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[Data structs递归解决Hanoi汉诺塔

Description: 解决Hanoi问题
Platform: | Size: 653 | Author: lingran | Hits:

[Data structsHANOI 塔问题求解

Description: HANOI 塔问题求解.cpp,HANOI 塔问题是数据结构中具有典型的代表性问题-HANOI tower question solution cpp, the HANOI tower question is in the construction of data has the model the representative question
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 杨涛 | Hits:


Description: hanoi 算法-Hanoi Algorithm
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王坚 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsHanoi非递归

Description: Hanoi非递归源码-Hanoi non- recursive FOSS
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 吴奇 | Hits:


Description: HANOI非递归算法(带动画演示)-HANOI non- recursive algorithm (with the animation demo)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 井中月 | Hits:


Description: 汉诺塔的实现很巧妙的方法代码超级无敌少仅有少许几行而已-The Tower of Hanoi is a clever way to realize the code is only a little less super invincible only a few lines
Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: 陈柏 | Hits:

[Data structshanoi

Description: 汉诺塔的动画实现,用的是递归的方法,可以自动演示,也可以作为游戏,让用户手动操作。-Tower of Hanoi animation realize, using a recursive method, can automatically demonstration, but also can serve as a game, allows users to manual operation.
Platform: | Size: 208896 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 汉诺塔(又称河内塔)问题是印度的一个古老的传说。后来,这个传说就演变为汉诺塔游戏: 1.有三根杆子A,B,C。A杆上有若干碟子 2.每次移动一块碟子,小的只能叠在大的上面 3.把所有碟子从A杆全部移到C杆上 此外,汉诺塔问题也是程序设计中的经典递归问题。-Tower of Hanoi (also known as the Hanoi tower) problem is an ancient Indian legend. Later, the legend evolved into the Tower of Hanoi game: 1. Has three pole A, B, C. A pole has a number of plate 2. Every time a piece of plate movement, only a small overlap in the above 3. All the dishes all from A to C on a post shot In addition, Tower of Hanoi problem is a classic programming delivery naturalization issues.
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 黄俊斌 | Hits:

[assembly languagehanoi

Description: 汇编语言实现汉诺塔移动问题,显示每次移动码盘的源轴和目标轴。是汇编程序asm语言中子过程调用方面的课题,为程序嵌套-Assembly Language realize mobile Tower of Hanoi problem, show that each mobile source encoder shaft axis and objectives. Asm assembler language is a process called neutron aspects, for the nested procedures
Platform: | Size: 128000 | Author: 侯伟 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gameshanoi

Description: 汉诺塔游戏 C++写的 很不错的 大家下载-Tower of Hanoi game C++ Written in a very good U.S. Download
Platform: | Size: 7649280 | Author: yang | Hits:


Description: 汉诺塔演示及手动游戏程序,可选择3-7层之间的汉诺塔进行演示和游戏,演示和游戏过程均配有音效-Tower of Hanoi game demo and manual procedures, to choose between 3-7 layers of Hanoi Tower presentations and games, demos and games are equipped with audio process
Platform: | Size: 820224 | Author: sherry | Hits:


Description: 算法实验,可以实现hanoi塔的实验,得到最优的解,所用时间是最短的-Experimental Algorithm can be achieved hanoi tower experiments, the optimal solution, the time is the shortest
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: xusong | Hits:


Description: 用java写的一个动画显示汉诺塔移动的程序,能够看到盘子移动的过程哦!-Using java to write a Tower of Hanoi animation shows the movement of procedure, be able to see the process of plate movement Oh!
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: dgxsdfsdf | Hits:

[Other Riddle gameshanoi.c

Description: This a solution to the tower of hanoi problem
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张琦 | Hits:

[OpenGL programHanoi

Description: 一个绘制非常有名的汉落塔Hanoi的程序 同样是基于opengl的平台 -A map is very well-known Hanoi Towers Han drop procedure is based on the same platform opengl
Platform: | Size: 837632 | Author: 郑小燕 | Hits:


Description: 一个汉诺塔程序 ,游戏虽然很小,但是可玩性很强-A Tower of Hanoi procedures, although the game is very small, but strong playability
Platform: | Size: 190464 | Author: 段昊旻 | Hits:


Description: 采用递归循环的方法求解汉诺塔问题,程序很简洁也很实用-Using recursive method for solving the cycle of Tower of Hanoi problem, the procedure is very simple and practical
Platform: | Size: 151552 | Author: santa | Hits:


Description: hanoi塔问题描述:有a,b,c三个塔座。开始时,在塔座上有一叠共n个圆盘,这些圆盘自下而上,由大到小地叠在一起。各圆盘从小到大编号为1,2,....,n。现在要求将塔座a上的这一叠圆盘移动到塔座b上,并仍按同样顺序叠置。在移动圆盘时应遵守以下移动规则: (1)每次只能移动一个圆盘 (2)任何时刻都不允许将较大的圆盘压在较小的圆盘之上 (3)在满足规则(1),(2)的前提下,可将圆盘a,b,c中任何一塔座上-tower of hanoi Description: have a, b, c three塔座. Initially, in塔座on a total of n has a pile of disks, these disks bottom-up, descending to stack together. The disc from small to large number 1,2 ,...., n. Now requested that塔座a disc on the stack to move to塔座b, and is still the same order, stacked. In the mobile disk mobile rules should comply with the following: (1) can only move one disc (2) any time does not permit a larger disc pressure in the smaller disk on top of (3) in meeting the rules (1), (2) under the premise of the disc may be a, b, c 1塔座on any
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 忠波 | Hits:


Description: 我编写的c++汉诺塔游戏程序 ( 字符显示 ) 面向对象的思想编写-I prepared c++ Tower of Hanoi game program (character display) the preparation of object-oriented thinking
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王呈鹏 | Hits:


Description: VC版的汉诺塔游戏演示程序 输入1~9的盘子数 自动演示移动方法-VC version of the Tower of Hanoi game demo program input 1 ~ 9 of the plate number of automatic methods of demonstration of mobile
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 王呈鹏 | Hits:
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