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Grid++Report是一款高性能的报表组件(构件/控件),特别适用于管理信息系统(如ERP、进销存、财务等)的报表开发。提供一个具有超强数据展现能力的数据网格(DataGrid)部件,制作各种表格报表非常简便;运行时可通过事件响应使报表与用户交互;针对票据套打进行了专门实现;总之Grid++Report 是制作动态报表的最佳选择。提供可视化报表设计器,设计报表快速简单。Grid++Report除了提供打印功能外,还提供报表的查询显示功能,即如各种数据网格(DataGrid)控件一样显示数据,让报表的查询显示与打印一次实现,既提高开发效率又保持数据的一致性,这也是Grid++Report与其它报表构件的最大区别。Grid++Report 适用于所有支持COM的开发平台,为Visual Basic、Visual C++、Delphi、C++Builder编写了大量例程。采用VC+COM+ATL+WTL开发,运行性能高,重新发布简单、发布文件小且不依赖任何运行时库。-Grid Report is a high-performance components statements (Component / control), particularly applicable to the management of information systems (such as ERP, Invoicing, financial, etc.) to develop the statements. Provide a superior ability to display data in Data Grid (DataGrid) components, statements made various forms is very simple; running through incident response made statements interact with the user; against paper chromatography printing for a special achievement; In short Grid Report is produced dynamic statements for the best choice. Visualization statements for the design, design fast and simple statements. Grid Report addition to providing printing function, it also provided statements to the inquiry showed functions, that is, if the data grid (DataGrid) controls showed that, l
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : wang

DBGrid是顯示資料的主要手段之一。但是DBGrid缺省的外觀未免顯得單調和缺乏創意。通過code,我們可以改變 DBGrid 的表頭、網格、格線的前景色和背景色,以及相關的字體的大小和風格(就像網頁中的表格一樣漂亮美觀)-DBGrid show information is one of the main instruments. But DBGrid default appearance appears to be dull and lack of creativity. Through code, we can change DBGrid the table, grid, the grid foreground color and background color, and the relevant font size and style (like website as a form beautiful appearance)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 363kb Publisher : zrs

编制日程表控件,带源码 Calendar Widgets, DayBook, and Contact Viewer. The JCW suite consists of the following components: Calendar Manager Task Grid Day View Appointment Editor Task Editor Reminder Dialog Planner View-preparation schedule controls with source Calendar Widgets, DayBook, and Contact Viewer. The MINI suite consists of the following components : Calendar Task Manager Grid Day View Appointment Reminder Editor Editor Task Dialog Planner View
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.61mb Publisher : akay

Delphi VclSkin 2.60 VCLSkin is an VCL library that extend Delphi application with skinnable user interface . Unlike other skin component that you must modify source code to build skinnable application, VCLskin can skin existing application using VCL components without source code modification. VclSkin automatically skin kinds of windows in application, include Delphi forms,MDIform and common Windows dialogs (MsgBox,Open/Save,Font,Print), even the Exception MsgBox. Vclskin not only support Delphi standard controls, but also support many third-party component, such as TMS Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid. It is an excellent choice for those wanting to skin existing applications. The cool thing is that it uses existing VCL components. Demo version adds a string VclSkin demo on form caption, but allows to test all available functions.-Delphi VclSkin 2.60 VCLSkin is an VCL libra ry that extend Delphi application with skinnab le user interface. Unlike other skin component that you must modify source code to build skinna ble application, VCLskin can skin existing application using VC L components without source code modification . VclSkin automatically skin kinds of windows i n application, include Delphi forms, MDIform and common Windows dialogs (MsgBox. Open/Save, Font, Print) even the Exception MsgBox. Vclskin not only sup port Delphi standard controls, but also support many third-party component, TMS such as Grid pack, EnLib Grid, Developer Express QuantumGrid. It is an excel ent choice for those wanting to skin existing ap plications. The cool thing is that it uses exist ing VCL components. Demo version adds a strin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5mb Publisher : 史旭龙

DL : 0
很COOL的GRID表格控件,支持中式帐薄格式!-very COOL GRID forms of control, Chinese books format support!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 507kb Publisher : 杜阿亮

很COOL的GRID控件,支持中式帐薄格式!-the GRID controls, support Chinese books format!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 158kb Publisher : dualiang

网格控件CGridCtrl的源代码,可以用于vc的界面中。-Grid Control CGridCtrl the source code, which can be used vc interface.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 452kb Publisher : 周长寿

编译环境Delphi7+Win2000 用到的控件 ReportMachine2.6 InfoPower4000Pro_vcl7 RxLib2.7 SkinEngine 3.47 DevExpress Bars4.2 DevExpress QuantumGrid Pro3.22 VCLZip2.23 sncCurrency AgentObjects_TLB(自己在Delphi倒入吧)-build environment Delphi7 Win2000 use the controls ReportMachine 2.6 InfoPower4000Pro_vcl7 RxLib2.7 SkinEngi ne 3.47 DevExpress Bars4.2 DevExpress Quantum Grid Pro3.22 VCLZip2.23 sncCurrency AgentObj ects_TLB (in Delphi poured into it)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 425kb Publisher : wendy

一种使用非常简单方便的表格控件,可以改变每个格的颜色-use a very simple form of control, can change the color of each grid
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : zhanghua

