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离散点插值成网格点等值线绘制等是一个自由软件-surfit is a computer program which enables to recalculate scattered data to regular grid (gridding). surfit implements the original gridding method CMOFS, which can deal with HUGE and various data of different extent of truth.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.52mb Publisher : lb

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Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions - in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab. -Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions- in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.4mb Publisher : rizq

DL : 0
PGPI(NUM,DEN,W,FI,A) plots the stability boundary locus L(KP,KI,W)in the (KP,KI)-plane for an LTI system with transfer function defined by its NUM, DEN coefficients and driven by a PI controller with transfer function, C(s)=kp+(ki/s). Frequency (W) gridding becomes important. Phase Margin, FI, and Gain Margin, A, can be defined. The method works for open loop stable or unstable, minimum or nonminimum phase systems. With Examples. Method and examples used are form "Computation of Stabilizing PI and PID Controllers" by Nusret Tan, Ibrahim Kaya and Dereck P. Atherton. MATLAB release MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b) -PGPI(NUM,DEN,W,FI,A) plots the stability boundary locus L(KP,KI,W)in the (KP,KI)-plane for an LTI system with transfer function defined by its NUM, DEN coefficients and driven by a PI controller with transfer function, C(s)=kp+(ki/s). Frequency (W) gridding becomes important. Phase Margin, FI, and Gain Margin, A, can be defined. The method works for open loop stable or unstable, minimum or nonminimum phase systems. With Examples. Method and examples used are form "Computation of Stabilizing PI and PID Controllers" by Nusret Tan, Ibrahim Kaya and Dereck P. Atherton. MATLAB release MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : daj

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MATLAB克里金(Kriging)插值法又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。- MATLAB kriging (Kriging) interpolation method, also known as spatial autocorrelation covariance optimal interpolation method, which is based on the South African mining engineer D. G. Krige named for an optimal interpolation. Kriging widely used in groundwater modeling, soil mapping, is geostatistical gridding method useful.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : wcy

points2grid是一个强大的和可扩展的工具网格LIDAR点云数据生成数字高程模型(DEM)。points2grid采用局部网格法用一个定义在基于用户提供的搜索半径,每个细胞邻域计算网格细胞升高。(Points2Grid is a robust and scalable tool for gridding LIDAR point cloud data to generate Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Points2Grid uses a local gridding method to compute grid cell elevation using a neighborhood defined around each cell based on a search radius provided by the user.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 239kb Publisher : fixit

克里金(Kriging)插值法,又称空间自协方差最佳插值法,它是以南非矿业工程师D.G.Krige的名字命名的一种最优内插法。克里金法广泛地应用于地下水模拟、土壤制图等领域,是一种很有用的地质统计格网化方法。(Krikin (Kriging) interpolation method, also called spatial covariance best interpolation method, is an optimal interpolation method named by South African mining engineer D.G.Krige. Kriging method widely used in groundwater simulation, soil mapping and other fields, is a very useful geostatistical gridding methods)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : candor0702
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