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Description: 教你怎样配置黑客工具的一个视频教程-teach you how to configure a hacker tools Video Guide
Platform: | Size: 2318713 | Author: 汪平 | Hits:


Description: 有名的黑客工具\"nc\"的源程序,学网络编程的朋友可以借此好好学习一下-famous hacker tools "nc" the source, Network Programming friends can learn about this!
Platform: | Size: 209965 | Author: lk | Hits:


Description: 最新N多的黑客小工具集合(for windows),如果你有兴趣,一定不要错过,错过后悔!!!还有一些体积比较大的,以后陆续放送给大家!!:)-latest N number of hacker tools small pool (for windows), if you are interested, certainly not miss, miss regret! ! ! some relatively large size, gradually release sent after all! ! :)
Platform: | Size: 5565312 | Author: 刘文学 | Hits:


Description: 教你怎样配置黑客工具的一个视频教程-teach you how to configure a hacker tools Video Guide
Platform: | Size: 2318336 | Author: 汪平 | Hits:


Description: 有名的黑客工具"nc"的源程序,学网络编程的朋友可以借此好好学习一下-famous hacker tools "nc" the source, Network Programming friends can learn about this!
Platform: | Size: 209920 | Author: lk | Hits:


Description: 最新N多的黑客小工具集合(for windows),如果你有兴趣,一定不要错过,错过后悔!!!还有一些体积比较大的,以后陆续放送给大家!!:)-latest N number of hacker tools small pool (for windows), if you are interested, certainly not miss, miss regret! ! ! some relatively large size, gradually release sent after all! ! :)
Platform: | Size: 5565440 | Author: 刘文学 | Hits:


Description: Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes in software applications and operating systems. But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already taken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on your system. This innovative book will help you stay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to discover vulnerabilities in C-language-based software, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.-Every day, patches are created to cover up security holes i n software applications and operating systems . But by the time you download a patch, it could be too late. A hacker may have already ta ken advantage of the hole and wreaked havoc on yo ur system. This innovative book will help you st ay one step ahead. It gives you the tools to disco ver vulnerabilities in C-language-based soft ware, exploit the vulnerabilities you find, and prevent new security holes from occurring.
Platform: | Size: 2195456 | Author: 静水 | Hits:


Description: 使用的开发语言有CSharp,VB等,个人认为有较好的参考价值。 【.NET开发】使用Windows Forms生成简单的绘图工具 【.NET开发】为.NET应用程序实现一个类似Word的对象模型 【Office开发】.NET框架下Excel报表组件编程 【Web开发】了解和扩展ASP.NET 2.0中的站点导航系统 【工具与技巧】构建高性能的ASP.NET应用程序 【工具与技巧】使用WMI和MOM 2005检测和监视ASP.NET应用程序 【软件测试】底层UI测试自动化 【特别策划】使用Visual Studio 2005速成版建立低廉的开发环境 【特别策划】用高级安全特性将Hacker拒之门外-Used in the development of language has CSharp, VB, etc. personally think has a better reference value. [. NET development] using Windows Forms to generate a simple drawing tools [. NET development] for. NET applications to achieve a similar Word object model] [Office development. NET framework components Programming Excel statements] [Web development knowledge and extension of ASP.NET 2.0 in site navigation systems] [tools and techniques to build high-performance ASP.NET applications] [tools and techniques to use WMI and MOM 2005 to detect and monitor ASP.NET application software testing] [underlying UI test automation ] [Special planning to use Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions establish low-cost development environment] [special planning with advanced security features will be excluded Hacker
Platform: | Size: 1449984 | Author: softareren | Hits:

[Delphi VCLASPdelphi

Description: ASP木马生成器 黑客要的工具哈哈希望大家拿来用着玩不要破坏哦-ASP Trojan generator hacker tools to be used by everyone ha ha I hope not to break the game Oh
Platform: | Size: 205824 | Author: maon | Hits:

