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Description: GSM/gps通信程序:双串口通信控制。当时我编这程序时还是花了不少力气的。 (1)gsm部分:以AT指令控制西门子TC35模块。程序代码精简。也可以用于TC35i,MC45,TC45的控制. (2)采用GPS标准协议格式,获取GPS模块发来的时间、位置、速度等信息。该程序经过试验验证. 程序中,实现GPS信息的接收,并和其它信息一起编码成GSM传输协议格式发送出去。-GSM / a GPS Communication Program : Two serial communication control. Then I drew this procedure or spent a lot of effort. (1) gsm part : AT command control Siemens TC35 module. Streamlining procedures code. TC35i also can be used, the MC45, TC45 control. (2) use of GPS standard protocols format, the GPS module access to the time, location, speed and other information. After the test verification procedures. Program and GPS receivers. and together, and other information encoded into GSM Transfer Protocol format to send out.
Platform: | Size: 9360 | Author: 周国翔 | Hits:


Description: GSM/gps通信程序:双串口通信控制。当时我编这程序时还是花了不少力气的。 (1)gsm部分:以AT指令控制西门子TC35模块。程序代码精简。也可以用于TC35i,MC45,TC45的控制. (2)采用GPS标准协议格式,获取GPS模块发来的时间、位置、速度等信息。该程序经过试验验证. 程序中,实现GPS信息的接收,并和其它信息一起编码成GSM传输协议格式发送出去。-GSM/a GPS Communication Program : Two serial communication control. Then I drew this procedure or spent a lot of effort. (1) gsm part : AT command control Siemens TC35 module. Streamlining procedures code. TC35i also can be used, the MC45, TC45 control. (2) use of GPS standard protocols format, the GPS module access to the time, location, speed and other information. After the test verification procedures. Program and GPS receivers. and together, and other information encoded into GSM Transfer Protocol format to send out.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 周国翔 | Hits:


Description: gsm方面的通信协议,比较全面,本人认为很有阅读价值-gsm aspects of communication protocols, a more comprehensive, I think there is a great value of reading
Platform: | Size: 8182784 | Author: pear | Hits:

[Program docgsm_security

Description: GSM Security and the protocols involves in a mobile environment authentication proce-GSM Security and the protocols involves in a mobile environment authentication process
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: renuka | Hits:


Description: 关于无线安全的一本好书,包括了二代、三代移动通信网络和无线局域网里面的安全协议和算法。-Wireless Security is a vast topic and any attempt to address all issues in a single book is a daunting task. It is almost impossible to explain each and every security algorithm that is used in wireless security in detail in a single volume. In writing this book, I have tried to strike a balance between architectural overviews and minute details. The aim of this book has been to answer questions like: How is wireless security different from security of wireline networks? How has wireless security evolved with changes in wireless networking? What is the architectural philosophy behind the design of wireless security protocols? What are the loopholes in these protocols and how can they be rectified in future designs?
Platform: | Size: 4146176 | Author: 秦中元 | Hits:


Description: Is information regarding GSM protocols
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: amu | Hits:


Description: 手机短信收发程序,用VC开发的,基于GSM协议,包括API源代码和调用API的例程。-SMS sending and receiving process, with the VC developed, based on GSM protocols, including API source code and call the API routine.
Platform: | Size: 119808 | Author: mirage | Hits:


Description: * This library implements the following protocols: * * - SyncML 1.0 Data Synchronization Protocol * - SyncML 1.1 Data Synchronization Protocol * - OMA DS 1.1 * - OMA DS 1.2 * * The following transports are supported: * * - HTTP client * - HTTP server * - OBEX client * - OBEX server * * SANs for HTTP clients are not supported because HTTP OTA requires * direct GSM network access. * * XML and WBXML are both supported.-* This library implements the following protocols: * * - SyncML 1.0 Data Synchronization Protocol * - SyncML 1.1 Data Synchronization Protocol * - OMA DS 1.1 * - OMA DS 1.2 * * The following transports are supported: * * - HTTP client * - HTTP server * - OBEX client * - OBEX server * * SANs for HTTP clients are not supported because HTTP OTA requires * direct GSM network access. * * XML and WBXML are both supported.
Platform: | Size: 552960 | Author: liqinghua | Hits:


Description: 3gp中的gsm的amr编解码C语言源码和协议-The gsm of amr 3gp codec C language source code and protocols
Platform: | Size: 847872 | Author: zhangshuolin | Hits:

