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ANts P2P realizes a third generation P2P net. It protects your privacy while you are connected and makes you not trackable, hiding your identity (ip) and crypting everything you are sending/receiving from others. Features Open Source Java implementation (GNU-GPL license) Multiple sources download Swarming from partial files Automatic resume and sources research over the net Search by hash, string and structured query Completely Object-Oriented routing protocol Point to Point secured comunication: DH(512)-AES(128) EndPoint to EndPoint secured comunication: DH(512)-AES(128) Serverless GWebCache-based peer dicovery procedure IRC based peer discovery system IRC embeded chat system Full text search of indexed documents (pdf, html, txt, doc etc) -> QUERY REFERENCE. Distributed/Decentralized Search engine HTTP tunneling ANts allow P2P communications through any kind of HTTP Proxy ANts allow P2P communications through any kind of NAT or traffic filtering system -ANts P2P realizes a third generation P2P ne t. It protects your privacy while you are connec ted and makes you not trackable, hiding your identity (ip) and crypting everyth ing you are sending / receiving from others. Fea tures Open Source Java implementation (GNU-GP L license) Multiple sources download Fog from Automatic resume partial files and source 's research over the net Search by hash. and structured query string Completely Object - Oriented routing protocol Point to Point secu red comunication : DH (512) - AES (128) EndPoint to secure EndPoint d comunication : DH (512) - AES (128) Serverless GWebCache-base d peer dicovery procedure IRC based peer discov ery system IRC chat system embeded Full text sea rch of indexed documents (pdf, html, txt, doc etc) -
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.38mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

PPP挑战握手认证协议(CHAP),PPP【1】提供了点到点链路传输多协议数据报的标准方法。 在PPP中也定义了一种可扩展的LCP,允许协商认证协议,从而可以在进行网络层 协议传输之前对对端进行认证。 本文定义了一种PPP认证方法,该方法利用随机“挑战”和依据“挑战”和密钥 计算出的加密哈希“应答”来完成认证。 -PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), PPP [1] provides a point-to-point link multi-protocol data transmission of standard methods. In PPP also defines a scalable LCP to allow consultations authentication protocol, thereby conducting transmission network layer protocol before the end-to-end authentication. This paper defines a PPP authentication methods, The method using random "challenge" and the basis for "challenge" and calculated key encryption Hash "responsive" to complete certification.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 15.06kb Publisher : wangwen

ANts P2P realizes a third generation P2P net. It protects your privacy while you are connected and makes you not trackable, hiding your identity (ip) and crypting everything you are sending/receiving from others. Features Open Source Java implementation (GNU-GPL license) Multiple sources download Swarming from partial files Automatic resume and sources research over the net Search by hash, string and structured query Completely Object-Oriented routing protocol Point to Point secured comunication: DH(512)-AES(128) EndPoint to EndPoint secured comunication: DH(512)-AES(128) Serverless GWebCache-based peer dicovery procedure IRC based peer discovery system IRC embeded chat system Full text search of indexed documents (pdf, html, txt, doc etc) -> QUERY REFERENCE. Distributed/Decentralized Search engine HTTP tunneling ANts allow P2P communications through any kind of HTTP Proxy ANts allow P2P communications through any kind of NAT or traffic filtering system -ANts P2P realizes a third generation P2P ne t. It protects your privacy while you are connec ted and makes you not trackable, hiding your identity (ip) and crypting everyth ing you are sending/receiving from others. Fea tures Open Source Java implementation (GNU-GP L license) Multiple sources download Fog from Automatic resume partial files and source 's research over the net Search by hash. and structured query string Completely Object- Oriented routing protocol Point to Point secu red comunication : DH (512)- AES (128) EndPoint to secure EndPoint d comunication : DH (512)- AES (128) Serverless GWebCache-base d peer dicovery procedure IRC based peer discov ery system IRC chat system embeded Full text sea rch of indexed documents (pdf, html, txt, doc etc)-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.38mb Publisher : 谭朋柳

PPP挑战握手认证协议(CHAP),PPP【1】提供了点到点链路传输多协议数据报的标准方法。 在PPP中也定义了一种可扩展的LCP,允许协商认证协议,从而可以在进行网络层 协议传输之前对对端进行认证。 本文定义了一种PPP认证方法,该方法利用随机“挑战”和依据“挑战”和密钥 计算出的加密哈希“应答”来完成认证。 -PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), PPP [1] provides a point-to-point link multi-protocol data transmission of standard methods. In PPP also defines a scalable LCP to allow consultations authentication protocol, thereby conducting transmission network layer protocol before the end-to-end authentication. This paper defines a PPP authentication methods, The method using random "challenge" and the basis for "challenge" and calculated key encryption Hash "responsive" to complete certification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : wangwen