[Crack Hackdsao

Description: 黑客防线下载系统(http://www.hacker.com.cn/down) 感谢使用本软件,有任何疑问请访问黑客防线官方网站(http://www.hacker.com.cn)并提出。我们将尽快为您解决。 更多精品黑客工具请访问:www.hacker.com.cn/vip-Download hacker defense system (http://www.hacker.com.cn/down) thanks to the use of this software have any questions please visit the official website of hackers line (http://www.hacker.com.cn) and put forward. We will as soon as possible for you to solve. More boutique hacking tools please visit: www.hacker.com.cn/vip
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: zhonggou_i_1 | Hits:


Description: 黑客编程VC,介绍了一些基本的黑客手段的编程和技巧-Hacker programming VC, introduce some basic programming hacking tools and techniques
Platform: | Size: 805888 | Author: disence | Hits:

[OS programhacker

Description: HACKING SECRETS REVEALED How To protect Yourself Firewalls Antivirus Software Tips & Tricks Protecting Shared Resources Disabling File and Printer Sharing Oh No My system s Infected Chapter 4 Who are Hackers Anarchist Hackers Hackers Crackers 24 24 25 26 Chapter 8 Every Systems Greatest Flaw Chapter 9 How to Report Hackers 65 60 Chapter 5 Tools of the Trade Portscanners 27 28 Chapter 10 Final Words 74- HACKING SECRETS REVEALED How To protect Yourself Firewalls Antivirus Software Tips & Tricks Protecting Shared Resources Disabling File and Printer Sharing Oh No My system s Infected Chapter 4 Who are Hackers Anarchist Hackers Hackers Crackers 24 24 25 26 Chapter 8 Every Systems Greatest Flaw Chapter 9 How to Report Hackers 65 60 Chapter 5 Tools of the Trade Portscanners 27 28 Chapter 10 Final Words 74
Platform: | Size: 449536 | Author: benny | Hits:


Description: 教主的几个黑客工具和源代码-Founder of several hacker tools and source code
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: 曾书书 | Hits:


Description: sniffer的英文意思就是嗅探器、窃听器,sniffer静静的工作在网络的底层,把信息全部记录下来,sniffer是黑客必备的常用工具,压缩包中包含源码-means that the sniffer sniffer English, bugging devices, sniffer work quietly in the bottom of the network to all recorded information, sniffer is a common hacker tools necessary, compressed package that contains source
Platform: | Size: 88064 | Author: zhusl | Hits:


Description: 本书主要包括黑客入门、系统漏洞、病毒信息、工具介绍和基础知识,有助于了解网络安全知识的人员学习和查找。-This book includes hacker entry, system vulnerabilities, virus information, tools, presentations and basic knowledge to help understand the network security knowledge to learn and find.
Platform: | Size: 25144320 | Author: 吴方成 | Hits:


Description: 阅读对象:初,中级黑客技术爱好者。本书的木马篇,工具篇篇,实战篇,主要为小刀会原创文章,文章以“入门到精通,基础+技巧”适用各类别读者。-Read objects: early, intermediate hacker technology enthusiasts. Trojans book chapter, tools, Sylvia, actual papers, mainly knives will original articles, the article to " Introduction to the proficient, basic+ skills" apply to all categories of readers.
Platform: | Size: 537600 | Author: 杨军 | Hits:


Description: 一些黑客工具的源码,功能强大,呵呵,欢迎大家使用-Some hacker tools, source, powerful, huh, huh, welcome to use
Platform: | Size: 66560 | Author: 王新镇 | Hits:


Description: 真正可用的灰鸽子,亲自测试,无后门,缺点是只能适用与内网,速度性能很不错。-hacker, network security,tools
Platform: | Size: 5783552 | Author: Leo | Hits:

[Successful incentiveAnalyzing-0day-Hacker-Tools

Description: An analysis of common hacking tools
Platform: | Size: 966656 | Author: Waqar Ahmed | Hits:

[Software EngineeringResource-Hacker-Full-Version

Description: Resource Hacker Tools Full version
Platform: | Size: 340992 | Author: ucon | Hits:
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