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This Program is used for calculating surface wave group velocity-This Program is used for calculating surfa ce wave group velocity
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.84kb Publisher : lyh

We rigorously analyze the dispersion function and the curvature of the dispersion surface of a photonic crystal to explore the fundamental limit of its angular sensitivities. With insight gained from group theory, we fi nd that symmetry induced degeneracy gives rise to a singular dispersion surface curvature and a nonvanishing group velocity simultaneously. Near such a singularity, high angular sensitivities can be achieved at low optical loss. This phenomenon exists generally in most common two-dimensional and three-dimensional photonic crystal lattices, although it occurs only for certain photonic bands as dictated by symmetry.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 276.31kb Publisher : Qtai

DL : 0
We have used phase-sensitive ultrashort-pulse interferometry to study the modifi cation of optical pulse propagation near the photonic band edges in colloidal crystals consisting of polystyrene spheres in water. A strong suppression of the group velocity is found at frequencies near the L gap of the fcc lat- tice. The group velocity dispersion diverges at the band edges and shows branches of both normal dis- persion and anomalous dispersion, which can be interpreted as large changes in the effective mass, both positive and negative. We obtain excellent agreement with the dynamical diffraction theory.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 52.75kb Publisher : Qtai

This Program is used for calculating surface wave group velocity-This Program is used for calculating surfa ce wave group velocity
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : lyh

We rigorously analyze the dispersion function and the curvature of the dispersion surface of a photonic crystal to explore the fundamental limit of its angular sensitivities. With insight gained from group theory, we fi nd that symmetry induced degeneracy gives rise to a singular dispersion surface curvature and a nonvanishing group velocity simultaneously. Near such a singularity, high angular sensitivities can be achieved at low optical loss. This phenomenon exists generally in most common two-dimensional and three-dimensional photonic crystal lattices, although it occurs only for certain photonic bands as dictated by symmetry. -We rigorously analyze the dispersion function and the curvature of the dispersion surface of a photoniccrystal to explore the fundamental limit of its angular sensitivities. With insight gained from group theory, we
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 276kb Publisher : Qtai

DL : 0
We have used phase-sensitive ultrashort-pulse interferometry to study the modifi cation of optical pulse propagation near the photonic band edges in colloidal crystals consisting of polystyrene spheres in water. A strong suppression of the group velocity is found at frequencies near the L gap of the fcc lat- tice. The group velocity dispersion diverges at the band edges and shows branches of both normal dis- persion and anomalous dispersion, which can be interpreted as large changes in the effective mass, both positive and negative. We obtain excellent agreement with the dynamical diffraction theory.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 52kb Publisher : Qtai

Simulates Group Velocity Dispersion curves in fiber optics
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : jose miranda

光纤是20世纪的重大发明之一,其导光性能臻于完美,很难想像还会有更好的替代者。本书是光学、光子学和光通信领域的重要译著,分原理篇和应用篇两部分。原理篇包括光传输方程、群速度色散、自相位调制、调制不稳定性和光孤子、偏振效应、交叉相位调制、受激散射和光参量过程等内容,科学归纳为非线性光纤光学,侧重于基本概念和原理。应用篇内容包括光纤光栅、光纤耦合器,各种光纤干涉仪、光纤放大器和光纤激光器,光脉冲压缩技术,以及有关光纤通信系统和孤子波系统中的传输问题,体现了非线性光纤光学在光波技术、光通信领域的应用。全书理论严谨,处处结合实际例证,特别是紧密结合光通信领域的新成果与新问题,图文并茂,说清讲透,且各章都附有习题。本书适合作为光学、物理学、电子工程等专业的本科生和研究生教学用书,同时对从事光通信产业的工程技术人员和从事光纤光学、非线性光学领域研究的科技人员来说也是一本非常有用的参考书。 -Fiber is an important invention of the 20th century, one of the optical properties of reaching perfection, it is hard to imagine there will be a better replacement for him. This book is optical, photonics and optical communication field of translation, principles and application of Part Part two parts. Principles of articles, including optical transmission equation, group velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation, modulation instability and optical soliton, polarization effects, cross-phase modulation, stimulated scattering and optical parametric process, such as content, science summed up as non-linear fiber optics, with a focus on basic concepts and principles. Application papers will include fiber gratings, optical fiber coupler, a variety of fiber-optic interferometer, optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers, optical pulse compression technology, as well as optical fiber communication systems and soliton wave transmission system, reflects the non-linear fiber optics in light wav
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 16.64mb Publisher : 罗飞

DL : 0
計算二維光子晶體的光子能隙,可計算及繪出布里淵區的群速度-Calculation of two-dimensional photonic crystal photonic bandgap can be calculated and plotted the Brillouin zone group velocity
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : kenny

本书详细论述了光纤中的各种非线性效应.全书共分 10章.分别介绍了光纤和非线性光学,光纤模式及有非线性源时脉冲的传输,综述了光纤中的基本传输方程的数值方法、群速度色散、自相位调制、··… 等内容.本书自始至终强调了各种非线性效应对光ill信的影响,对从事非线性光纤光学研究及光纤通信的科研人员及大学教师、本科生和研究生是一本非常有用的参考书. -This book discusses in detail the various nonlinear optical effects. The book is divided into 10 chapters. Introduced the fiber and nonlinear optics, optical fiber non-linear source model and the pulse transmission, an overview of the basic fiber transfer equation and numerical method, group velocity dispersion, self phase modulation,** ... and so on. This book consistently emphasize a variety of nonlinear effects of light ill effects of the letter, engaged in non-linear fiber optics and fiber optic communications R & D personnel and university teachers, undergraduate and graduate students are a very useful reference book.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8.2mb Publisher : yangiy

本书详细论述了光纤中的各种非线性效应.全书共分 10章.分别介绍了光纤和非线性光学,光纤模式及有非线性源时脉冲的传输,综述了光纤中的基本传输方程的数值方法、群速度色散、自相位调制、··… 等内容.本书自始至终强调了各种非线性效应对光ill信的影响,对从事非线性光纤光学研究及光纤通信的科研人员及大学教师、本科生和研究生是一本非常有用的参考书. -This book discusses in detail the various nonlinear optical effects. The book is divided into 10 chapters. Introduced the fiber and nonlinear optics, optical fiber non-linear source model and the pulse transmission, an overview of the basic fiber transfer equation and numerical method, group velocity dispersion, self phase modulation,** ... and so on. This book consistently emphasize a variety of nonlinear effects of light ill effects of the letter, engaged in non-linear fiber optics and fiber optic communications R & D personnel and university teachers, undergraduate and graduate students are a very useful reference book.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8.44mb Publisher : yangiy

第五届电磁组测速源程序资料,喜欢的朋友请下载好好研究-The fifth group velocity of electromagnetic source information, like a friend, please download them carefully
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 644kb Publisher : 海带汤

DL : 0
Group Velocity simulator
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : mammendonca

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MATLAB simulation of group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : MATLAB_HI

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MATLAB simulation of group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : MATLAB_HI

MATLAB simulation of group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : MATLAB_HI

DL : 0
MATLAB simulation of group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : MATLAB_HI

DL : 0
MATLAB simulation of group velocity dispersion in an optical fiber
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : MATLAB_HI

DL : 1
应用matlab计算lamb波的频散曲线,计算群速度以及相速度。-Matlab computing applications lamb wave dispersion curves, group velocity and phase velocity calculation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 105kb Publisher : HangXie

电磁场和电磁波中相速度和群速度是个难点,本程序形象描述二者关系-Analog of the group velocity and phase velocity
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : zdw
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