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[Delphi VCLatviewer

Description: ATViewer is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view - so it s useful to implement \"View file\" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application. The following view modes are implemented: Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, of unlimited size. Plain file dump is shown. Used ATBinHex component: only visible part of file is loaded into memory. Modes are suitable for huge files and files of unknown type. RTF/UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts. File is shown using RichEdit control. Image: all general image formats: BMP JPG ICO GIF PNG... File is shown using ATImageBox component. Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPEG WMV MP3... File is shown using WMP ActiveX control. Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS... File is shown using MSIE ActiveX control. Plugins: all files supported by Total Commander Lister plugins.
Platform: | Size: 548475 | Author: lijie | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackNetCat_NC_src

Description: 大名鼎鼎的网络瑞士军刀NC的源代码!功能简介如下: Basic Features * Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from any ports * Full DNS forward/reverse checking, with appropriate warnings * Ability to use any local source port * Ability to use any locally-configured network source address * Built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer * Can read command line arguments from standard inputb * Slow-send mode, one line every N seconds * Hex dump of transmitted and received data * Ability to let another program service established connections * Telnet-options responder
Platform: | Size: 189756 | Author: 吴应 | Hits:


Description: C32asm 是一款非常不错的国产静态反编译工具,本款解决了与卡巴斯基(kab)兼容的问题,值得收藏. C32Asm现具有如下功能: 快速静态反编译PE格式文件(Exe、Dll等) 提供Hex文件编辑功能,功能强大 提供内存Dump、内存编辑、PE文件Dump、PE内存ImageSize修正等多种实用功能 提供内存反汇编功能,提供汇编语句直接修改功能,免去OPCode的直接操作的繁琐 提供反编译语句彩色语法功能,方便阅读分析,能方便自定义语法色彩 提供输入表、输出表、参考字符、跳转、调用、PE文件分析结果等显示 提供方便的跳转、调用目标地址的代码显示 提供汇编语句逐字节分析功能,有助于分析花指令等干扰代码
Platform: | Size: 1119752 | Author: caicai11 | Hits:

[assembly languageHEX_DUMP

Description: 十六进制dump程序, 一个简单的十六进制编辑器-hexadecimal dump procedures, a simple hexadecimal editor
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: wj | Hits:

[Delphi VCLatviewer

Description: ATViewer is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view - so it s useful to implement "View file" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application. The following view modes are implemented: Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, of unlimited size. Plain file dump is shown. Used ATBinHex component: only visible part of file is loaded into memory. Modes are suitable for huge files and files of unknown type. RTF/UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts. File is shown using RichEdit control. Image: all general image formats: BMP JPG ICO GIF PNG... File is shown using ATImageBox component. Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPEG WMV MP3... File is shown using WMP ActiveX control. Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS... File is shown using MSIE ActiveX control. Plugins: all files supported by Total Commander Lister plugins. -ATViewer is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view- so it s useful to implement "View file" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application. The following view modes are implemented: Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, of unlimited size. Plain file dump is shown. Used ATBinHex component: only visible part of file is loaded into memory. Modes are suitable for huge files and files of unknown type. RTF/UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts. File is shown using RichEdit control. Image: all general image formats: BMP JPG ICO GIF PNG... File is shown using ATImageBox component. Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPEG WMV MP3... File is shown using WMP ActiveX control. Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS... File is shown using MSIE ActiveX control. Plugins: all files supported by Total Commander Lister plugins.
Platform: | Size: 548864 | Author: lijie | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackNetCat_NC_src

Description: 大名鼎鼎的网络瑞士军刀NC的源代码!功能简介如下: Basic Features * Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from any ports * Full DNS forward/reverse checking, with appropriate warnings * Ability to use any local source port * Ability to use any locally-configured network source address * Built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer * Can read command line arguments from standard inputb * Slow-send mode, one line every N seconds * Hex dump of transmitted and received data * Ability to let another program service established connections * Telnet-options responder-The famous Swiss Army Knife of network NC
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 吴应 | Hits:

[File Operatereadtext

Description: The program attempts to read a text file line-by-line and print out exactly what it read for each line. The output is in the form of a modified "hex dump" that may be compared directly to the actual contents of the input files. All characters read are retained in the output, including any line terminators and other special characters. The program doesn t "do" anything with the data in the text files it merely displays what it read. - The program attempts to read a text file line-by-line and print out exactly what it read for each line. The output is in the form of a modified "hex dump" that may be compared directly to the actual contents of the input files. All characters read are retained in the output, including any line terminators and other special characters. The program doesn t "do" anything with the data in the text files it merely displays what it read.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: leespoon | Hits:


Description: SmartSniff allows you to capture TCP/IP packets that pass through your network adapter, and view the captured data as sequence of conversations between clients and servers. You can view the TCP/IP conversations in Ascii mode (for text-based protocols, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and FTP.) or as hex dump. (for non-text base protocols, like DNS)
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: wenwen | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturesocketsniff

Description: SocketSniff allows you to watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process. For each created socket, the following information is displayed: socket handle, socket type, local and remote addresses, local and remote ports, total number of send/receive bytes, and more. You can also watch the content of each send or receive call, in Ascii mode or as Hex Dump.-SocketSniff allows you to watch the Windows Sockets (WinSock) activity of the selected process. For each created socket, the following information is displayed: socket handle, socket type, local and remote addresses, local and remote ports, total number of send/receive bytes, and more. You can also watch the content of each send or receive call, in Ascii mode or as Hex Dump.
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: coskun | Hits:


