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[Graph Recognizehaarcascade

Description: 利用级联的HAAR分类器寻找检测目标,采用OPENCV编写,代码简单运行稳定-Use the haar classifier cascade testing to find the target, using OPENCV preparation, code simple and stable operation
Platform: | Size: 183296 | Author: 鄢胜勇 | Hits:

[Special Effectshaar

Description: 利用级联的Haar分类其寻找检测目标。核心函数cvHaarDetectObjects使用针对某目标物体的级联分类器在图像中找到包含目标物体的矩形区域,并将这些区域作为一系列的矩形框返回。-Haar cascade classification using its search for target detection. CvHaarDetectObjects core function for a target object using the cascade classifier found in the image of the rectangle that contains the object region, and these regions as a series of rectangular box to return.
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 孔守斌 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizesimpleABdemo

Description: Adaboost算法的基本思想是:利用大量的分类能力一般的弱分类器(weaker ifier)通过一定的方法叠加(boost)起来,构成一个分类能力很强的强分类器 眼eClassifier),再将若干个强分类器串联成为分级分类器(ClassifierCaseade) 图像搜索检测。本文就是利用Adaboost算法将由类haar特征生成的弱分类器 成为强分类器,再将强分类器串联成为分级分类器。 -Adaboost algorithm basic idea is: the ability to use the general classification of a large number of weak classifier (weakerifier) through a certain method of superposition (boost), and constitute a strong Category strong classifier eyes eClassifier), then a number of strong Category connected in series to become hierarchical classifier (ClassifierCaseade) image search detection. Adaboost algorithm is to use this article will be generated characteristics category haar weak classifier become strong classifier, and then become a strong tandem Classifier Classifier classification.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: wangxuyang | Hits:

[Special Effectsharrtrack

Description: 利用级联的Haar分类器寻找检测目标,这是OPENCV上的程序,与大家分享-Using the Haar classifier cascade find Detected goals, OPENCV This is on the procedures to share with you
Platform: | Size: 178176 | Author: 田贵友 | Hits:

[Special Effectshaar

Description: 利用opencv编写的,利用级联的haar分类器寻找检测目标-Prepared using opencv using the haar classifier cascade testing to find the target
Platform: | Size: 181248 | Author: 秋晨 | Hits:

[Special Effects4

Description: 基于OPENCV的环境下,利用级联Haar分类器寻找检测目标-OPENCV based environment, the use of Haar classifier cascade find testing targets
Platform: | Size: 184320 | Author: wanglo | Hits:

[Software EngineeringHaar_boost

Description: 用Haar特征构建级联分类器的方法,在opencv环境下快速实现级联的adboost-Features with the Haar classifier cascade method of construction, environment, fast implementation in opencv cascade adboost
Platform: | Size: 285696 | Author: cjd | Hits:

[Special EffectsHaar

Description: 用haar 小波分类器分析人脸识别 的源码。分级强分类器-Haar wavelet classifier with the source code of face recognition. Rating strong classifier
Platform: | Size: 3806208 | Author: lifei | Hits:

[Special Effects4

Description: haar小波分类器里的训练过程,包括正资料训练与负资料训练-haar wavelet classifier in the training process, including information on positive and negative training data training
Platform: | Size: 1339392 | Author: lifei | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeimage-process

Description: 基于haar特征的adaboost级联分类器的人脸识别应用,可直接运行-Adaboost cascade haar feature based classifier for face recognition applications can be run directly
Platform: | Size: 4583424 | Author: 苏军 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizeface_detection

Description: Face detection using Haar classifier
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: rseries | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeFacerecognizeAlgorithm

Description: 采用Haar分类器进行人脸识别的VC软件,给出源代码了-Haar classifier for face recognition using the VC software, source code is given
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: 飞雪 | Hits:


Description: 应用OpenCV的人脸识别,基于haar like cascade classifier-openCV face detection tutorial
Platform: | Size: 11104256 | Author: kevin | Hits:


Description: 如何利用opencv训练自己的分类器,内有多篇资料,本人用过一次,可能样本太少,效果不太好-How-to build a cascade of boosted classifiers based on Haar-like features.
Platform: | Size: 607232 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 手势识别,使用OpenCV的haar 分类器。训练因为对各个环境不同,请大家自己下载或者自己训练样本。-Hand Recognition and Tracking using OpenCV. It uses Haar Classifier. Because Haar features are different, I did not include the .xml file, please download it online or train it yourself.
Platform: | Size: 22484992 | Author: 赛义 | Hits:


Description: 基于openCV的多角度人脸检测,融合了正脸侧脸haar分类器,具有极强鲁棒性-, The integration of multi-angle face detection based on openCV positive face side faces haar classifier, with strong robustness
Platform: | Size: 8489984 | Author: herthy | Hits:

[File FormatAdaBoostCARTHaarClassifier

Description: 人脸识别用到的haar小波分类器,txt格式-haar classifier
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: huangrh | Hits:


Description: 人脸及行人检测中在opencv中要用到的haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml,即特征检测的haar分类器,包括正面,侧边,上下左右各种,很全面-Face and pedestrian detection in opencv use to haarcascade_righteye_2splits.xml, feature detection haar classifier, including front, side, up and down various, very comprehensive
Platform: | Size: 1981440 | Author: 黄小菲 | Hits:


Description: The steps for training a haar classifier and detecting an object can be divided into : Creating the description file of positive samples Creating the description file of negative samples Packing the positive samples into a vec file Training the classifier Converting the trained cascade into a xml file Using the xml file to detect the object -The steps for training a haar classifier and detecting an object can be divided into : Creating the description file of positive samples Creating the description file of negative samples Packing the positive samples into a vec file Training the classifier Converting the trained cascade into a xml file Using the xml file to detect the object
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hassin | Hits:


Description: 这是一个利用opencv实现的,基于Haar分类器的人脸检测的程序-This is a program used to detect the faces in a picture based on the Haar classifier
Platform: | Size: 4320256 | Author: 姚帅 | Hits:
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