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[OS programHacker Defender 1[1].0.0源代码

Description: Hacker Defender 1.0.0 内核级后门软件,用户可以通过本软件隐藏文件、进程、系统服务、系统驱动、注册表键的键和键值、打开的端口以及虚构可用磁盘空间。程序同时也在内存中伪装它所做的改动,并且隐身地控制被隐藏进程。程序安装隐藏后门,注册隐藏系统服务并且安装系统驱动。该后门技术允许植入Redirector。鉴于参数过多,不推荐新手使用。-Hacker Defender 1.0.0 kernel-level backdoor software, users of the software can be hidden files, processes, systems and services, the system drive, registry keys and the keys keys, open ports and fictitious available disk space. Programs are also memory camouflage it changes made to the stealth and hidden control process. Installation hidden back door, registered hidden and system services to install the system drive. The backdoor allows implantation Redirector. Given the parameters too much, do not recommend the use of newcomers.
Platform: | Size: 92628 | Author: 苹果 | Hits:

[Other resourceThe.Shellcoder.s.Handbook.Discovering.And.Exploiti

Description: Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes in software applications and operating systems. But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already taken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on your system. This innovative book will help you stay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to discover vulnerabilities in C-language-based software, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.-Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes i n software applications and operating systems . But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already ta ken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on yo ur system. This innovative book will help you st ay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to disco ver vulnerabilities in C-language-based soft ware, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.
Platform: | Size: 2196067 | Author: 静水 | Hits:


Description: 功能:1.显示系统进程及进程的模块、线程信息。2.能杀死任意进程包括系统服务进程。3.能释放任意进程中的任意模块,不过有些关键模块释放不了。4.结束任意进程中的任意线程。5.请用右键进行操作。编译平台:1.该代码在Windows2000+sp2+VC.net平台下编译通过。应用:1.可以用来结束有些以服务进程形式的HACKER及病毒进程。2.可以干掉以DLL形式存在的木马。警告:不要太随意得KILL进程,有些服务进程你KILL了之后要倒霉的。-functions : 1. Display System processes and process modules, the threads of information. 2. Kill arbitrary process services including system process. 3. The process can be arbitrary release of arbitrary modules, but some key module can release. 4. End arbitrary arbitrary process threads. 5. Please use the right to operate. Build Platform : 1. The code in the Windows platform sp2 VC.net compile. Application : 1. The end can be used to serve some form of Steven Raymond Thinker process and the process of the virus. 2. DLL can kill a form of Trojan horse. Warning : Do not KILL too casual in the process, some of the process after you KILL to hurt.
Platform: | Size: 274270 | Author: 李小 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopHacker Disassembler Engine

Description: Please excuse my english... It's so bad :) Hacker Disassembler Engine, or HDE, is small disassembler engine, which intend to code analyse. HDE get length of command, prefixes, ModR/M and SIB bytes, opcode, immediate, displacement, relative address, etc. For example, you can use HDE when writing unpackers or decryptors executable files, because more others disassemblers too big, get only disasm listing and aren't intended for code analys, but more simple length disassemblers usually get too little info. HDE get enough info to analyse, but it has very small size. HDE package include DLL, objects, headers files and and source. + support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, 3DNow! instructions + high-speed & small size (coded in assembler ;) + compatibility with most coding language To disassemble should call hde_disasm function: DWORD hde_disasm( void *pCode // pointer to code HDE_STRUCT *pHDE_STRUCT // pointer to structure HDE_STRUCT ); Function return length of command and fill structure HDE_STRUCT: struct HDE_STRUCT { BYTE len; // length of command BYTE p_rep; // rep/repnz/.. prefix: 0xF2 or 0xF3 BYTE p_lock; // lock prefix 0xF0 BYTE p_seg; // segment prefix: 0x2E, 0x36, 0x3E, 0x26, 0x64, 0x65 BYTE p_66; // prefix 0x66 BYTE p_67; // prefix 0x67 BYTE opcode; // opcode BYTE opcode2; // second opcode, if first opcode equal 0x0F BYTE modrm; // ModR/M byte BYTE modrm_mod; // - mod byte of ModR/M BYTE modrm_reg; // - reg byte of ModR/M BYTE modrm_rm; // - r/m byte of ModR/M BYTE sib; // SIB byte BYTE sib_scale; // - scale (ss) byte of SIB BYTE sib_index; // - index byte of SIB BYTE sib_base; // - base byte of SIB BYTE imm8; // immediate imm8 WORD imm16; // immediate imm16 DWORD imm32; // immediate imm32 BYTE disp8; // displacement disp8 WORD disp16; // displacement disp16, if prefix 0x67 exist DWORD disp32; // displacement disp32 BYTE rel8; // relative address rel8 WORD rel16; // relative address rel16, if prefix 0x66 exist DWORD rel32; // relative address rel32 }; Opcode and len fields always exist, others are optional and depend of command. If field's value equal zero, then it isn't existing. Note: HDE work only with 32-bit commands of x86 processors !
Platform: | Size: 23447 | Author: sys0007 | Hits:


