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取计算机硬件信息的算法、包括CPU、BIOS、HARDID、MAC-information from computer hardware algorithms, including CPU, BIOS, HARDID, MAC, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 开口

DL : 0
SD卡开发源程序,可根据用户实际硬件修改-SD Card source files, users can change the actual hardware
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 王嘉鑫

获得计算机硬件ID的一个简单示例程序,适合初学者学习,可以用来做软件注册时判断用户计算机的唯一标识。-Access to computer hardware ID of a simple sample application, suitable for beginners to learn to do the software can be used to register to determine a user
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46kb Publisher : 高鸣远

演示怎样取电话来电显示号码,拨出号码,摘挂机状态,震铃状态,以及怎么进行电话录音。同时硬件系统提供一定的软件加密措施,通过得到硬件的序列号可以有效的保护你的软件。相信加入来电后的系统可以使你的软件功能成倍增加。-Demonstration of how to get caller ID phone number, allocated numbers, pick onhook state, Chun-ling state, as well as how to conduct telephone recording. At the same time, the hardware system to provide a software encryption measures to get the hardware through the serial number can effectively protect your software. Believe that after the call to join the system can make your software doubled.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 277kb Publisher : yangzi

读取硬盘的序列号, 用来取硬件ID,软件注册-Read hard disk serial number, used to check the hardware ID, software register
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : Hou

DL : 0
社保卡信息读取 使用读卡器对社保卡信息读取,联通公司使用的代码,对硬件控制学习有所帮助吧-社保卡information read社保卡information on the use of readers read, Unicom code used for hardware control of learning will help you
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : cool

HardDeskInfo是用vc开发的一款获取硬件ID号的源程学,对做软件加密有很大的帮助-HardDeskInfo is vc developed a hardware ID number to obtain the source-way places, to do software encryption very helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 415kb Publisher : simba

可以查询电脑硬件信息,如CPU ID号 网卡信息,硬盘ID-Can learn about computer hardware information, such as CPU ID No. card information, the hard disk ID
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 188kb Publisher : qibaoju

获得当前连接到电脑的USB设备的详细信息 Device Description Hardware Id Compatible Ids Service Class ClassGuid Driver Manufacturer Enumerator-Access to the current connected to the computer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.81mb Publisher : 一飞

DL : 0
An article to demonstrate how to get system hardware information such as CPU ID, Hard Disk serial number and so on
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : taeyoung

Hardware ID which uses mac address and hard drive serial number
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : jarm

DL : 0
CSharp编写的检测硬件ID的程序,用于检测硬件和生成机器码,自我感觉比较实用,希望大家喜欢-CSharp prepared for hardware ID of the process used to detect the hardware and generate machine code, self feel more useful, I hope everyone likes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : wzf

一个根据硬件ID和程序ID生成注册码的动态链接库DLL,可以根据计算机CPU、硬盘、网卡、BIOS生成唯一识别码。该组件不是从注册表中获得,而是直接从硬件获取信息,不需要管理员权限。支持最新的WIN7系统。适应于软件开发,注册。保护自己的软件。 -In accordance with a hardware ID, and program ID generated registration code in the dynamic link library DLL, can the computer CPU, hard disk, network card, BIOS generates a unique identifier. This component is not obtained from the registry, but to obtain information directly from the hardware does not need administrator privileges. Support for the latest WIN7 system. Adapted to software development, registration. To protect their software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : zcj

读取硬件ID 包括CPU,网卡MAC,硬盘ID,不是从注册表读取的,是获得真正的ID,我参考了很多资料和例子,才写好的,方便绑定自已开发的程序,现贡献出来!-Read the hardware ID, including CPU, LAN MAC, the hard disk ID, not read from the registry, is to get the real ID, I refer to a lot of information and examples, only written to facilitate the development of binding their own procedures, are contributions out!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 366kb Publisher : 林远军

一个根据硬件ID和程序ID生成注册码的动态链接库DLL,可以根据计算机CPU、硬盘、网卡、BIOS生成唯一识别码。该组件不是从注册表中获得,而是直接从硬件获取信息,不需要管理员权限。支持最新的WIN7系统。适应于软件开发,注册。保护自己的软件。 使用方法:把Crack下的文件复制到安装程序目录下覆盖。在程序调用入口使用如下注册码:R5LR-S4TQ 示例:GetHardwareID(b_HDD, b_NIC, b_CPU, b_BIOS, "R5LR-S4TQ") -ID and procedures in accordance with a hardware ID generated registration key dynamic link library DLL, according to the computer CPU, hard disk, network card, BIOS generate a unique ID. This component is not obtained from the registry, but to obtain information directly from the hardware does not need administrator privileges. Support for the latest WIN7 system. Adapted to software development, registration. To protect their software. Usage: copy the Crack to the installation under the program directory under the coverage. Call use the following entry in the program License: R5LR-S4TQ Example: GetHardwareID (b_HDD, b_NIC, b_CPU, b_BIOS, " R5LR-S4TQ" )
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.12mb Publisher : naige

获取电脑硬件id的c#源代码,硬件信息获取的C#源代码-get computer hardware id ,infomation.......
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : ZeroWinNing

another way to get hardware id
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 136kb Publisher : andra

VC++获取网卡MAC、硬盘序列号、CPU ID、BIOS编号,用于开发的软件绑定电脑-VC++ access to the network card MAC, hard drive serial number, ID CPU, BIOS number, for the development of software to bind the computer
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : yanghao

易语言读硬件ID信息源码例程程序结合易语言第三方支持库COM对象操作支持库1.1版,调用API函数DiskID32获取系统硬件信息。 -Easy language to read the hardware ID information source routine procedures combined with easy language third party support library COM object operations support library version 1.1, call the API function DiskID32 access system hardware information.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : zhch2i

读取硬件id用于机器身份识别的小程序,基于vs2005平台开发。(A small program that reads the hardware ID for machine identification, based on the VS2005 platform.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : cvsqt
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