介绍Hash算法,VC源代码,着是一个精点的酸法。-Hash algorithm introduced, VC source code, with a fine point acid.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : aa

DL : 0
数据结构课程设计,哈希表。设计文档都已经写好了,可以直接拿来用。-Curriculum design data structure, hash table. Design documents have been written, can be directly used to use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 377kb Publisher : 嘎嘎

1 auto_ptr再回忆 2 空引用 3 起源 4 谁的代码更易于移植? 5 通过任何其他名字 6 Virtually Yours 7 方形尖塔 8 访问限制 9 重定向 10 关于操纵器的对话 11 根源 12 Abstract Factory, Template Style 13 怎样持久化一个对象 14 The Bind That Ties 15 Back to Base-ics 16 Al-Go-Rithms 17 匈牙利命名 18 我为你准备一切 19 新的起点,第一部分 20 新的起点,第二部分 21 模板特化,缺省参数和其他一些有趣的事情 22 想睡觉,偶然 23 产生真正的hash对象 24 好的,坏的,不赞成的 25 Getting to the Point 26 A Midsummer Night’s Madness 27 Baseless Exceptions 28 Contracts, Promises, and Mere Semantics 29 可怜的bool 30 It s an Object-ful Lifetime 另 与大虾对话: 领悟设计模式 -Herb Sutter is chief technology officer of PeerDirect Inc. and secretary of the ISO/ANSI C++ standards committee.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 139kb Publisher : 何子文

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Linked lists are among the simplest and most common data structures, and are used to implement many important abstract data structures, such as stacks, queues, hash tables, symbolic expressions, skip lists, and many more. The principal benefit of a linked list over a conventional array is that the order of the linked items may be different from the order that the data items are stored in memory or on disk. For that reason, linked lists allow insertion and removal of nodes at any point in the list, with a constant number of operations. On the other hand, linked lists by themselves do not allow random access to the data, or any form of efficient indexing. Thus, many basic operations — such as obtaining the last node of the list, or finding a node that contains a given data, or locating the place where a new node should be inserted — may require scanning most of the list elements.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : neha

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本程序为散列功能测试小程序。存放元素为浮点型数据,可以为小数。数据不能为负数(输入负号会提示重输)。-This procedure for the hash function test applet. Floating-point type data storage element can be a decimal. Data can not be negative (input minus sign will be prompted to re-lose).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : moon walker

DL : 0
写这个的出发点是吧之前做的trie能写到文件而且能很容易mmap到内存, 可以用于输入法 搜索引擎分词 词表的功能, 共享前缀存储, 支持最大20亿节点. 简单一点可以当一个hash表使用, 查找的时间复杂度为 N* Log(256) N为字符长度, key可以为二进制的数据, value 必须为int类型, 不能为0, 因为mmtrie_get()/find() 没有结果的情况下为0, 如果需要set value为0的话自己+1, 出来的时候-1就好了.-Write the starting point is to do the trie before it can write files and can very easily mmap to memory, can be used to enter France search engine sub-word vocabulary, shared storage prefix supports up to two billion nodes. A simple thing can be when a Use hash table to find the time complexity is N* Log (256) N for the characters in length, key data for binary, value must be int type, can not be 0, because mmtrie_get ()/find () does not result in the situation is 0, if set value to 0 if its+1, out of time-1 enough.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 王涛

DL : 0
针对DTCP内容保护协议,本文通过分析协议使用的密码算法,提出安全散列函数SHA一1、SHA一256,AES高级加密算法,素数域椭圆曲线点乘算法的硬件实现方法,有效地满足了DTCP内容保护协议对设备验证、传输数据加密的需求。-Aimed at DTCP content protection agreement, the paper analyzes agreement using cryptographic algorithms, puts forward secure hash function SHA one 1, SHA a 256, AES encryption algorithm, prime fields senior elliptic curve point multiply algorithm, the hardware realization method effectively meet the DTCP content protection of equipment, validation, transmission protocol data encryption demand.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.27mb Publisher : 孙丽娟

DL : 0
二维坐标系上有一些炸弹,每个炸弹有x,y坐标和爆炸后波及的范围r,这个r指的是跟自己曼哈顿距离r以内的点 就类似于扫雷那样,一个炸弹爆炸可能引起一片一片的炸弹炸出去 然后有一些询问,问点燃某个炸弹后会有多少个炸弹爆炸 已经炸过的就不算了 -#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> using namespace std const int maxn = 110005 const int inf = 2000000005 struct NODE{ int y, dis NODE(){ } NODE(int _y, int _dis){ y = _y dis = _dis } bool operator <(const NODE &tmp)const{ if(y == tmp.y) return dis < tmp.dis return y < tmp.y } } struct POINT{ int x, y, dis POINT() { } POINT(int _x, int _y, int _dis){ x = _x y = _y dis = _dis } }df[maxn], myque[1111111] int n, m, hash[maxn], num vector<NODE>mygraph[maxn] void init(){ num = 0 for(int i = 0 i < maxn i++) mygraph[i].clear() } void readdata(){
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 夏超