[Multimedia Developgsm-1.0.13.tar

Description: The low­ level speech compression algorithm of the GSM suite is called GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP (Regular­ Pulse Excitation Long­ Term Predictor). My colleague Dr. Carsten Bormann and I have implemented a GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP coder and decoder in C. Its source code is freely available, and we encourage you to use it, play with it, and invent new real­ time media protocols and algorithms. Our implementation consists of a C library and a stand­ alone program. Both are destined to be compiled and used on a Unix­ like environment with at least 32­ bit­ integers, but others have ported it to VMS and a MS­ DOS 16­ bit­ environment. GSM 06.10 is faster than code­ book lookup algorithms such as CELP, but by no means cheap to use it for real­ time communication, you will need at least a medium­ scale workstation. -The low­ level speech compression algorithm of the GSM suite is called GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP (Regular­ Pulse Excitation Long­ Term Predictor). My colleague Dr. Carsten Bormann and I have implemented a GSM 06.10 RPE­ LTP coder and decoder in C. Its source code is freely available, and we encourage you to use it, play with it, and invent new real­ time media protocols and algorithms. Our implementation consists of a C library and a stand­ alone program. Both are destined to be compiled and used on a Unix­ like environment with at least 32­ bit­ integers, but others have ported it to VMS and a MS­ DOS 16­ bit­ environment. GSM 06.10 is faster than code­ book lookup algorithms such as CELP, but by no means cheap to use it for real­ time communication, you will need at least a medium­ scale workstation.
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: rdjusr | Hits:

[3G developopenbsc-

Description: OpenBSC, a complete GSM network side implementation, including BSC, MSC, HLR, implemets A-bis and A protocols of GSM network
Platform: | Size: 524288 | Author: LaForge | Hits:

[Windows Mobilerilgsm.tar

Description: Microsoft GSM protocols implementation
Platform: | Size: 2741248 | Author: Artem Baryshnikov | Hits:

[File Format08910@52RD_GSM

Description: GSM规范详解 详细介绍了手机GSM 规约 和通信协议-Detailed specification details the GSM mobile phone GSM protocols and communication protocols
Platform: | Size: 1323008 | Author: 徐昭 | Hits:


Description: Concepts around GSM (protocols and standardisation)
Platform: | Size: 962560 | Author: my_phd | Hits:


Description: GSM协议栈标准的详细描述,包括信道的详细编码。-Detailed description of the standard of GSM protocol stack, including channel coding.
Platform: | Size: 4606976 | Author: longbaijin | Hits:


Description: Wiley - Mobile.Telecommunications.Protocols.For.Data.Networks, 移动通信的数据网络协议。FHSS, CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, UMTS, HSDPA, -Wiley - Mobile.Telecommunications.Protocols.For.Data.Networks, 移动通信的数据网络协议。FHSS, CDMA, CDMA2000, GSM, UMTS, HSDPA, ....
Platform: | Size: 2450432 | Author: simeon | Hits:

[Program docGSM-network-optimization

Description: 本书是专门介绍GSM网络优化原理和工程实践的图书。全书共14章,首先介绍了GSM系统结构和无线通信基础、GSM网络规划、网络信令和协议,详细分析了GSM系统中的各种通信事件、通信流程及GSM小区中的参数调整;然后讲述了双频网络优化、网络优化中的统计和网络优化测试,并结合实际情况,详细讲解了GSM基站延伸系统优化、GSM网络日常优化和专项优化;最后探讨了2G和3G网络融合的问题。-This book is devoted to the principles of GSM network optimization and engineering practice books. The book has 14 chapters, first introduced the GSM system architecture and wireless communications infrastructure, GSM network planning, network signaling and protocols, detailed analysis of the GSM system in a variety of communication events, the communication process and GSM cell parameter adjustment then tells the dual-band network optimization, network optimization and network optimization test statistics, combined with the actual situation, explain in detail the extension of GSM base station system optimization, GSM network optimization routine and special optimization Finally, we discuss the issue of 2G and 3G network integration.
Platform: | Size: 7604224 | Author: Ann | Hits:

[Other Embeded programGSM

Description: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile), is a standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second-generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones, first deployed in Finland in July 1992.[2] As of 2014 it has become the default global standard for mobile communications - with over 90 market share, operating in over 219 countries and territories.[3]-GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spécial Mobile), is a standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe protocols for second-generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones, first deployed in Finland in July 1992.[2] As of 2014 it has become the default global standard for mobile communications - with over 90 market share, operating in over 219 countries and territories.[3]
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: bhanu | Hits:


Description: GSM系统外文书籍,系统介绍GSM知识。 -    GSM Switching, Services & Protocols (2nd Ed.)      
Platform: | Size: 6439936 | Author: mahongtao | Hits:

[Program doc大话无线通信

Description: 一本通俗易懂的无线通信书籍,详细描述了GSM系统的功能和协议(An easy-to-understand wireless communication book detailing the functions and protocols of the GSM system)
Platform: | Size: 38918144 | Author: Pannie | Hits:
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