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一本不错的黑客教程,主要是针对一些常见问题的描述,和一些入侵技巧- A good hacker course, mainly is aims at some frequently asked questions faqs the description, with some invasion skills
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.11mb Publisher : 胡海龙

这是一个写PE文件病毒的教程,里面有详细的过程,以及函数,是一个高级黑客必备的技能,从现在开始你也就能掌握了-This is a written document PE virus Guide, which detailed the process and function, Hacker is a senior essential skills, from now on you will be able to grasp the
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.4kb Publisher : 于军亮

黑客技巧大全,讲解一些黑客经常用的到技巧,对防黑也很有用。-hacking skills Daquan, explained some hackers frequently used to the skills of hacker prevetion also useful.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 342.42kb Publisher : liubo

这是一本关于解密的书,解密是Hacker的必备技能之一,希望大家能够好好掌握.-This is a book of declassified declassify Hacker is one of the essential skills, and hope that we can make good use of them.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 56.06kb Publisher : 王耀

一本不错的黑客教程,主要是针对一些常见问题的描述,和一些入侵技巧- A good hacker course, mainly is aims at some frequently asked questions faqs the description, with some invasion skills
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.11mb Publisher : 胡海龙

主要介绍黑客技巧-introduces the skills of how to hack mainly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 342kb Publisher : 李小明

这是一本关于解密的书,解密是Hacker的必备技能之一,希望大家能够好好掌握.-This is a book of declassified declassify Hacker is one of the essential skills, and hope that we can make good use of them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 56kb Publisher : 王耀

黑客技巧大全,讲解一些黑客经常用的到技巧,对防黑也很有用。-hacking skills Daquan, explained some hackers frequently used to the skills of hacker prevetion also useful.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 342kb Publisher : liubo

《黑客调试技术揭密》是帮助应用程序员和系统程序员理解调试过程的指南,揭示了各种调试器的实用使用技巧,说明了如何操作调试器以及如何克服障碍和修复调试器,介绍了黑客利用调试器和反汇编器来寻找程序弱点和实施攻击的方法-"hackers debugging techniques to conduct" is to help application programmers and systems programmers understand the debugging process guide reveal the various Debugger practical use of skills explains how to operate the debugger and how to overcome obstacles and repair Debugger, Hackers use of the debugger and anti-assembler to find weaknesses in procedures and methods of attack
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.29mb Publisher :

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键盘钩子程序,EVC工程源码,是一个动态库,用来捕获键盘消息,在键盘消息发给OS前处理一下,是黑客程序或者高级编程人员必备的技能,非常难得的好资料,贡献出来与兄弟们共享。-Keyboard hook procedure, EVC source project, is a dynamic library, used to capture keyboard news, information distributed at the keyboard before the OS handle what is a hacker program or personnel necessary for high-level programming skills, very rare good information, contribute to out with the brothers shared.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : 余爱军

在黑客世界里,当提出一个技术问题时,你能得到怎样的回答?这取决于挖出答案的难度,同样取决于你提问的方法。本指南旨在帮助你提高发问技巧,以获取你最想要的答案。 -In the hacker world, when put forward a technical issue, you can get what kind of answer? It depends on the answer to the difficulty of digging, the same question depends on your approach. This guide is designed to help you improve the skills to ask questions to obtain answers to your most desired.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : yangcheng

以 Linux 为代表的自由操作系统的很多优点之一, 是它们的内部是开放给所有人看的. 操作系统, 曾经是一个隐藏的神秘的地方, 它的代码只局限于少数的程序员, 现在已准备好让任何具备必要技能的人来检查, 理解以及修改. Linux 已经帮助使操作系统民主化. Linux 内核保留有大量的复杂的代码, 但是, 那些想要成为内核 hacker 的人需要一个入口点, 这样他们可以进入代码中, 不会被代码的复杂性压倒. 通常, 设备驱动提供了这样的门路.-To the free Linux operating system represented by one of the many advantages is that they are internal is open to everyone to see. Operating system, was once a hidden and mysterious places, it s code only a limited number of programmers, and now is ready to let anyone have the necessary skills to examine, understand and modify. Linux has helped make the operating system of democratization. Linux kernel to retain a large number of complex code, but those who want to become a kernel hacker people need a entry point so that they can enter the code, you will not be an overwhelming complexity of the code. Typically, the device driver to provide such opportunities.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : 大風

