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[Game EngineHGE

Description: HGE game engine
Platform: | Size: 3885908 | Author: mitosis@163.com | Hits:

[Game Programhge

Description: 2D游戏引擎hge的代码-2D game engine code HGE
Platform: | Size: 1466368 | Author: 是啊 | Hits:

[Game Enginehge-1.53-src

Description: 功能强大的2D游戏引擎。具有多种缩放、透明叠加效果及多种预定义粒子系统。-powerful 2D game engine. With a variety of scalable, transparent superposition effects and a variety of predefined particle system.
Platform: | Size: 830464 | Author: muf | Hits:

[Game Enginehge

Description: 很好的引擎!HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercial quality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D game genres: you could create everything from a simple puzzle to advanced multilayered platformer or strategy without even thinking of any non game logic code! And you don t have to know anything about "window messages", DirectX programming and all that stuff. Instead you can start developing your own game within 15 minutes! HGE runs on Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP and requires DirectX 8.0. It will run even on low-end video cards, including built in video cards such as Intel Solano (i815 chipset). HGE can be used with virtually any C++ compiler including Visual C++, Borland C++, MinGW and Metrowerks Codewarrior. -Good engine! HGE is an easy to use yet powerful hardware accelerated 2D game engine.It is a full featured middleware for all who want to develop commercialquality 2D games rapidly and easily. It covers all imaginable 2D gamegenres: you could create everything from a simple puzzle to advancedmultilayered platformer or strategy without even thinking of any nongame logic code! And you don t have to know anything about windowmessages , DirectX programming and all that stuff. Instead you canstart developing your own game within 15 minutes! HGE runs on Microsoft Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP and requiresDirectX 8.0. It will run even on low-end video cards, includingbuilt in video cards such as Intel Solano (i815 chipset). HGE canbe used with virtually any C++ compiler including Visual C++, Borland C++, MinGW and Metrowerks Codewarrior.
Platform: | Size: 3453952 | Author: 吕日飞 | Hits:

[Game Enginehge-2DgameEngine

Description: 2d游戏引擎.很多公司都在用这个开源引擎做2D游戏!-2d game engine. Many companies are using this open-source 2D game engine to do!
Platform: | Size: 22160384 | Author: 王安明 | Hits:

[Game Enginedrawer

Description: Hge结合box2d的游戏框架 Hge是2d游戏引擎 box2d是2d物理引擎-Hge combination box2d framework Hge game is 2d game engine 2d physics engine is box2d
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: zhangbin | Hits:

[Game Enginehge

Description: HGE的1.81版本 十分好用的2D游戏引擎-HGE is very easy to use the 1.81 version of the 2D game engine
Platform: | Size: 3886080 | Author: dafdsa | Hits:

[Game EngineHGE-Editbox

Description: HGE是一个高效的2D游戏引擎,它是完全开源的(基于VC++),授权是慷慨的ZLib License, 任何人可以几乎不受限制的使用它,或基於技术核心开发引擎。 HGE简单的说,就是以3D加速实现2D图像的做法,它的作品可以在很低配置的电脑就能高效运作, 目前,国外人士评价HGE为最好的非商业2D游戏引擎。官方首页:http://hge.relishgames.com/ 国内游戏爱好者研究专区http://www.hgechina.com. HGE自身是不支持中文的,也没有editbox可编辑框,这是我写的小程序,支持中文输入与输出,可进行复制,粘贴等操作。-HGE is an efficient 2D game engine, it is completely open source (based on VC++), Authorization is generous ZLib License, any person can be almost unlimited use of it, or the core of the development of technology-based engine. HGE Simply put, is to accelerate the realization of 2D images 3D approach, which works in a very low configuration computer can be highly efficient operation, at present, foreign persons HGE evaluation for the best non-commercial 2D game engine. Official Home: http://hge.relishgames.com/ domestic game enthusiasts research area http://www.hgechina.com. HGE itself does not support the Chinese, nor editbox can edit box, it is I wrote a small procedures, support for Chinese input and output, can copy, paste and other operations.
Platform: | Size: 380928 | Author: 吴志强 | Hits:

