroscopes and accelerometers were sampling period of 1/80 sec and 1/80 seconds. 3: Initial attitude angle [0.120992605 0.010445947 91.637207] (pitch, roll, heading, in units of degrees), jlfw than the power saved information f_INSc (unit m/s ^ 2), angular rate gyro information wib_INSc (units of rad/s), in the order of 1 ~ three lines were east, north, days to the information. 4: The heading angle is positive counterclockwise. 5: Earth ellipsoid long radius re = 6378245 Earth s rotation angular velocity wie = 7.292115147e-5 acceleration due to gravity g = g0* (1+ gk1* c33 ^ 2)* (1-2* h/re)/sqrt (1-gk2* c33 ^ 2) g0 = 9.7803267714 gk1 = 0.00193185138639 gk2 = 0.00669437999013
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 392kb Publisher : 袁刚平

针对捷联惯导(SINS)晃动基座下, SINS难以快速实现自对准的问题, 提出SINS的抗干扰自对准算法. 该算 法通过将初始对准问题转化为 Wahba 求解问题来消除角运动干扰的影响 利用惯性坐标系重力矢量和晃动干扰加速 度的频率特点 , 通过设计低通滤波器对比力在惯性坐标下的投影进行滤波来消除线振动干扰的影响 . 仿真结果表明 , 该算法不需要进行粗对准 , 能够在角运动干扰和线振动干扰同时存在的情况下快速实现自对准 . -The conventional methods are difficult to achieve alignment rapidly when the strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS) under swaying base. Therefore, an anti-interference self-alignment algorithm for the swaying base is presented, which transforms the alignment problem into the Wahba problem to remove the angular interrupting, and uses the low-pass filter to filter the special force in inertial reference frame to remove the linear vibration interrupting according to the different frequency characteristics of gravity vector in inertial reference frame and the disturbance. The simulation results show that the presented method can accomplish alignment quickly even in the presence of angular motion and linear vibration interference without the coarse alignment process.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 63kb Publisher : guyan

根据牛顿万有引力定律实时计算卫星轨道位置,求取卫星六个轨道参数,可用于导航定位-According to Newton s law of gravity in real-time calculation of satellite orbital position, get six orbital parameters of the satellite can be used for navigation and positioning
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.87mb Publisher : 小屯

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实现GPS+IMU扩展卡尔曼滤波组合导航,重力场和磁场推算姿态-Achieve the GPS+ IMU extended Kalman filter integrated navigation, gravity field and magnetic field profile projection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.27mb Publisher : 黄小法

本书是作者在总结多年研究生“卡尔曼滤波与组合导航原理”课程的教学经验,吸收十余年从事惯性导航与组合导航技术研究的科研成果,以及参阅国内外众多文献资料的基础上编写的,注重基础理论与工程实践相结合,实用性与可操作性强。全书共八章,主要包括捷联惯导算法及其误差分析、地球重力场基础、卡尔曼滤波基本原理、初始对准与组合导航技术、捷联惯导与组合导航仿真等内容。书中附有丰富的Matlab仿真程序可供参考,还有练习题可供读者拓展学习或学生练习使用。(In this book the author summarizes many years graduate student "kalman filter and integrated navigation principle" course teaching experience, absorb more than 10 years engaged in inertial navigation and integrated navigation technology research of scientific research, and refer to the written on the basis of numerous literatures at home and abroad, pay attention to the basic theory and engineering practice, the combination of strong practicability and operability. The book consists of eight chapters, including strapdown inertial navigation algorithm and error analysis, earth gravity field basis, basic principle of kalman filter, initial alignment and integrated navigation technology, strapdown inertial navigation and integrated navigation simulation. The book with a rich Matlab simulation program for reference, there are exercises for readers to expand learning or students to practice.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.86mb Publisher : #@
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