Description: 功能:1.显示系统进程及进程的模块、线程信息。2.能杀死任意进程包括系统服务进程。3.能释放任意进程中的任意模块,不过有些关键模块释放不了。4.结束任意进程中的任意线程。5.请用右键进行操作。编译平台:1.该代码在Windows2000+sp2+VC.net平台下编译通过。应用:1.可以用来结束有些以服务进程形式的HACKER及病毒进程。2.可以干掉以DLL形式存在的木马。警告:不要太随意得KILL进程,有些服务进程你KILL了之后要倒霉的。-functions : 1. Display System processes and process modules, the threads of information. 2. Kill arbitrary process services including system process. 3. The process can be arbitrary release of arbitrary modules, but some key module can release. 4. End arbitrary arbitrary process threads. 5. Please use the right to operate. Build Platform : 1. The code in the Windows platform sp2 VC.net compile. Application : 1. The end can be used to serve some form of Steven Raymond Thinker process and the process of the virus. 2. DLL can kill a form of Trojan horse. Warning : Do not KILL too casual in the process, some of the process after you KILL to hurt.
Platform: | Size: 274432 | Author: 李小 | Hits:

[OS programHacker Defender 1[1].0.0源代码

Description: Hacker Defender 1.0.0 内核级后门软件,用户可以通过本软件隐藏文件、进程、系统服务、系统驱动、注册表键的键和键值、打开的端口以及虚构可用磁盘空间。程序同时也在内存中伪装它所做的改动,并且隐身地控制被隐藏进程。程序安装隐藏后门,注册隐藏系统服务并且安装系统驱动。该后门技术允许植入Redirector。鉴于参数过多,不推荐新手使用。-Hacker Defender 1.0.0 kernel-level backdoor software, users of the software can be hidden files, processes, systems and services, the system drive, registry keys and the keys keys, open ports and fictitious available disk space. Programs are also memory camouflage it changes made to the stealth and hidden control process. Installation hidden back door, registered hidden and system services to install the system drive. The backdoor allows implantation Redirector. Given the parameters too much, do not recommend the use of newcomers.
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: 苹果 | Hits:


Description: 最新N多的黑客小工具集合(for windows),如果你有兴趣,一定不要错过,错过后悔!!!还有一些体积比较大的,以后陆续放送给大家!!:)-latest N number of hacker tools small pool (for windows), if you are interested, certainly not miss, miss regret! ! ! some relatively large size, gradually release sent after all! ! :)
Platform: | Size: 5565440 | Author: 刘文学 | Hits:


Description: Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes in software applications and operating systems. But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already taken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on your system. This innovative book will help you stay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to discover vulnerabilities in C-language-based software, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.-Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes i n software applications and operating systems . But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already ta ken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on yo ur system. This innovative book will help you st ay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to disco ver vulnerabilities in C-language-based soft ware, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.
Platform: | Size: 2195456 | Author: 静水 | Hits:

[Shell apiApress.Expert.Shell.Scripting.Jan.2009

Description: 2009年图书:精通Shell脚本编程 The book is meant for the intermediate shell coder up to the advanced shell-code hacker, because I don’t explain many basic programming structures. If you’re looking for that type of book, you should look to the resources mentioned in Appendix C.-The book is meant for the intermediate shell coder up to the advanced shell-code hacker, because I don’t explain many basic programming structures. If you’re looking for that type of book, you should look to the resources mentioned in Appendix C. This is not to say that the beginner won’t find this book useful it may work well as a supplementary reference to a more traditional shell-scripting training guide. But there is a difference between learning English as a second language and learning how to apply sarcasm. This book is like sarcasm in that example it assumes some basic shell-code literacy. I go into great detail about how and why the scripts were written in their present form, and I include some explanation of how to avoid certain problems. Much of my learning came from sources heavy in obfuscation and light on clarity, so I tried to be as explicit as possible, and favored explaining too much rather than too little. You can think of many chapters I included as shell
Platform: | Size: 873472 | Author: Jian | Hits:


Description: 有时候人们的帐号密码太多了,不方便记忆,而且按键容易被黑客程序记录,这样不安全,所以开发这个自动输入帐号密码的程序,其实就是自动按键,在启动时加如了IP验证,这样你可以指定只有部分IP才能使用,防止程序落到黑客手中。而且程序可以查看密保卡,对于密保卡的管理也有好处。-Sometimes people' s account passwords too many inconvenient memories, and keys easily be a hacker program records, so unsafe, so developers in this program automatically enter user names and passwords, in fact, automatic buttons, add at startup, such as the IP authentication, so that you can specify that only some of the IP can be used to prevent the program fall into the hands of hackers. And the program can view the secret security card, insurance card for the close management is also good.
Platform: | Size: 269312 | Author: kk25252 | Hits:


