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Simulator for a GSM traffic channel transmission and reception This Simulink model simulates the entire transmission and reception of voice data of a traffic channel for GSM (TCH/FS)over a multipath fading channel, and it calculates the BER of the received signal-Simulator for a GSM traffic channel transm ission and reception This Simulink model simul ates the entire transmission and reception of v oice data of a traffic channel for GSM (TCH / FS) o ver a multipath fading channel, and it calculates the BER of the received signal
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.61kb Publisher : 李艳芬

DL : 0
Simulator for a GSM traffic channel transmission and reception This Simulink model simulates the entire transmission and reception of voice data of a traffic channel for GSM (TCH/FS)over a multipath fading channel, and it calculates the BER of the received signal-Simulator for a GSM traffic channel transm ission and reception This Simulink model simul ates the entire transmission and reception of v oice data of a traffic channel for GSM (TCH/FS) o ver a multipath fading channel, and it calculates the BER of the received signal
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : 李艳芬

This a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with QoS mechanisms. The payload type including circuit-switched voice, VoIP and web traffic, and the performance including packet drop, delay can be analyzed. The implemented QoS mechanism is DiffServ, with 4 RED queues for different services with different priorities.-This is a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with QoS mechanisms. The payload type including circuit-switched voice, VoIP and web traffic, and the performance including packet drop, delay can be analyzed. The implemented QoS mechanism is DiffServ, with 4 RED queues for different services with different priorities.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.04mb Publisher : wang haibo

GSM downlink RF channel simulator MATLAB-based
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : s-kalop

英飞凌入门资料 该文章没有显式目录,主要内容如下: MMI architechture -Overview -Two Layers: Middleware Layer and MMI/Application Layer MMI Feature Set Middleware Layer MMI-Multi-message Loop Architecture mmi-Power On Procedure Host Simulator -Red Arrow Introduction Red Arrow MMI is designed specially for Ultra-Low-Cost Mobile Phone sector – GSM Only 􀂄 No data service and GRPS 􀂄 Basic features: Voice call+ Short message – Small memory footprint: 􀂄 Target for 16+2 memory configuration with graphic mono display or 32+4 memory for color display 􀂄 Implemented in pure C-language – Graphic UI 􀂄 Support both color LCD and B&W LCD display – Multi-language support: 􀂄 Unicode based English and Simplified Chinese by default – Easy of customization 􀂄 Windows GUI host simulation environment 􀂄 Isolated MMI GUI components
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 138kb Publisher : 胡小强

通信系统模拟器GSM全球移动通信系统matlab-Communication system simulator GSM Global System for Mobile communication systems matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : WUXIB
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