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木马编程 系列教程本教程多数文章曾发表于《黑客防线》杂志,多数的文章是在学校的时候写的,那时候写文章的思想也很单 纯为了认识一些朋友,为了提高技术,为了挣稿费给GF买好吃的^_^ -Trojan programming series of tutorials of this course the majority of articles have been published in the " hacker defense" magazine, the majority of the article is the time to write in school, and then the idea of writing is also very simple to understand some of my friends, in order to improve their skills, in order to earn money GF to buy delicious ^ _ ^
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.82mb Publisher : lypdl

本压缩包中包含黑客常用的工具。像获取远程计算机ip地址、搜索一定ip段内所有的计算机-This rar file is mainly about computer and Internet security.It is worthy of downloading I believe it will improve your sur-hacker skills.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.84mb Publisher : 苏喜林

阅读对象:初,中级黑客技术爱好者。本书的木马篇,工具篇篇,实战篇,主要为小刀会原创文章,文章以“入门到精通,基础+技巧”适用各类别读者。-Read objects: early, intermediate hacker technology enthusiasts. Trojans book chapter, tools, Sylvia, actual papers, mainly knives will original articles, the article to " Introduction to the proficient, basic+ skills" apply to all categories of readers.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 525kb Publisher : 杨军

马免杀技术详解 前几次发过一些免杀的灰鸽子,经过测试都能正常上线,很多HACKER朋友虽然知道很多入侵技巧,但是木马免杀却不懂的,这使的很多跨站挂马的朋友丢失了好多珍贵的可以入侵的计算机!很多朋友就问了:你是怎么做到免杀的呢? 我就告诉大家木马如何做到免杀!大家只要记好下面的四句免杀秘诀,按照下面的步骤来处理木马程序,我相信大家也能打造无敌的免杀木马! 1--去头加花改入口 2--修改特征过杀软 3--加区建表重载入 4--加密加壳终极法 -Detailed Ma technology to avoid killing some previous hair gray to avoid killing pigeons, can be properly tested on the line, a lot of friends that knows a lot of intrusion HACKER skills, but they did not know the horse to avoid killing, which makes a lot of cross-site linked to the horse lost a lot of valuable friends to the invasion of the computer! many of my friends to ask: how do you do to avoid killing? I' ll tell you how to do to avoid killing Trojans! as long as you remember well the following four free kill the tips, the following steps to deal with Trojans, I believe we could create a Trojan horse to avoid killing the invincible! 1- to change the entrance to the first plus to spend 2- modify the characteristics of soft kill off 3- Canadian District in overload table into 4- ultimate packer encryption method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : libai

关于搜索引擎中的使用技巧,是非常流行的方法,而且可以使你在短时间内找到想要的内容-Use the search engine on the skills, is very popular method, but also allows you to find the desired content in a short time
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 郝伟

黑客攻防必杀技!2004版,不算太过时。包含密码攻防,病毒攻防,木马攻防,浏览安全攻防,系统漏洞攻防,黑客软件攻防等等。好像没有这个资料上传,因而吐血贡献。-Hackers attack and defense! 2004 version, not too old. It contains the password attack and defense, viruses attack and defense, Trojans attack and defense, browsing security attack and defense, system bug and hole attack and defense, hacker software attack and defense, and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 26.69mb Publisher : WD

中国红客联盟首发黑客攻防技巧,pdf格式,值得看一下学习学习。-Honker Union of China starting hacker attack and defense skills, pdf, worth a look to learn from.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : gece

黑客入门(超级详细)_IT/计算机_专业资料。黑客,亦有正邪之分,本书是提供读者研究黑客技巧,并更好的学习系统安全知识的很好的教材黑客...(Hacker entry (super) _IT/ computer _ professional information. Hackers, also have good and evil, this book is to provide readers of hacker skills, and better safety knowledge learning system a good textbook for hackers...)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 210kb Publisher : 青米
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