Description: 黑客攻防必杀技!2004版,不算太过时。包含密码攻防,病毒攻防,木马攻防,浏览安全攻防,系统漏洞攻防,黑客软件攻防等等。好像没有这个资料上传,因而吐血贡献。-Hackers attack and defense! 2004 version, not too old. It contains the password attack and defense, viruses attack and defense, Trojans attack and defense, browsing security attack and defense, system bug and hole attack and defense, hacker software attack and defense, and so on.
Platform: | Size: 27981824 | Author: WD | Hits:

[assembly languageS

Description: 过世界杀软保护,可以无声开启3389端口,并添加hacker$密码为393214425的账户-请键入文字或网站地址,或者上传文档。 取消 Guò shìjiè shā ruǎn bǎohù, kěyǐ wúshēng kāiqǐ 3389 duānkǒu, bìng tiānjiā hacker$mìmǎ wèi 393214425 de zhànghù “”的用法示例:由 Google 自动翻译中文(简体)英语日语 Too world kill soft protection, can silent open 3389 port and add the hacker $ password 393214425 Account
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: blackie | Hits:


Description: 《菜鸟也能防黑客之非技术攻击》就是向大家介绍这种方法。正如书名所述,这些方法并不是多么高深的技米,你也一样可以做到。看过《菜鸟也能防黑客之非技术攻击》之后,你会发现在非技术攻击面前,那些所谓的高科技设备是多么的脆弱。想知道黑客怎样从电脑中获取数据而不留痕迹吗?如何不用碰键盘就能侵入邮件服务器吗?这不是魔幻大片,而是真真正正发生在我们身边。 我们都知道信息的重要性。随着计算机时代的来临,大量的信息以电子的形式存储。而用高科技的电子保护系统来保护信息也就是自然而然的事情。作为一名职业黑客,作者的主要工作就是发现这些系统的弱点。在一次又一次的入侵后,作者发现了可以绕开那些所谓高科技防御系统的方法。 你和你身边的人很可能现在就正在受到此种攻击,你准备好了吗?-"Rookie also can prevent unskilled hackers attack" is to introduce this method. As the title said, these methods are not rocket technology meters, you can do it too. Read the "rookie can prevent unskilled hackers attack" after, you will find in front of non-technical attacks, how fragile is the so-called high-tech equipment. Want to know how to get data from hackers computer without leaving traces of it? How not to touch the keyboard can invade the mail server? It s not magic movies, but really in our midst. We all know the importance of information. With the advent of the computer age, a lot of information stored in electronic form. And with high-tech electronic protection systems to protect information that is a natural thing. As a professional hacker, author of the main job is to find weaknesses in these systems. Again and again after the invasion, the authors found that can bypass the so-called high-tech defense systems. You and the people around you are likely to suffer such att
Platform: | Size: 19715072 | Author: jackie | Hits:


Description: 黑客最早开始于20世纪50年代,最早的计算机于1946年在宾夕法尼亚大学诞生,而最早的黑客出现于麻省理工学院,贝尔实验室也有。最初的黑客一般都是一些高级的技术人员,他们热衷于挑战、崇尚自由并主张信息的共享。-Hackers first began in the 1950s, the first computer in 1946, was born at the University of Pennsylvania, and the oldest hacker appeared in MIT, Bell Labs, too. Initially hackers are generally some senior technical staff, they are keen to challenge, advocating freedom and advocates to share information.
Platform: | Size: 1213440 | Author: 何家欢 | Hits:

[Other systemsresource_hacker

Description: Resource Hacker™ has been designed to be the complete resource editing tool: compiling, viewing, decompiling and recompiling resources for both 32bit and 64bit Windows executables. Resource Hacker™ can open any type of Windows executable (*.exe *.dll *.scr *.mui etc) so that individual resources can be added modified or deleted within these files. Resource Hacker™ can create and compile resource script files (*.rc), and edit resource files (*.res) too.-Resource Hacker™ has been designed to be the complete resource editing tool: compiling, viewing, decompiling and recompiling resources for both 32bit and 64bit Windows executables. Resource Hacker™ can open any type of Windows executable (*.exe *.dll *.scr *.mui etc) so that individual resources can be added modified or deleted within these files. Resource Hacker™ can create and compile resource script files (*.rc), and edit resource files (*.res) too.
Platform: | Size: 2936832 | Author: Elcio Hadlich | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net