[Game EngineHGE-Font_CN

Description: HGE是一个高效的2D游戏引擎,它是完全开源的(基于VC++),授权是慷慨的ZLib License, 任何人可以几乎不受限制的使用它,或基於技术核心开发引擎。 HGE简单的说,就是以3D加速实现2D图像的做法,它的作品可以在很低配置的电脑就能高效运作, 目前,国外人士评价HGE为最好的非商业2D游戏引擎。官方首页:http://hge.relishgames.com/ 国内游戏爱好者研究专区http://www.hgechina.com. HGE下使用中文的方案-HGE is an efficient 2D game engine, it is completely open source (based on VC++), Authorization is generous ZLib License, any person can be almost unlimited use of it, or the core of the development of technology-based engine. HGE Simply put, is to accelerate the realization of 2D images 3D approach, which works in a very low configuration computer can be highly efficient operation, at present, foreign persons HGE evaluation for the best non-commercial 2D game engine. Official Home: http://hge.relishgames.com/ domestic game enthusiasts research area http://www.hgechina.com. HGE use Chinese program
Platform: | Size: 974848 | Author: 吴志强 | Hits:


Description: 基于HGE引擎制作的一款飞机射击游戏。。很好玩的哟-HGE-based aircraft engine produced by a shooting game. . Very fun yo
Platform: | Size: 9878528 | Author: liwei | Hits:

[Game EngineHGE

Description: HGE游戏引擎的开发教程文档,HGE是一个很不错的2D游戏引擎,现在并且开源了,很不错的学习资料-HGE Game Engine Development Guide document, HGE is a very good 2D game engine, and now open source, and a very good learning materials
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: 任伟 | Hits:

[Graph programhge_wim

Description: 用HGE引擎模仿《传奇》做的一个DEMO,用的是《传奇》里的资源,对于刚使用HGE开发2D游戏的朋友们很有参考价值。游戏里支持装备和物品的使用、拾起、丢弃等操作,按F1和F2可以分别切换碰撞检测和碰撞体显示。里面使用了超大地图拼接、多图层、A*算法、HGE汉字处理等技术。-HGE engine used to imitate The Legend to do a DEMO, use the word legend in the resources, for just the use of HGE develop 2D games are worthy friends. Game to support the use of equipment and items, picked up, thrown away, such as operation, according to F1 and F2 can switch collision detection and collision body show. Which used the super-map stitching, multi-layer, A* algorithm, HGE processing technologies such as Chinese characters.
Platform: | Size: 43143168 | Author: xiao | Hits:

[Game ProgramMario

Description: 超级玛丽,简易型,c++,hge游戏引擎-Super Mary, Simple, c++, Hge game engine
Platform: | Size: 11793408 | Author: Vivi Wang | Hits:

[OpenGL programHGECN

Description: HGE中文帮助文档 .chm 格式的 方便游戏开发人员使用HGE开发游戏-HGE Chinese help files. Chm format to facilitate the use of HGE Game Developers Game Development
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: weir75034 | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesbrown_cloud_packaged

Description: 褐云游戏,基于HGE开发的游戏,控制“风之王”鼠标+键盘或XBOX360控制器,吸吮了五颜六色的云彩由不同级别的气氛(您必须变焦之间) ,吐痰他们在最高级别,然后吹起来成一个大型的褐云,这将消失,而国王snoozes 。 Features an online leaderboard and smooth, fancy graphics.配备了领先的在线和顺利,我尝试过的图形。 -Brown Cloud Game, based on the HGE Game development, control, " the king of the wind" mouse+ keyboard or XBOX360 controller, sucking the colorful clouds from different levels of the atmosphere (you must zoom), the spitting them at the highest level, then blown up into a large brown cloud, which will disappear, while the King snoozes. Features an online leaderboard and smooth, fancy graphics. Equipped with leading online and successfully, I tried the graphics.
Platform: | Size: 8628224 | Author: May_Chen | Hits:


Description: HGE写的连连看小游戏,实现一些基本的处理功能-HGE game Lianliankan written to achieve some of the basic processing functions
Platform: | Size: 1770496 | Author: 章小明 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopA_game_code_using_HGE_engine

Description: 一个游戏界面代码,仿照《魔兽》;使用了HGE游戏引擎;对学习使用HGE引擎有很大帮助。-A game interface code, along the lines of Warcraft use the HGE Game Engine on learning to use the HGE engine of much help.
Platform: | Size: 2423808 | Author: jingyu | Hits:

[Windows Developtank

Description: 本作品用HGE游戏引擎完成的坦克大战游戏, 具备游戏的基本功能-This work which is Battle City game done with the HGE Game Engine, with the basic functions of the game! ! !
Platform: | Size: 9908224 | Author: lincheng | Hits:

[Game EngineHGE-CN

Description: hge 游戏引擎中文详细手册,CHM版。-hge game engine in Chinese a detailed manual, CHM version.
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: 无量海 | Hits:

[Game EngineHGE

Description: HGE游戏引擎的中文帮助文档,比较详细的HGE的各种函数和使用方法-HGE Game Engine of Chinese help documentation, HGE in more detail the various functions and use
Platform: | Size: 4855808 | Author: 魏梦舒 | Hits:
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