哈希表,可能对于很多同行来说已经很熟悉.刚开始接触时有点陌生,后来用多了也就熟了.当然网上关于这一个知识点的介绍很多,不过这并不妨碍我个人对此作出自己的总结与理解. -Hash table, it may already be familiar with many peers. Just getting started with a little bit strange, later used also cooked. Course online about the introduction of a knowledge point, but this does not prevent that I personally make the summary and understanding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Jackiewu3

基于hash特性的负载均衡实现,对于网络访问可以做到单点失效-Characteristics of load balancing based on the hash can be done to a single point of failure for network access
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : HaiYang

棋牌游戏大厅简介:网络大厅+ 桥牌 8000行代码 1 基于C# TCP Socket异步通讯 多线程 开发 2 近60个自定义通信协议 使用了序列化技术 传输byte流 3 二级代理技术 开始打牌后,指定其中一人为ProxyServer,打开Socket, 承担与其他三人打牌逻辑的判断,打牌结束后由其负责通知主Server 实现了均衡负载,让Server负担大幅度减轻 4 在Server端 将连接方存入哈希表,这样Server想发信息给谁 都可以点对点发送 5 主裁和边裁的设定 分别在CLient和Server端验证 6 Flyweight模式画 手中的牌 7 Observer模式 负责窗体间的通讯 8 由于是在一台机器上开发, 所以用同一IP不同端口来模拟 不同IP的玩家,所以要略作修改才可以实现不同IP的玩家进入大厅 未完成 (时间来不及 要去找工作了) 1 出过的牌 显示: 数据已经准备好 就差表现出来 2 分数的显示:数据已经准备好 就差表现出来 3 界面的美化 由其是排版 4 用Strategy 实现 拱猪/桥牌/80分 的不同玩法 甚至是棋牌的不同玩法 5 强制退出游戏的处理 6 CardControl的闪烁问题-Chess game lobby Introduction: Network the hall+ Bridge 8000 lines of code C# TCP Socket asynchronous communication-based multi-threaded development 2 60 custom communication protocol the serialization technology transfer byte flow 3 two agents began to play cards, to appoint one of them ProxyServer, open the Socket Bear the judgment of the logic with the other three playing cards, playing cards after who will notify the main Server load balancing Server substantially relieve the burden Server side connected party memory into the hash table, so that Server would like to send a message to everyone can be point-to-point transmission 5 referee and linesman set verified in CLient and Server-side 6 Flyweight mode painting hand is 7 Observer mode is responsible for communication between the form 8 is to develop a machine to simulate different IP different port with the same IP players, so the slightly modified before they can achieve different IP players entered the hall Unfini
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.25mb Publisher : 油儿饭

Int Point Hash for linux QT API Driver.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : kuikingfou

如需要判断一个元素是不是在一个集合中,我们通常做法是把所有元素保存下来,然后通过比较知道它是不是在集合内,链表、树都是基于这种思路,当集合内元素个数的变大,我们需要的空间和时间都线性变大,检索速度也越来越慢。 Bloom filter 采用的是哈希函数的方法,将一个元素映射到一个 m 长度的阵列上的一个点,当这个点是 1 时,那么这个元素在集合内,反之则不在集合内。这个方法的缺点就是当检测的元素很多的时候可能有冲突,解决方法就是使用 k 个哈希 函数对应 k 个点,如果所有点都是 1 的话,那么元素在集合内,如果有 0 的话,元素则不在集合内。- Such as the need to determine an element is not in a collection, we usually practice is to save all the elements, and then by comparing it is not in the collection, linked list, the tree is based on this idea, when the number of elements within the collection Larger, we need the space and time are linearly larger, more and more slow retri speed. Bloom filter uses a hash function to map an element to a point on an array of length m. When the point is 1, then the element is within the set, and vice versa. The disadvantage of this method is that when the detection of many elements may have a conflict, the solution is to use k hash function corresponding to k points, if all points are 1, then the element in the set, if 0, then the element Is not in the collection.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 李晓阳

分析对比顺序查找和折半查找法的特点,并分析算法时间复杂度;以及哈希表的构造与查找,利用开放 地址法函数处理机制;(Two point lookup method and hash function processing mechanism)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 124kb Publisher : SUSHAN666
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