Grid++Report是一款高性能的报表组件(构件/控件),特别适用于管理信息系统(如ERP、进销存、财务等)的报表开发。提供一个具有超强数据展现能力的数据网格(DataGrid)部件,制作各种表格报表非常简便;运行时可通过事件响应使报表与用户交互;针对票据套打进行了专门实现;总之Grid++Report 是制作动态报表的最佳选择。提供可视化报表设计器,设计报表快速简单。Grid++Report除了提供打印功能外,还提供报表的查询显示功能,即如各种数据网格(DataGrid)控件一样显示数据,让报表的查询显示与打印一次实现,既提高开发效率又保持数据的一致性,这也是Grid++Report与其它报表构件的最大区别。Grid++Report 适用于所有支持COM的开发平台,为Visual Basic、Visual C++、Delphi、C++Builder编写了大量例程。采用VC+COM+ATL+WTL开发,运行性能高,重新发布简单、发布文件小且不依赖任何运行时库。-Grid Report is a high-performance components statements (Component/control), particularly applicable to the management of information systems (such as ERP, Invoicing, financial, etc.) to develop the statements. Provide a superior ability to display data in Data Grid (DataGrid) components, statements made various forms is very simple; running through incident response made statements interact with the user; against paper chromatography printing for a special achievement; In short Grid Report is produced dynamic statements for the best choice. Visualization statements for the design, design fast and simple statements. Grid Report addition to providing printing function, it also provided statements to the inquiry showed functions, that is, if the data grid (DataGrid) controls showed that, l
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : wang

EhLib 是一套非常优秀的第三方VCL Grid组件,相对于Delphi自身的DBGrid,它增加了很多功能,如: 1、Grid可显示为Flat、3D效果; 2、在表格底部显示合计行(可多行); 3、自动列标题排序,可自动显示排序标记; 4、日期列自动为DateTimePicker,Boolean列自动为CheckBox; 5、表格首行可显示查询行,自动筛选数据; 6、增加Grid数据查找对话框; 7、支持Grid打印,打印效果非常理想; 8、可将Grid数据导出至Excel、Word、Html、TXT; -EhLib is a very good third-party VCL Grid components, as opposed to Delphi s own DBGrid, which adds a lot of features such as: 1, Grid can be displayed for the Flat, 3D effects 2, in the form displayed at the bottom of the total line (which can be multi-line) 3, automatic column header to sort, can be displayed automatically sort marker 4, the date listed automatically DateTimePicker, Boolean out automatically CheckBox 5, form the first line shows the query line, automatic screening data 6, an increase Grid data Find dialog box 7, to support the Grid print, print effect is very desirable 8, Grid data can be exported to Excel, Word, Html, TXT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.73mb Publisher : 张峰

Express MasterView是一套100%VCL表格(Grid)组件,他能将多从表显示在一个表格中,给最终用户一种直观的方式察看主从表数据。(DevExperss MasterView v1.21 For D7,内含注册码)-Express MasterView is a 100 VCL table (Grid) components, more than he can from the table displayed in a table, to end-users an intuitive way to see the main data from the table. (DevExperss MasterView v1.21 For D7, containing key)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2mb Publisher : 付西

delphi的的三方控件,主要grid表格的应用。-delphi' s tripartite control, the main grid application form
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.48mb Publisher : 张立辉

Grid 控件应该分成自由式 报表和数据相关表格两种,其内部实现机理不尽相同,你说的要求恰恰要把这两种风格的 报表融合起来:Exel 是典型的自由式报表,复制、拖拉、合并单元格等,它的每个单元格 都是相对独立的,数据相关表格就很不一样了,最典型的就是它有数据列的概念。 -Grid Control Report should be divided into freestyle and data related to table two, the internal mechanism of implementation is different, you said it to the requirements of these two styles together Report: Exel is a typical freestyle Report, copy, drag and drop, merger cells and so on, each of its cells are relatively independent, data related to very different on the table, the most typical is that it has the concept of data columns.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.86mb Publisher : 杨一

TMatrixImage is a matrix of image similar a grid
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 461kb Publisher : gara

he Grid Collection is a set of controls designed to work standalone or automatically within a grid. With this collection of controls there is no need to have a custom grid control or a custom set of tables and/or datasource in turn allowing easier integration into existing application. All you need to do is set the controls Grid and Field properties and the controls will do the rest. Not only do these controls seamlessly integrate into Borland’s DBGrid, they also work within InfoPower’s DBGrid.-he Grid Collection is a set of controls designed to work standalone or automatically within a grid. With this collection of controls there is no need to have a custom grid control or a custom set of tables and/or datasource in turn allowing easier integration into existing application. All you need to do is set the controls Grid and Field properties and the controls will do the rest. Not only do these controls seamlessly integrate into Borland’s DBGrid, they also work within InfoPower’s DBGrid.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 839kb Publisher : okkoos

color grid has been released into the public domain, FREE! and you are welcome to make as many copies
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 101kb Publisher : dian taufik

DL : 0
Deliphi 的Grid 練習 附資料檔-deliphi use grid example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : 刘正茏

ا check DB grid delphi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 59kb Publisher : sadegh

说明: 汉字教学笔顺演示程序 田字格内演示汉字笔画 (Chinese characters teaching stroke order demo grid demonstration Chinese characters in stroke )(Chinese characters teaching stroke order demo grid demonstration Chinese characters in stroke)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 115kb Publisher : 15511418071
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