Description: 反汇编利器:W32asm无极版 C32asm 是一款非常不错的国产静态反编译工具! C32Asm现具有如下功能: 快速静态反编译PE格式文件(Exe、Dll等) 提供Hex文件编辑功能,功能强大 提供内存Dump、内存编辑、PE文件Dump、PE内存ImageSize修正等多种实用功能 提供内存反汇编功能,提供汇编语句直接修改功能,免去OPCode的直接操作的繁琐 提供反编译语句彩色语法功能,方便阅读分析,能方便自定义语法色彩 提供输入表、输出表、参考字符、跳转、调用、PE文件分析结果等显示 提供方便的跳转、调用目标地址的代码显示 提供汇编语句逐字节分析功能,有助于分析花指令等干扰代码 -Disassembly tool for _W32asm Promise Edition
Platform: | Size: 313344 | Author: 未来 | Hits:


Description: 产生一个文件的十六进制倾印码(dump)。它应该从命令行接受单个参数,也就是需要进行倾印的文件名。如果命令行未给出参数,程序就打印标准输入的字符串的倾印码。-Produce a hex dump file code (dump). It should accept the individual arguments from the command line, that is, the need for dump file names. If the command line parameter is not given, the program will print the standard input of string dump code.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈介平 | Hits:


Description: Create a Hex Dump file in C#
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: ed | Hits:


Description: arp Smit is a simple ARP hijacking tool for switched/unswitched networks. It wor ks even better on switched networks, because the spoofed sides do not see th e duplicated packets. I based the tool on sources from arpmitm and arprelay and included nice features like automatic ARP MAC query and some improved MA C cache consistence algorithm. Now you can save the whole relayed traffic to a file (buffered, for heavy traffic and direct write mode included) and ana lyse it with some hex editor. The format of the capture file defaults now to pkt which means the captured packets will be prefixed with packet id (num ber, going from 0) and the captured packet length. The file can be decoded w ith the pktview utility which I m still working on. Undef TCPDATA in pktvi ew.c if you don t want the lame tcp-data extracting code (it will only ASCII -dump the data field from tcp-packets with ack & psh set, I don#t have time to implement a TCP state machine :-) -Smit is a simple ARP hijacking tool for switched/unswitched networks. It wor ks even better on switched networks, because the spoofed sides do not see th e duplicated packets. I based the tool on sources from arpmitm and arprelay and included nice features like automatic ARP MAC query and some improved MA C cache consistence algorithm. Now you can save the whole relayed traffic to a file (buffered, for heavy traffic and direct write mode included) and ana lyse it with some hex editor. The format of the capture file defaults now to pkt which means the captured packets will be prefixed with packet id (num ber, going from 0) and the captured packet length. The file can be decoded w ith the pktview utility which I m still working on. Undef TCPDATA in pktvi ew.c if you don t want the lame tcp-data extracting code (it will only ASCII -dump the data field from tcp-packets with ack & psh set, I don#t have time to implement a TCP state machine :-)
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: fire | Hits:


Description: 在HP-UX/Linux实现SCO UNIX中的hd命令功能-Hex Dump
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 2002 | Hits:


Description: 十六进制编辑器,用visual basic编的-Hex editor, visual basic series
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李快 | Hits:

[Other DatabasesAudiFULL

Description: immo off audi full hex dump se99lo@yahoo.it
Platform: | Size: 11526144 | Author: seb | Hits:


Description: QWS Hex Dump for Embedded Linux.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: heihenweng | Hits:


Description: Hex dump you can see any binary program executable working right
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: Milton | Hits:

[Software EngineeringDekoderWsaduBQ208xCompal

Description: bq2084 dekoder hex dump
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: Robert | Hits:

[Technology ManagementExtracting-the-Deleted-SMS

Description: 本文介绍了对Android 手机物理内存镜像进行关键字搜索获取删除短信数据的案件检验实例。本案中嫌 疑人已对涉案手机进行了数据删除操作,现有手机取证工具只能获取部分删除短信数据。但通过获取该手机物 理存储镜像,并结合案情选定关键词对镜像进行关键字搜索,最终提取到了与案件相关的删除短信数据,为 Android 手机检验中删除短信检验提供了一种新的方法。-This paper introduces a digital forensic examination on storage dump an Android smart phone to access the deleted SMS data. The SMS data had been deleted by the suspect the Android smart phone. Part of the deleted SMS data could be recovered using DC-4500 mobile phone forensic system and Oxygen Forensic Suite 2014, but proved to be irrelevant to the case. Commonly, the above software can only analyze the SMS file, thus the deleted data would no longer exist in the SMS if the sqlite had already recycled the storage space. Therefore, a new inspection method was deployed to access the deleted SMS data. At first, the Android phone was rooted and its hex-dump got with DC- 4500 mobile phone forensic system, and then some keywords were selected and searched through the hex-dump by X-Way Forensics. Subjected to further analysis, the evidentially deleted SMS data fragment that the suspects tried to destroy after committing their crime, was finally found in the free space of hex-dum
Platform: | Size: 1863680 | Author: 小哥啊 | Hits:
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